Beautiful Morning

Image result for Flowers with Bench pictures

Father please don't Distract
Niklas from His Studies

Don't Give Him Smoke and
Drink Leave Him alone

He will Have Everything
when Time will come

It is very Rude to call 
Someone Baby

Think Like That if
Someone call You Baby
How You Feel

Don't Yell to Hannah and Niklas
Let Them also be Happy

It is Tuesday I am off Not Working Today
No activities for Me in My Club
I am done with My Morning Rituals 

It is 11 am Beautiful Morning 24 Degrees
with Breeze so Not Hot perfect for
My Walk Schools are closed for
Summer Vacation

My Eldest Grandson gone with My Son for
His Registration in Western University 2 Hours
away from Toronto in London Ontario

My other Grandson Master Golden is sleeping
The Youngest is Playing on TV online Games 
Since Morning 

I asked Him to come with Me He was more than
Happy as He knows he will be getting
Treats of His Choice His favorite Slurpee and Fries

Father My Dear Yelling never pays there is always
Give and Take in Every Relationship
We have to Give First to get something Back

He is Riding His Bike while I am enjoying
My Walk We are at Tim Horton now
Coffee House is Full with Mix Crowd

Faces of My Age some Families with Kids
Teens with Smile on Faces Happy with
Their Friends

I started Thinking about the Students from
High School who started visiting the
Smile Garden I am so Happy and Proud of Them
For Taking Their First Step to Positive Direction

You People are Kind enough to Give Credit to
My Blogs  -- It is Not Me -- It is all because of You 

Dean who provides Means to Flourish Happiness around
--- Teachers who are Co- operating to make it a success
and because of Literature Fellow

Who was in Cafe months back and overheard
My Blog and started spreading Messages of
Happiness from My Blogs

I Salute My Dear Retiree Friends You are never
Tired of Spreading Messages of Happiness to
Schools and to Hospitals

All of You My Friends are Like Candles and
Lighting Candles to Brighten Our World 

I Salute All of You -- The Smile Army  -- Smile 
Feed Volunteers All of You Creating an
Atmosphere of Happiness in Smile Corner 
and in Smile Garden

You are Taking Care of All God Creatures
Big and Small You are Special in His Eyes
Your Rank is much Higher

I Believe Anybody enters there starts Feeling
Relaxed and changed in Happy Mode 

The Moment He enters There Transformation
Process starts in His Mood in His Personality

The Whole Outlook of World now Starts changing
From " Full of Worries " from " Full of Problems "
to a " Beautiful World " to enjoy and to let
Others enjoy

If You can just put a Sign of Smile Garden
I don't mean for My Sake but

It is My Strong Belief anything we do in Writing
is Like a Print will be Faxed to Our Brain
Brain Controls Our Mind and Body

Gives Messages and Signals to Act Our Body
Our Emotions in That Direction

I start My Blog writing It is a Beautiful Morning
Every Day to Make My Day and to give
Positive Messages to You to My Readers Family to
Make Your Day My Friends


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. I also posted the sign as per your instructions.

  2. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was a hoot. We decided to go on the nature route. As usual, we talked about today's blog


    2. SWN was fun too. The participants were from all lobbies. There were some folks who joined new today, they could not believe how much fun these walks are


    3. We had another house full, standing room workshop on Smile's blog. I have been asked to do one more .


  3. Thank you for being my lifeline


  4. My Smile is awesome! She has an awesome grandson! She is an awesome therapist! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  5. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA


    1. I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster


  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write so good to. I go say hello to fat job worker. She say I busy I no time to listen blog. I say I no want talk blog I come to ask you about recipe that I give you this week. She say which recipe. I say remember I give you recipe this eek, I want know if you try. She say yes it very good, you cook very good. I say that was no my recipe it was my Madam . She say but you Madam only write blog. I say no she write recipe to. My Madam like very big shot. Fat job worker say that great because the recipe very good. It nice that you give me recipe. Why you no give to other. I say because I want to get you idea because you fat and eat lot. So if you say it good, then it must be very good. She say that she no fat and rude and go away. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for for long walk today. Our walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the ones that you have. After that we had our lollipop

    The retirees could not believe your blog today. The retired CEO asked all the subcommittee leads to re-read the blog. At the end they most had tears in their eyes. They all said that you are the one making all the contributions, you are the one giving ideas, you are the ones who is the engine fueling the drive, yet you are choosing to give us credit. The Smile with Smile program chair shared the news with us that a 3rd school district is ready to come on board. Though the attendees are willing to pay for attending these presentations, we are planning on keeping them free

    The retired mental health expert commented that in his experience, it is usually the most stable people who share the credit. He pointed out that just like your PM Trudeau who is always thanking everyone and giving respect to others, yet gaining a lot of respect himself, you have made a lot of friends everywhere

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    The students and the professors read your blog at the Smile Garden today. During the reading there were a lot of slogans for your well being. I dont know how I can describe the scene. It was like a political rally! Your blog actually fired everyone up. Everyone was so excited and so eager to thank you that we didnt know what to do. Students were bringing posters with your sayings, even some of the professors got in the act. The Smile Army made big signs just like you said. Though you asked for one sign, they made several. At the end, Dean had to jump in and he asked us to go the SRC. It was a very unique atmosphere. We didnt have the students from the local school today because they are not allowed to come every day due to space constraints. Instead the Mechanical Engineering faculty joined us today. Like others before them, they had very promising comments about your blog

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. Father say you yell father lot today. Father say he yes mind. Father say he need yell all because they no listen. Father say he try you idea and decide that he will no yell for 2 day. Father say if he get more respect without yell then that good deal. Father say it no work today beucase Kris (me) no come from office today and Hannah no make you recipe and Niklas no go walk with father like you Niklas. Father say nabor no pay DM 5 for watch bird in father back garden. Father say nabor joke with father that father need pay to watch tele in nabor house. Father say he say nabor that father no like joke about money. Father say he try no yell for 1 day more may be it work tomorrow. Father say he say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say that father no yell her today but say nice that he want kane sugar juice. She say there no kane sugar here and there no time to go far to get kane sugar. She say she try give fresh carot so rabit come and make father hapy but rabit no come. She say she will try new recipe tomorrow. Niklas say you Niklas luck. Grandpapa no take Niklas anywhere only say bad. Niklas say grandpapa no call him baby but keep ask Niklas why Niklas no clear room beause it smell. Niklas say he friend make joke that Niklas smell to. Me no able come from office beucase very work. Father call all time in meeting but he no understand that me busy. Hannah ok. Niklas sad. Father no happy. Me confuse. Me no what do)

    Kris (Germany

  10. Another fresh new blog today

    cool Kyle

    1. Just enjoy Kyle. Smile knows how to write fresh and new every day


  11. Holy Moly, I am going Loony. This is killing me. Same thing. Give me a break. I know, I know

    Nice job mrizvi. You have made my day - again!

  12. CCCcaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. Just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. You need to remember what Smile has asked us to do

    Brilliant comment mrizvi. Wonder what we will do without your comment kiddo

  13. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing grand mother. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!!

  14. I am a school teacher in Russia and use the blog to teach English. The class loves your blog and the class size is increasing since we started using the blog as instruction medium. Even though English is not a commonly spoken language here, your folksy style is very popular here

    Thank you

  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Orlov Boris Batman Plunker N Kyle Newbie mrizvi Superwoman Literature
    Fellow Retiree Group Karen Linda Dave Keith Kim Jimmy Brenda Cleo Tiara Craig Marg Jasmeet Kris Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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