Never Give Up

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My Dear Retiree Friends
please don't give up

I am proud of all you doing 
in Your Subcommittees

All My Blogs are around
You and Your Activities

It means You are indicating
that I have to give up
writing My Blogs

Just start Your activities
as usual go back to normal

I wanted You People
to stand for Yourself
don't look to anyone

Feel strong to lead
Your Life

Don't take Retirement period
as a disease or as a gloomy
stage a sad part of your Life

I have written so many Blogs
on after Retirement 

I believe this is our Golden Era
We can do anything we like
We can spend as much time 
as we want wherever we want

Retirees My Dear Friends 
You have changed 
so many Lives

You made so much difference
in so many sectors 
of our Society

Don't suspend any of
Your Activities please
Thank You

It is Thursday Great Morning
temperature is 4 plus and Sunny

Tree skeletons are now having
green tinge on their bony branches
It looks they are having a Twinkle in
their Eye

Giving a Message of Contentment
of survival --  courage and perseverance
as if saying We managed Canadian
Brutal cold

Saying to us to We Humans
Never Give Up
just hang in there
and You will make it

I had My Shower
I take shower every day but wash
My Hair I mean shampoo just twice
a week as I am losing My Hair fast

I use soap for My Body every other day
not daily as we are getting older
we have to cut down use of chemicals
on our skin it gets dry and harsh

I don't use any cream on My Body but
never forget to use petroleum jelly
that is Vaseline to put on my feet
before wearing My socks

I think it helps taking care of My feet
for my walking and use any cream
on My face once a Day 

My Daughter while visiting from Edmonton
Alberta in last summer gave Me lipsticks
and Eyeliner which I always forget to use
She also gave Me Ruby Pendant with matching

This all is lying down in My drawer
I am not that type 

Anyway I am planning to walk to Library
every Thursday there is indoor Golf at 1 pm 

By the way I use only vitamin D and Calcium
as My medicines for my long term Osteoporosis
and six monthly Vitamin D injections

I think this will cover all the information
My Retiree Friends asking for their
Nutrition and Healthy Living Research

It is 11.30 I was thinking to go first to
Tim Horton to enjoy passing through
Dunbarton High School 

After that to Library for Golf at 1 pm
but My Friend called to let me know
that Golf has been cancelled for Today

I am now on Whites Road walking to
Coffee House as it is lunch time at school
so it is like a festive atmosphere

Some students sitting down outside
Tim Horton Coffee House
I Love to watch them with their Happy Faces
spreading Happiness around 

I am enjoying My small coffee with toasted
raisin biscuit and writing My Blog
it is 1 pm My Eldest Grandson has his
Exams today so He will be early
I will make Banana shake for Him 

I am nearly done with my Coffee
I throw away half of My small Coffee
can not take the whole of it

Now walking back to My Home
to make nice snacks for My
Grand Kids and to enjoy My time 
with them


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are in my shop today to read blog. They come here to read blog from today and also the past week. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside. I am running low on supplies. The priest is also here today. He is making notes. Customers are talking about Smile's blogs about retirement and the role of elders in homes and in society

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome philosopher. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    1. This good. I no Anglais. French good

    2. You blog good. I read Italy

    3. I read blog Russia. I read family

    4. This blog very knowledge. I read Spanish.

  4. Your blogs are so nice, touching and inspirational. Me and my family read your blogs every day. It is now our family tradition

    Thank you
    Happy Reader

  5. Reading your blog is the highlight of my day. They are my lifeline

    thank you

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you write so good and give so good advice. I see Mr. Supervisor, I say hello. He say how you. I say I no use soap now. He say what you mean I no understand. I say my Madam no use soap so I no use soap to. He say it complicate but that not what you Madam say. I say how you know because I no share blog with you. He say he need make phone. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees did not for our walk today as we were very tired and had cramps from our earlier walks. We instead went to the reading of your blog. Our walks, though very long for us, are nothing as compared to the ones that you have.

