Family Matters

Father enjoying His Life
He got Message from
My Mind Body Blog
that He has to get
Good soup for His Mind
Yells at Hannah to get
Soup right away
Niklas having tough time
walking with Grandpa
on Driveway
Also watching Agatha Christie
Shows with Father
Whatever I write
Not working
It is Wednesday usually I work
full time today I told You earlier that
I consider My Club activities as if
I am still working and not Retired
My eldest Grandson is sick
My Son and Daughter in Law
have to go to work I didn't like
They take day off as I am also
there and can take care of My
You know My Activities at the Library
are My Lifeline so I was stuck between
My Family and between My Lifeline
Not a difficult decision as Family
has to come first I decided to go
only to Darts as Kids use to sleep
longer hours
I will be back at 12 and give Him
something to eat and medicine will
check His Temperature
He is in Grade 12 so if He is feeling
better I can go to Bowling otherwise
will skip it starts at 1 pm
After Darts I was thinking I have to get
some Bakery Stuff He will love to have it
My friend was driving Me Home as I told
You earlier I am lucky to have Bunch of
Friends everywhere
My Retirees asked Me the Recipe for
My long term friendships
I believe that We all are God Creatures
All belong to same Human Family
Everyone has his own shortcomings
I mean Plus and Minus so do I
We have to accept Everyone as it is like
a package we have to be patient show
tolerance while listening to others
It matters a lot in difficult times
don't be scared of anyone try to spread
Love and Happiness to brighten
your Day
Anyway I bought bakery stuff with
My Friend and came Home gave
Lunch and medicine to My Grandson
He was doing much better so I called
My another Friend to pick Me up
around 1 pm for Bowling
When we are friendly with His Creatures
God always takes care of us I didn't
miss my Darts and My Bowling
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Today being Friday, there are a lot of people who are coming. Most people come to read the blog before going home or to the pub. It is a festive atmosphere. The priest is also here. Some customers are saying hello to him and secretly smiling.
ReplyDeleteI won the race to post the blog in our corporate noticeboards today.
This is great. Did you also get the fresh SDs?
Yes. The SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWN was very Friday like today. Some people were looking forward to weekend but most were not feeling good because they are hooked on blogs.
SWS had a similar mood. Specially these series of blogs about parenting is of a lot of interest.
The toastmaster meeting was house full, as always.
DeleteAlso, I just finished all the workshops on writing and now management wants to have a workshop series (yes WORKSHOP SERIES) on planning
Dear Madam Smile,
ReplyDeleteYou so good. You take care grandbaby. I dont know why you son no take day off or work home. I remember you say once that he work home and you make food for him. Also why you need go get food for grandbaby, why you son or your daughter law no take care of that. You do so many thing for you son and you grandkids. I no happy with you grandkid to. He is in grade 12 so why he need someone to be with him. He should help you not you help him. I no happy that you son make you do so many thing. I do 2 very proud job and always read blog.
You help so many people, including me. This blog is my lifeline. Thank you for writing it daily
This blog was fantastic. I shared that in my meetings today and it changed the dynamics of the meeting. Before the blog, people were unwilling to help each other out, after we went through the blog, they realized that we are all a family and should pitch in. It made it into a successful meeting
Keith Walker
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees did not go for our long walk today. We are still very tired from the walk from two days ago. Some of the retirees are still suffering from cramps also. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog.
The subcommittee on joint family living went through the blog and insisted that we adopt a motion to express our appreciation to you on behalf of your son. Their rationale was that your son will not do that so at least we do it. The intent is not to embarrass him but to inform him that these things are not easy They were requesting for a resolution but we decided to go with a motion as it is not binding. The subcommittee noted that what you did is not easy. In fact, none of our members did that in similar situations. Their perspective is that though sickness of a grand child is a family issue but the retirees should not be expected to help as it is the responsibility of the parents. They also noted that when they were parents then they went through similar scenarios.
The subcommittee on nutrition and healthy living is still going through your blog from yesterday. It had many important points which they could not understand completely. They expect that they should be done in about a week as they are putting in some overtime to understand the blog in detail. I will share additional details or questions if I hear from them. I am sharing these details so you can share any additional items that you want the subcommittee to consider
thank you for all your inspiration and guidance
recent retiree
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing grandmother. She is an amazing dart player. She is an amazing councillor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteDear Author,
ReplyDeleteAs we were going through your blog at the ,all the students were surprised that you take so much of your grandson. A few of us have lived through fever and headaches but our parents did not take time off, as for our grandparents, we never even dreamed that they will do this. We also share the thoughts that your grandson is lucky to have you around.
Our professors also indicated that their parents will not even think of suspending their daily routine in a situation like this. As one of the senior professor commented, that Smile does not just speak of doing good things but actually does it
thank you
Literature Fellow
Man. I guess the lunacy will never stop. Kids today. Will they ever learn
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Jolly good comment
You know Plunker that kids will be kids. Why worry about them. Some are worse than others. And I guess we are dealing with one of the bad one
ReplyDeleteFantastic job mrizvi for informing us that this is a good blog. Much appreciated
This is amazing stuff. Every day a new blog
It is pretty impressive what Smile did in a single day. She took care of her grandson. She arranged to go to play darts. She arranged to buy food for her grandson. An after making sure that he is ok and fed, she arranged to go back to her "second home". And all this in a single day and all this by herself!!
DeleteKyle, Didnt we warn you that once you are here, then you cant leave.
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Keith Newbie Kyle Plunker Batman mrizvi Karen Kim Jimmy Cleo Tiara
Literature Fellow Boris Brenda Marg Craig Sheema Jasmeet Retiree Group
Superwoman N Linda Dave Kris Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual
Readers Thanks Everyone
Father say why you stay home with you Niklas and not yell at you Kris and you Hannah to take care him. Father say you no need get bakery for you Niklas you get him to bring it for you. Father say you just need watch tele and eat soup. Father say he very active to, like he go walk driveway everyday. Father say he no say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say that you help you Hannah and you Kris lot. He say it good that you so care you Niklas. Niklas say you Niklas very luck. He say that grandpapa make him go walk today on driveway even though Niklas say him that he head hurt. Grandpapa yell him sand say that he lazee. Me also surprize that you care you family so much. Me yell Niklas that he no study but he say me that he sick. Me no no if he lie or real. Me confuse. Me no no what do).
Kris (Germany)