Is it Boring ?? -- An Open Book Question

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Today please read
My Recipe Blog Too
Thank You

I am sorry Recipe Blog is late
because of my travel.
Now enjoy that.

I came from London on Tuesday night. Wednesday is my first day 
in Toronto. It is hot hazy morning here in Pickering. Pickering is suburb
by the side of Toronto so don't get confused. It is 36 C here hot.

On my first day I unpack my trolley and take gifts out of my suitcase.
Make calls in the morning. I got perfume from NEXT for my daughter in 
law and nice tea shirt for my Son from Marks Spencer. For my grand kids 
I got Quality chocolates and also chocolates from Thornton.

I called my sister in law, talked to my elder brother. My younger brother 
and her wife called me. I made plan early in the morning to go with my 
Youngest to take him to Tim Horton for fries and Slurpee.

It was hot but windy so was OK not bad. We enjoyed our walk. He talked 
about his school to be opened on Monday. I asked him that you must be 
happy and excited as you will be going to high school now.

He was all upset with the school teaching system. He told me that 
He doesn't enjoy at all. It is very boring the way they teach. Nobody 
is focused. He had a long list and was talking non stop about all that. 

I write here in points what he was talking about.

1 : Too much home work. We get tired of that how can we focus on studies
      in our class time.

2 : It is very boring, they teach everything. We are not interested to learn 
    like music, drama, history such things while suppose, we want to be 
    Astronomer or Computer Scientist or something else.

3 : It is too early, our body and mind not fully awake how can we focus on 
     whatever they are talking about. 

4 : They teach all sort of stuff, all boring no one is interested. 

I was trying to put the Teacher's case but He was not convinced at all.

5 : His idea was that total teaching system has to be overhauled. 
     I told him that it will be too much work to change the entire system.

6 : His idea was that Teachers Training School has to come forward and
    change this obsolete teaching system.

7 : In His opinion Teachers try to dump in all the information and think  
     that they are doing great job, while nothing is going through our mind. 

He was very clear about what He was talking. Looked to me that His ideas
reflecting the entire Young Generation. 

I recalled that my Eldest and Master Golden, no one enjoyed their schools. 
My Eldest in in Uni and Master Golden will go to Uni next year. Whenever 
their parents asked, " How was school " Their answer was " Boring ".

Nobody asked them why it is boring. I think we didn't have courage to open 
up Pandora's Box. But someone has to do that. I am glad to have a chance 
to talk with my Youngest about all this. I don't regret that but now I am 
really concerned. Concerned about the Future.

About the Future of our Youth. I think it is everyone's obligation to think 
about this. In my opinion this is alarming. Teaching system has to be made 
very interesting so that Youngsters have to come like a Flock. 

They don't have to hunted and punished for not coming to school and for 
coming late. I agree with My Youngest. Something has to be done for sure. 
I think this is an open book question for everyone. We all have responsibility.

Kris Dear I am sad why you cut net and yell at Niklas. Please don't do that.
Father is very selfish. Ask him to calm down and just leave everyone alone.

I am not happy with the Lady. She never leaves any chance to start giving 
speech. She has to realize that no one likes that. She and her friends need to 
be patient, listen to others, respect others opinions and sentiments.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Today being Friday, there are a lot of people who are coming. Most people come to read the blog before going home or to the pub. The customers are specially happy today that Smile posted recipe. It is a festive atmosphere.

  2. I won the race to post the blog in our corporate noticeboards today.


    1. This is great. Did you also get the fresh SDs?


    2. Yes. The SDs were already there. Lets have them after we meet to read the recipe blog.


  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. I read your blog every day. It is my lifeline. I also like your recipe


  5. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWN was very Friday like today. We enjoyed the recipe blog. Some people were looking forward to weekend but most were not feeling good because they are hooked on blogs.


    2. SWS had a similar mood. We were actually surprised how mature Smile's grandson is. Does not look like that he is in the final year of the university!