    The retirees were very appreciative of your kind words for us. We also were appreciative of the fact that you are trying to help improve our morale. We discussed that today. Though your blog was helpful, but during the debate that ensued after reading of the blog, the retirees are not sure if you are saying the kind words out of kindness or in reality. We thought that the blogs you wrote in which you indicated that all retirees are useless, a burden on their families and extra figures for our kids were very real. There are still a lot of retirees who are feeling very depressed. In fact, our attendance in these joint readings has dropped to less than half. Only 2 chairs of the subcommittees showed up today. This includes the lead of the joint living committee and the nutrition subcommittee. Though the lead of the joint subcommittee wanted to read your today's blog again but I felt that the chair the nutrition subcommittee was feeling very down. Usually she ask for your advice but today when I asked her if I should request your inputs on nutrition, she responded that "no, there is no point". Bottom line, we have a crisis.

    Personally for me, though I am a little down myself, but your blogs have helped to improve somewhat.

    recent retiree

    1. Dear Recent Retiree, Madam write such big blog for you then why you no listen. She tell you that you use then why you say you no use and extra figure. Madam is very knowledge person. She big shot. Remember she help you so much. Like she teach you walk. And she teach you make committee and so many thing. It no good if you people no listen. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  8. Father say that you forget yell father today and forget call him bad. He say he joke please no mind. Father say that he spend time alone today. He say he walk in park but no see rabit. Father say he no understand how you see rabit. Father say why you walk when it 4. Father say he no want walk when if below 15 or when it rain because father can slip and brake bone. Father say he no say that he old almost 67

    (Hannah say that you example for all senior. Like you no bother you Kris and you take lot care of you Niklas and you friend with you Hannah and you enjoy lot. He say that he wish that when he get old he like you. Niklas say grandpapa make him wake in morning because he want see rabit in park. He say that papa take him park but grandpapa want Niklas come to so he can help look for rabit. Niklas say he very tire and very bore. Me wake early today because father say that rabit wake when sun rise and go look brakefast early. Father wake Hannah to because he want oatmeal before go and he say Niklas help find rabit. Niklas no act nice so I yell him lot today. I say him I take him Micdonal but he still no behave nice. Me no no how you Kris find rabit for you. Father say he want go again tomorow but Niklas say he no want go. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  9. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing nutritionist. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!

  10. Dear Author,

    As our practice, we read your blog at the SRC. Though it is the weekend but there still are a lot of students and some professors at the SRC. We are helping some of the students with their sociology assignment about the role of the seniors in society and at home. We are finding out that this is a tough assignment. We are are also taking advantage for the advice that you wrote for the retirees today. Also, though the sociology professor has said that we cant use you as an example, we still are trying to use some ideas from your blog eg going for walks, appropriate usage of chemicals such as soaps and creams, appropriate dietary and supplements such as vitamins. I hope you are ok with us including that. We want to do that so that we can showcase you to help others.

    By the way, there is a rival group of students and professors who are still trying to defame you. The dean is aware of it. I am wondering if you have any advice for us about how to deal with them.

    Literature Fellow

  11. This blog is different. Yesterday it was about something else and today about scenery and other items


  12. Oh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....

    Thank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again

  13. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.

    Fantatic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though

  14. Smile's blog today has a lot of good stuff. It has the literary excellence. I am referring to:

    "Tree skeletons are now having
    green tinge on their bony branches
    It looks they are having a Twinkle in
    their Eye

    Giving a Message of Contentment
    of survival -- courage and perseverance
    as if saying We managed Canadian
    Brutal cold "

    And then another implicit message of hope to the retirees:

    "Now walking back to My Home
    to make nice snacks for My
    Grand Kids and to enjoy My time
    with them"

    She is amazing!

  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Batman mrizvi Plunker Sheema Keith Superwoman Happy Reader
    Linda Dave Karen Kim Kris Jimmy Brenda Literature Fellow Cleo Craig
    Marg N Retiree Group Tiara Jasmeet Kyle Newbie Thanks All My Anonymous
    and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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