Hands On

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Happy Easter
To All My Readers

Dear Retirees
My Dear Friends

I helped You out
now I need Your Help

Please revive all

Please don't say " No "
I need Your Support

I can not write My Blogs
like this while You My Friends
are sad and feeling low

I am responsible for all This
Please just forget Everything
as if nothing happened

I wish to see All of You
the same with Happy Faces

With full of Inspiration
full of energy

I hope You All will forgive Me
for making all this Mess

I am looking forward 
to Your " Yes " as an answer

I Trust Your Kind heartedness
and understanding

My Dear Friends I never 
try to censor My Thoughts
but I have to keep in Mind

I can make or Break 
Hearts of My Readers Family
Who are Everything to Me

I am Anxiously waiting
for Your Answer
please go to Cafe 
and read My Blog together

This is for Me
My Treat 

Literature Fellow 
My Dear Friend

It is OK for Me 
to use anything about

You asked Me How to Handle

the Other Group

Handle with Love
with patience

The Best Way 
to Handle Anyone

Results always 

It is a long weekend here in Canada
Easter Holidays Friday and
Monday off 

Four days altogether Tuesdays
are off for Me so I will be back to
My Library on Wednesday

Weather is getting better it is
9 degrees and sunny today

It is Friday but Library is closed
weekend atmosphere at My Place
everyone sleeping Me and My Son
awake as We are Early Risers

I am done with My breakfast
I wont talk about My Oatmeal
porridge not good for My Friend

She has to get up 20 minutes early
to give it to Father 

I had stir fry eggs for Me and My Son
now making two cups of Tea
it is good when you do things for
Your Loved ones

We will watch the movie
" Dial in Murder " of Alfred Hitchcock
We watched half of it last week
We will finish today I don't like watching
TV for long hours 

We have a big house but have one TV policy
My Grand kids will be awake and I will
leave TV for them

I already checked Messages from
My Daughters on My face book
and read Comments from
My Readers Family

Had a hot water shower now I am all set
for My walk to My favorite
Coffee House

It is 11.30 am School is off so a quiet
atmosphere I miss the Young Happy Faces
lots of traffic on Whites Road 

Tim Horton is full with mixed crowd
Parents with Kids nicely dressed
I think from Church also a number
of Seniors like Myself

Sitting by one of the small square table
with two chairs I ignore the one vacant chair
enjoying My own time and started thinking of
My Retiree Friends

Who are an integral part of Readers Family
they go to Coffee House to read My Blogs

Retirees introduced My Mission of Happiness
Around to various sectors of Society to Kids in
schools and to Youth in University
also to Hospitals and Senior Residence
I owe them so much 

I am writing My Blogs it is just theory
it is on paper what You are doing is
Hands on 

Working practically in the Field
spreading Messages of Happiness
and Courage to All of Human Family

Thank You My Dear Friends
I will always be needing Your
Support Your Love

Thank You


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Customers went for the Sunday services at the church. The priest was very pleased at the attendance since there are people visiting us from outside our small town. All people then came to my shop. One out of town customer was saying to the local customer that you are lucky that you get to read these blogs right away whereas we have to wait for a week.

    1. My apologies that I forgot to wish you Happy Easter. As we say here in Ireland, Cásca sásta

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor to the readers family. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


    1. Happy Easter to my awesome Smile


  3. I have been reading this blog regularly for sometime but dont often comment

    I wanted to let you know that I am using your excellent advice about eating well and healthy living that you have been sharing over the last few days