    3. The toastmaster meeting was house full, as always but there was a special buzz today as we discussed the education system reform that Smile's university going grandson proposed


    4. I have put another set of copies of recipe blog in all the lobbies and meeting rooms. I put a big stack this morning so was surprised that many meeting rooms ran out of the recipes


  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go job worker with video kid and say her how you. She say I very busy no time talk blog. I say I no want talk blog I want talk about video kid. She say you say that but you talk blog. I say I want tell you that video make kid smart. She say what you mean. I say remember Madam keep say video ok, Madam grandbaby play video all time and he very smart because he tell Madam how fix school. She say yes his observances are very good. I say how you know because I no show you blog. She say she need go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for our long walk today. Our walk though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you take. Afterwards, the retirees read your blog

    The retirees had varying reaction to the blog. We were amazed, surprised and pleased, all at the same time as we read your blog. We were surprised because you went for a very long walk the very next day of your arrival from an exhausting international trip. The retirees do not go travel for more than 2 hours and when we do, we definitely dont do any physical activity for at least a week. We dont do any extraneous activity for at least 3 weeks. The retired professional athlete commented that he had to a lot of travel when he used to be a professional athlete but even at that time he was not able to partake in significant physical activity the very next day of the travel. We dont want to ask the secret vitamins that you take because we know you dont want to share the information

    The retirees were amazed at the maturity of your grandson. We think that there is a typo because you said he is the youngest. We realize that you just came back from the trip hence made the mistake of typing youngest instead of oldest. We know that he started university about 2-3 years ago, but even as a senior student, this requires a lot of mature thinking. The retired school board trustee, the retired school principals, the retired teachers, Smile with Smile program subcommittee and the subcommittee for advanced learning all are very interested in knowing little bit more about this. They all have sent their gratitude and appreciation to you and him for raising such an issue.

    The retirees were pleased that you published the recipe blog. The hospital administrator rushed immediately as soon as she heard about that. The retired chef and the cafe manager also expressed their thanks to you. They were surprised that you were able to create a recipe in a matter of a day!

    The hijab lady and the temple people did not come today. We heard that they had a hearing with the authorities regarding the temple kids

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the SRC today. The faculty of education and learning was invited to attend the reading of the blog by the Dean today. The senior professors were surprised that your grandson is so insightful. As we were going through the blog, the Dean listened intently while standing however as soon as we were done he asked the senior professors to get together for a special meeting. He wanted to explore how the education system at the uni can be revamped in the light of his comments. There was some confusion first, because we thought that you are talking about Slurpee boy, but we realized that in Canada you refer to Universities as Schools. We also realized that you are probably tired so perhaps made a typo and instead of saying oldest, mistyped it as youngest.

    Everyone also was very pleased with the recipe. Prof George took 2 copies of the blog as he usually does

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has an amazing readers family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. Father say you forget ask father helth. Father say he angle but he yes mind. Father say father yell Niklas because he no take father any and no get meel from his poket. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say you niklas rest and kris act. Hannah say you niklas Niklas kris smart. Hannah say she make recipe and give nabor and Niklas to taste. Hannah say they kris like so she give to father tomorow. Niklas say grandpapa yell Niklas and say why Niklas no take grandpapa slurpee but Niklas no euro. Father say me that father want go lot place like you. Me say it very expense. Father say he want go kaffee so me come from office and take father and Niklas kaffee. Niklas say he no want go but me yell because he need there for father because father need 2 people go. Niklas say you go alone. Me yell him because he talk. Niklas say he no do. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. Your scion's sagacious and insightful reflection on the affairs of the local education system floored us. We would have expected this commentary from an industry authority or intelligentsia but not from a university going scholar. We hope he is not offended as we are planning to share this with our acquaintances and our local university and college faculties as this will help them update their teaching practices.

    We also wanted to express our appreciation and gratitude to you for continuing to write during your sojourn. We are glad that you have arrived safely back at your abode

    thank you for making our days brighter
    Dave and Linda

  12. What the hell!! Can we not have one good day! Is it too much to ask! My blood pressure is shooting through the roof!

    Nice work mrizvi. Thank you for making us all so proud

  13. Reeeelaaax Plunker. Just calm down. Why do you have to have so high expectations. You already know that there is no point in teaching the kids these days. Besides Smile has asked us to be gentle

    Thank you mrizvi. Amazing comment today. Very informed judgement


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