Memory Box

This is weekend Beautiful Morning
Rain stopped for a while after 70 mm
it will be back not going anywhere till
I had My Breakfast of oatmeal cereal
stir fry egg with half a cup of Tea
I cook My oatmeal in small pot that
is enough for about a week
Put it in the Fridge take every Morning
two table spoon from that and microwave
for 1 minute with milk and one table
spoon of sugar it tastes as Fresh
I Love cooking but not for Myself
it is 10.30 I am going with My Son
to Petticoat Creek to watch the
Water Level
Body of Lake was full after so much
Rain not many people there just few
water was everywhere Benches were
half under water
The whole Parking Lot was under water
it was amazing to watch from the overhead
bridge also I walked down to have
a feel from different Spots
Morning Dew scattered like Pearls on the Grass
Water giving so many Shades from Deep Blue
to Black layers after Layers of Green and
the Last one was Muddy
Birds were excited and running from tree
to tree Red Cardinal was right there beside Me
Each and everything was worth to watch and
to lock in Your Memory Box
Yesterday I went to Frenchman's Bay
the other Spot of Lake to watch the
water level
It was raining at that time so I had My Hooded
Dull Olive Green and Grey Check Coat
which I got from Grimsby while visiting
My Daughter in England
It was from an Antique Shop for 3 Pounds
I don't go for cost as far as it is comfortable
fine with Me this is very important
as reminds Me of My Daughter
Today on the way back from Petticoat Creek
I asked My Son to drop Me at Tim Horton
My favorite Coffee House to jot down
My Stray Thoughts
I will write My Blog and enjoy
My walk to Home after
I Love My Time alone
I will be Home around 1 pm then give
Lunch to My Son and My Youngest
I Love to do Things for My Family
to get Happiness and to
Brighten My Days
Thank You God for keeping Me mobile
at 7 pm I have to go to My Friends Gathering
with My Daughter in Law for Dinner
I am lucky to live in Day Tight Compartment
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D. Still working on getting the blogs posted from the weekend.
Can you please post them before the Smile Walks? We read them before going for the walk
I have now posted all blogs in all noticeboards in lobbies A, B, C and D. Sorry for the delay, I was delayed as there was a problem with the printer. I have to make many copies of the blog and it was out of paper
SWS was fun. There are some managers who also join these walks. People were saying TGIM (Thank God Its Monday)
DeleteSWN was fun too. We talked about Smile's blog about parenting. It created a big buzz.
The forum on Smile's blogs are continuing to be very popular. Almost the entire corporate office wants to attend these sessions. I have been asked to start another series
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome author! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
This blog is my lifeline. Thank you for writing it every day
I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA
I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster
And I posted the one from the weekend
Dear Madam Smile, I so prey for you. I no understand why you son take you to lake when there flood. It very danger. It no good idea. I so happy that you safe. You write very good like you say red bird jump one branch another. I go fat job worker. I say how you. She say she busy. I say you go out every day but do you ever see red bird. She say no because they no in area. I say but my Madam see it. She say that good but she need go do work. I say why you no try think right so you lose weight. She say that not good to say and she no want talk me about it. I want say her more but she left. I think she head hurt to. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees did not go for our long walk today. We are still very tired from the walk from two days ago. Some of the retirees are still suffering from cramps also. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog.
The retirees were very surprised that you went to the lake and after that chose to go for a walk and after that had an evening engagement. None of the retirees can do all these 3 things in a single day. We also were surprised that in between these activities, you were engaged in other household tasks on a volunteer basis. This is something very difficult for us to understand. We wanted to see if you take some mineral or nutritional supplements?
Also the health and nutrition committee wanted to thank you for the consistent guidance that you provide. They have started to work on establishing a recipe book based on the information that you have shared. They have also distributed this to other retirees. As an example we have changed our breakfast menu and are starting to have oatmeal. The committee is asking for additional insights
thank you
recent retiree
This blog provided me with a perfect ice breaker for my business meeting today. I used the blog about active living and the Monday morning lethargic crowd was transformed when they realize that there are so many things which can be done in a single day
ReplyDeleteThank you Smile
Keith Walker
Father say you no yell father long time. Father say he joke, please no mind. Father say he try go look red bird but no able. He say he will go early morning to see tomorrow to see bird and see rabit. Father say he do lot plan and will see national geographic on tele for red bird show. Father say why you walk back from cafe. Father say you need yell you Kris to pick. Father say he no say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say that she still work on soup. She say you lot active. She say she wish that she as active as you. Niklas say that grandpapa yell him lot today because he no want watch national geographic. He say he no want go see see tomorrow but grandpapa say their is bird near see. Father yell me lot today because he say I need find about red bird. I no no how you Kris can show you so many thing. See far from here and father want go there tomorrow. I important meeting in morning. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students and the professors went through your blogs at the SRC. The literature and psychology professors helped explain some of your key concepts from the blogs from the weekend also. The other group is continuing to join us daily for the readings. They usually bring some snacks with them which is nice of them. We want to thank you for suggesting how to move forward
thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has amazing friends. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeletePlease stop this. It is not nice
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi.
It is good that you are taking this in a stride Plunker
ReplyDeletemrizvi, thanks I guess
Smile has a unique knack of painting pictures with her pen which you can visualize with closed eyes. Look at this:
ReplyDeleteMorning Dew scattered like Pearls on the Grass
Water giving so many Shades from Deep Blue
to Black layers after Layers of Green and
the Last one was Muddy
"Birds were excited and running from tree
to tree Red Cardinal was right there beside Me
Each and everything was worth to watch and
to lock in Your Memory Box"
And then she can easily talk about philosophical thoughts with words that we all can relate to.
"Birds were excited and running from tree
to tree Red Cardinal was right there beside Me
Each and everything was worth to watch and
to lock in Your Memory Box"
Excellent invention of the metaphoric "Memory Box"!!
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Boris Keith Kim Linda Dave Kim Karen Plunker Sheema mrizvi Batman
Cleo Tiara Jimmy Brenda Jasmeet N Literature Fellow Craig Marg Superwoman
Jasmeet Retiree Group Samantha Kris Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone