Red Cardinals

Kris Father My Dear Friend
My Son never takes
Day off for me
I never want that from Him
We watch TV only for 30 minutes
the Program of His choice
on Weekends only
Go to Lake not every time
once a while
on Weekend not for long
I go because of Him
He loves to go
to Lakes
I can't even imagine to
wake the Whole House
to watch Rabbit
before 35 minutes Sunrise
You have a very loving Family
please leave Them alone
I feel bad for Niklas
My Grandsons sleep
till 12 sometimes 1 pm
I never wake them up
When They get up
I put nice Lunch for Them
We leave TV for them
We have to earn their Love
not to annoy Them
We never have to take things
away from Them so that
They have no choice except
to go out with Friends
Not good for them
Please don't do that
I know You are a Good
and Loving Person
Beautiful Morning temperature
is in double digits 15 Degrees
I am waiting for My Friend
at My Driveway
After long time I have no jacket on
I put on My blue black denim
shirt long sleeves which I rolled up
with My Black pants and
My black Sandals
I feel very light You know My
weight not even 100 lbs and
height under 5 ft with My bony
structure You can imagine
I am enjoying walking on My Driveway
in 5 minutes My Friend will be here
to pick Me up
Watching black Birds and also red ones
I think Red Cardinal I am not good
at Names They are busy talking
also started construction to build
their Houses
All the trees with green on are taken
by Birds for their house building
while the Trees with bony structure
also looking forward to good
Days ahead
I can see their confidence with their
Heads high a change in their attitude
as if they already got positive signals
for good Days
Their barren branches are already
in budding Mode it is Sunny
so much to enjoy in just 5 minutes
My Friend is here
I have to go to play Darts I am
working part time today
No Carpet Bowling Today
I will find something else
Oh Yes I remembered
I have to go to Friends Gathering
in the evening at some Place
Before that will cook some nice Dish
for Dinner as not Everyone going
You know I told You I Love
to cook specially for Loved ones
Thank You God
I am good
You do so much for others that in return you are satisfied and content from inside.
ReplyDeleteThat is really a good recipe of happiness and we should use it frequently.
Thanks for showing us the path of happiness.
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWN was fantastic. We took the nature trail again today because there was so much interest. Smile has made us look at nature with different eyes
SWS was fun too. We continue to talk about the Smile blog and her kindness to her readers. We had more folks from lobby C because the management there is asking everyone to participate in Smile forums
I did not realize lobby C was mandated to come too. I thought that was only lobby B
Yup it is not just lobby B but C as well. Why should we be left out from having fun??
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You look bird. And you see rabbit to. Mr. Supervisor say how you. I say I need go out to see bird because my Madam do that to. He say but you see cat some time back. I say yes but it run away so I no see again. I say him how you know because I no tell you blog and I no tell you what I write. He say he need go. I do two proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteI lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA
I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome nature lover. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
Thanks for being my lifeline. This blog means a lot to me
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteYour blog was amazing. The professor in our literature class cancelled the regular lecture and instead used your blog as the theme for the class discussion. He pointed out that some of the finer details that you used is at part with the very best he has seen in literature.
We also had a debate about the blog in the SRC. The literature professor, the sociology professor and the environment lecturer were insisting that the blog is pertaining to their specific area. The Dean came at that time and listening to the discussion smiled and indicated that the blog actually belongs to all 3 areas
Thank you
Literature Fellow
Dear Advisor,
DeleteSorry in our haste, we forgot to answer your qs yesterday about the research topic. We actually have a no. of research assignments on your blog. So I was not sure if there is any specific one that you were inquiring about. The assignments are in the areas of literature, sociology and psychology
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing cook. She is an amazing naturalist. She is an amazing psychologist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees did not for our walk today as we were very tired and had cramps from our earlier walks. We instead went to the reading of your blog. Our walks, though very long for us, are nothing as compared to the ones that you have.
The retirees focused on the various subcommittees. Based on the review of the status, the subcommittees are behind schedule as you have written quite a bit. The retirees have been asked to put in some extra time to catch up. The Smile with Smile program has been revived and there are additional presentations being planned in the various schools next week
Based on your blog today, we have formed a subcommittee on nature and environmental studies. The retired ornithologist is leading that subcommittee and luckily there are a few retired experts who are available to volunteer their time.
Thank you for your appreciation and kind comments
recent retiree
Father say that he no go park today because you say rabit in back garden but Kris (me) no help look. He put chair in back garden and say he need go to get Niklas from mall. Father angry because when Kris was Niklas father no just leave Kris in garden by himself. Father say he also try look red bird but only say brown bird. Father say he say that father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say that Niklas give everyone scare because he go mall long time. He go because he afraid that father will no let him stay home but ask him go park. Me angry Niklas because he go mall long time. Me go get Niklas mall but father angry because he want me stay with father to watch rabit and bird and watch tele. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Well , well, well. My head is starting to hurt now. I have run out of ideas. Same thing every day. I know, I know ....
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Very insightful comment.
CCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmm doooowwwwwwwwwnnnnn ! Just reeeeeeelllllllaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxx. You are right, Smile has asked us to be kind
ReplyDeleteGood job mrizvi. Brilliant comment. I wonder what we will do without you kiddo
This blog is yet another literary marvel from Smile. Just look at this:
ReplyDelete"All the trees with green on are taken
by Birds for their house building
while the Trees with bony structure
also looking forward to good
Days ahead
I can see their confidence with their
Heads high a change in their attitude
as if they already got positive signals
for good Days "
Fantastic or should I say FUNtastic!!
Pretty cool. A new blog every day. Great!!
ReplyDeletecool, Kyle
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Kyle Boris Batman Plunker mrizvi Keith Kim Kris Karen Linda Dave
Jimmy Brenda Tiara Craig Marg Literature Fellow Retiree Group N Cleo
Sheema Jasmeet Happy Reader Jake D Superwoman Newbie Thanks All My
Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone