Doors never Close

Congratulations to
My Dear Friend
Literature Fellow
and His Entire Team
I feel Blessed
as one of my school Friend
I visit every Year In London
These are like Assets to Me
One in Australia
We have Our Memories in
Common back from 1953
Also lucky to have
Number of Friends back
from 1960 and from
My workplace
Patience and Love
is the Key to Long term
It is like a Lifeline
when We are retired
in our older age
in our Last Leg
They are like Cushions
absorb the Bitterness
and your Negativity
It is the Weekend when there is
no Hockey no more Trips to
Don Beer Hockey Arena
My Saturday was very busy
My Son going to Mechanic
His silver Jetta giving problem
I had a chance to go out while He was
busy with Mechanic I was enjoying
My walk outside at Altona Road
After that He had to go to Dealer near
HW #2 so I had some extra time outside
then We went to Dominion
I have to buy Cake for My Friend She
was having a Friends and Families
gathering in the afternoon
I went their with My daughter in Law
we were back around 9 at night
It was a beautiful Great Day I enjoyed
It is Sunday today great weather 8 degrees
sunny and bright perfect for walk
at My Place My eldest gone to Hockey Arena
He is busy with His Time Keeping Job
He has to monitor 4 Games My middle one
still sleeping My Youngest playing
online games with His Friends
My Son is busy with His Laptop
I checked Messages on My Face book
Read Comments from My Readers Family
To wake up My Mind I played Scrabble
and Card Games to wake up My Body I had
shower so now everything in good shape
My Mind and Body both are ready in
co - operating Mode I am ready to roll
on Whites Road to walk to Tim Horton
It is 11 am I am sitting at Coffee House
full with people of all ages not many
Young Faces a different atmosphere
to have a good time
I have to give Treat to Myself I never forget
that I ordered small Coffee 2 cream 1 sugar
and toasted raisin Biscuit
Writing My Blog to share My beautiful
Moments with My wonderful Readers Family
Keep in Mind when one door is closed
God always opens a New one other
opportunities to explore to enjoy
My Trips to Hockey Arena are done but
still I have other ways to enjoy
Thank You God for keep watching
over Me
I wonder how do you gather so much beautiful memories from such an ordinary day which seems nothing to most of us, how do you fill in your daily empty slots of time with a busy schedule?
ReplyDeleteWe definitely need to learn it from you.
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was great. We decided to go on the nature route. As usual, we talked about today's blog however there was a lot of buzz about yesterday's blog too
SWN was fun too. The participants were from all lobbies. There were some folks who joined new today, they could not believe how much fun these walks are
Yes I know. There is a lot of buzz about these walks in the office. There are a no. of people who have asked me about that. They are fun, healthy and educational
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome walker! She has an awesome grandson. She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.
I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You walk so much. I no understand why you son take you to get car fix. It no good place. It tire to walk that much. You so good that you buy cake for you friend in Perth. I try make body mind coperate but no work. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteThank you for being my lifeline. I feel low every day and then I read your blog. I feel like I am talking to a friend
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees went for our long walk today. After that we had our lollipop. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog.
The retirees were so impressed how you are able to accommodate every one's schedule in your routine. There were a few practicing counillors who joined us today and they all thought that the therapy of coordination between mind and body is very difficult technique. They were surprised when we informed them that you are not a therapist but a scientist and microbiologist by profession. They have requested us for access to your blog which we have shared with them. I hope that is not a problem
Thank you for your guidance to us
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe talked about the literary attributes of your blog today. The literature professor indicated that it is interesting how you are able to bring the various details to life. He illustrated the example of how you talk about visit to the friend, a relatively commonplace event, or getting car fixes or going to a coffee shop but are able to describe them with colorful words to make these places fun. Also,the professor pointed out that you make the reader feel that she is there with you
thank you
Literature Fellow
Dear Author, I apologize profusely. I forgot to acknowledge your appreciation to us. Actually I didnt forget it. I did write it but as part of editing, one of students accidentally deleted it. I dont know if I mentioned to you before but we have a multiple step process for writing comments. Because you are an estemeed author, we have students writing comments, editing it, reviewing it with professors, before finally posting it. I know this is no excuse for my mistake but am sharing it with you so you know the reason.
DeleteThank you again for your appreciative and kind words about our humble efforts
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing. She has amazing grandsons. She is an amazing time manager . She is an amazing counsellor to retirees and all the readers. What an amazing person my Smile !!
ReplyDeleteFather say you forget yell him today. Father say he joke, please no mind. Father say he no go walk out today as it rain. Father say he also wake mind and body. Father say he watch tele program like he watch guy swimming in ocean with many fish , that wake body. And he saw scary film on tele, and that wake his mind. Father say he say Kris (me) to watch tele with father bekause Kris (me) need wake to. Father say he no say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say you give very good advise. He say you no bother you son. Niklas say grandpapa yell him that he go out so grandpapa watch tele alone but Niklas no go out because rain. Me yell Niklas bekause he go mall with friend and stay late. Me tell him me no buy new competer for him He cry. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Smile put together an amazing blog. And what does she get ? Did someone even had courtesy to read? I know I know. ... Smile is so generous that she wants us to be kind to all
ReplyDeleteThank you mrizvi. Good guess buddy
caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxx. You are right about what you said but keep in mind that kids are kids. They dont take things seriously
ReplyDeleteGood job mrizvi. How is school kiddo
Man, this is a fun blog. I love it
ReplyDeletethanks Smile
We are notorious among friends for our penchant for selective readings. This is in direct contrast to a no. of friends who gobble up everything that they see sitting on a book shelf. We, on the other hand, have a crummy predisposition to only read material which is wondrous. Your awe-inspiring writings fits the bill perfectly. Your theme changes every day. Yet instead of the dribble that most writers tend to delve in, you somehow artistically craft literary masterpieces which are full of meaning. For illustrative purposes, what you wrote today is a stellar assessment of friendship
ReplyDeletethank you for making our days brighter
Dave and Linda
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Boris Linda Dave Keith Karen Kim Kris Plunker Sheema mrizvi Batman
Jimmy N Brenda Cleo Tiara Jasmeet Craig Marg Kyle Literature Fellow
Superwoman Retiree Group Newbie Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual
Readers Thanks Everyone