Story of Living Together

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My Dear Readers Family
please take it as a common
story of so many of us living in
Joint family system

Kris Father is My Dear Friend
He reads My Daily Blogs
picks whatever suits Him

Now again that Oatmeal saga starts
further Yelling to get with the right taste
with the right temperature and so on

Some People never satisfied with
whatever there they love to have
everything and as much they can

Some People are very patient and Happy
with whatever there also can cope with any
circumstances they never complain

Hannah is one of those She can get up
20 minutes earlier before going to Work
prepare the right Type of Oatmeal Dish
for Father's Breakfast

No complains Kris is stuck between
two Types of Love and Care
He is a Great Person 

He can not say " No " to Father at any Cost
I mean not even at the Cost of His Family
He has a Wonderful Wife very Co - operative

Niklas is losing His Battle as No one there
to help him out of this Mess

He is very polite and Great Kid even being
in High School can not say No to Father
I mean His Grandpa

Father starts dreaming for everything He can
His Family makes it possible for Him not
even thinking it's cost

I mean not thinking that the Whole Family
is suffering because of His enjoyments

Kris has to take a Day off so that Father
can enjoy watching Rabbit 

There is also one more condition attached
to it that Father has to go in the Morning
as Rabbits will not be there after that

Niklas has no option is very helpless
except to cry and take Father for His
Walk at Driveway

Father wants Niklas to stand at the end of the
Driveway so that Father can visualize that
He is spending His Time alone

I mean please give Them a break
Father not ready to listen to any
of My advice

He believes " Yelling " is a Great Medicine
for Everything and it is working
for Him very well

Whole Family is terrorized and rush
to work for Him give Him right away
whatever He wants making all of His
Dreams come true

In My opinion Yelling is a Weapon
We have to avoid to use at any cost
Love is the universal Language
easy to understand

We have to respect Everyone
Kids and Teens deserve more
Respect and more Love

These Lessons of Love and Respect
at their tender age will be like a Treasure 
They will spread these Messages and
will pass on to Their Generations in 
years to come

I am sorry I didn't mean to point My finger
to any one Family in My opinion this
will be a very common story of so many
Families who are not open like Kris
and Father to share

I admire and Salute to Father that 
He is a very Straight type of Person
He says whatever He feels
He forgets and keeps on forgiving Me 
Thank You Father


  1. Very positive and practical advice, wish people could apply that in their everyday life.

  2. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome writer! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA


    1. I was in early today and posted the blog. The box of fresh SDs was already there. There was one additional donut for the poster.


  5. Dear Madam Smile, you write so good. You do good advice too. I try writing after read you blog. Mr Supervisor came and say how you. I see I think. He say why. I say because all good writer think hard. He say what you mean. I show Mr. Supervisor because he ask. He say I write good but I do more practice. I write 3 line only like I came work, I work hard and I saw cat on way which run hard. I say I more idea to but he say he need make phone. I do 2 proud job and work hard and also write too

  6. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was fun. We talked about Smile's blog and specially her comments about joint family living


    2. SWN was fun too. We also talked about Smile's blog also.


    3. I have been getting too many requests for setting up a Smile Forum today. Most of the requests are from folks in lobby A :-)


  7. This blog is my lifelie. Thank you for writing every day


  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for our long walk today. After that we had our lollipop. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog.

    The subcommittee on joint family living was distraught after reading your blog today. They said that we have been living in fool's paradise. They and after them us, all are upset that we are useless and worth nothing. I apologize for my depressing comment but this is what we feel at this time

    thank you
    recent retiree

  9. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the SRC today however after reading the blog we felt that today's blog is a little deflating. It did not deter us but we felt bad for our grandparents. Also our professors were feeling bad for their parents. The dean asked that we do and assignment about seniors. I am wondering you can provide some thoughts about it

    Literature Fellow

  10. My Smile is amazing . She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing author. She is an amazing blogger. She is an amazing super scientist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. Oh My God!! This stuff is simply crazzzy! I mean every day - same thing. All readers family have tried to explain but is not being able to get the message in the little mind. And Smile is so kind, she wants us all to be nice and gentle to everyone! EVERYONE!!

    Thanks mrizvi. What a brilliant comment this is! Way to go

  12. Caaallmmm down Plunker. We already know that some of the kids are rebellious. No point in trying to explain anything to them. Remember what Smile teaches everyone ie You need to just REEEEELAAX. And yes, we need to be polite and kind

    Thank you so much mrizvi. Much appreciated for your kind comment

  13. This is very refreshing. A new topic every day


  14. Father say he sad because you make him look like villain. He say he no energy for lot comment. He say he say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say that he thank you because you right for family but please no make father look bad. He no bad person. like he good heart. Niklas say he like that you care him. Me try best to help father, Hannah and Niklas. I no father try help Niklas but she try that he live like old day. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  15. Your last few blogs have been quite thought provoking. You do not shy away from taking on any social issue, however even with your gallantry and courage, we were pleasantly surprised. Your proposition about the station of seniors and their situation in a household and family is based on brutal realism. To exemplify your hypothesis, you have illustrated the lives of the Kris domicile. The role the patriarch is having and his consistent desire to carve out a "win" for himself at any cost is interesting. We will humbly like to share our 2 cents. We will like to present the perspective that the gentleman is not a reflection of a "typical" senior. Also Hannah appears to us as an angel in human form. We do not intend to dissect the different personalities however simply wanted to indicate that these are not reflective of typical characters, just like you are not a representative of a typical senior.

    We realize we have been babbling but we wanted to share our humble perspective. We will be interested to hear more from you about this significant social matter

    thank you for making our days brighter
    Dave and Linda

    1. Dear Dave and Dear Linda, Madam is saying that senior and Dear retirees are no use. That why I cry 2 day ago. Madam blog very complicate but if you no understand then you ask me and I help. I no tell if no ask because Madam say tell if ask but no tell if no ask. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  16. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Linda Dave Kris Kris Father Boris Batman Plunker mrizvi Beena
    Karen Superwoman Newbie Keith Kim Literature Fellow N Tiara Cleo Jasmeet
    Craig Marg Jimmy Brenda Retiree Group Kyle Sheema Thanks All My Anonymous
    and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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