    PS: Happy Easter

    Thank you

  4. I read blog China. We like you blog

    1. This good blog.

      Happy Easter from Russia

    2. I enjoy you blog. I no good Anglais but French good

      Happy Easter

    3. Happy Easter from Ukraine

  5. Dear Madam Smile, you write so good. You no watch tv all time like Dear Kris Father. I go say hello job worker today. I say her how many tv you have. She say we have 2 tv. I say her you should sell 1 tv. She say my kid watch his program, I say that no good. She say why, I say my Madam explain in blog but I no tell if you no ask. She say she no ask because she busy. I say her, you busy because you want plan sell tv right away? She say no, she need work. I say but what about sell tv plan. She no say anything but I think she get head hurt because she hold head when she go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  6. Father say you forget yell father today. Father say he joke, please dont mind. Father say he want say Happy Easter you. Father say he go look rabit again today but was no able see. Father say he go early today because he saw national geographic on tele and they say that all animal wake early and active morning. Father say he yell Niklas because he no look rabit hard. Father say he yell Hannah because she make him late because she no make oatmeal early. Father say he no say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say that he forget wake 30 min early but wake 20 min before rise of sun. He say that he wake late because he watch tele night and sleep late. He say that he try do thing quick but it take time for water boil and father late to see rabit. He say father want go 15 min before sun, but he went 10 mins before sun. Hanah say that he want wish you Frohe Ostern. Niklas say grandpapa make him up very early. He keep waking Niklas up at 4 and then 4:15 and then 4:30 and so on. Niklas say grandpapa yell him because he want Niklas to run to far corner in park to see rabit but Niklas no want run because it to early. Me tire to because me wake early. You Kris must good because he take you to park to see rabit. Me no able find rabit. Me confuse . Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  7. Dear Author,

    We celebrated Easter at the SRC by reading your blog. We were not expecting anyone at SRC today as it is a holiday and Easter but a lot of people showed up. The profs and the students all appreciated your lesson of love for the rival group. The profs pointed out that this is because you are a big author with a big heart. Dean pointed out that love and kindness is the theme of Easter also. He has asked that this quotation be posted on the video notice boards across the university all day today and tomorrow morning. We usually post the quotes from famous people on these video boards.

    thank you again for your blog and specially your comment to us.

    Happy Easter from all of us

    Literature Fellow

  8. Thank you for being my lifeline. I was nervouse that you will not write this blog today because of Easter but I am glad you did. I dont know what I will do without this blog


  9. Happy Easter.


  10. Thank you so much for writing the blogs every day. Easter is a big event for us at our family but we still read your blog. Me and all my family wants to wish you Happy Easter. Or as we say in Italian buona Pasqua

    thank you
    Happy Reader

  11. Dear Advisor,

    Happy Easter to you

    The retirees had a very long and interesting day. Please accept my apologies if I bore you with details but I am sharing it as you may find it interesting.

    The retirees did not go for their walk today. It was not because they were tired but because they were not interested. They were planning to give up their activities. I called a special meeting first the retirees were not interested however I asked them to read your blog. Once they did, they all came. I am not kidding.

    We had a long meeting which lasted for a few hours. There were a no. of reputed psychologists and sociologists who debated the issue of the value of retirees. After a lot of deliberation, we came to the conclusion that what you said today as well as what you said earlier are both correct. We understood that what you were trying to tell us, that the families of our kids are complete and hence we are as you said, an "extra" person. At the same time, what you said today and last 2 days is also true, that though we may not be required, does not mean that we are not adding value. In other words, we do add value but what value we add is really up to us. We can make it difficult for ourselves by thinking negatively or we can be positive and have a fun day as well as provide some extra few minutes of happiness to our grandkids. One councillor pointed out your example, that even if you dont give food to your grandkids, they wont starve but since you do, you basically help improve their entire afternoon!! As one retiree said, if this is not an example of value and usefulness, then she does not know what is.

    In conclusion, the retirees agreed that they will resume the subcommittees effective tomorrow as well as all the other activities eg meetings, walks etc

    The retirees want to thank you for your patience and persistence with us. They also wanted to highlight that though this complicated thinking process is too difficult for us, it probably is a piece of cake for you. In the end we should have listened to the gentlemen with multiple employers ie you showed us how to do everything, we should not question you but follow your dictates

    thank you
    recent retiree

  12. Replies
    1. What no Happy Easter nothing!! What a joke. I know, I know ...

      Thank you mrizvi. So nice of you to remember to comment. You do read before commenting, right?

    2. Happy Easter Smile

      Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmm down, Plunker. Just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxx. Kids today, you know. Yes we must be kind

      Brilliant comment from you, mrizvi. Good job, kiddo

  13. Happy Easter

    My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing psychologist. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Retiree Group Boris Karen Kris Happy Reader Karen Superwoman Jimmy
    Kyle mrizvi Plunker Batman Literature Fellow N Linda Dave Keith Jodie
    Brenda Tiara Kim Newbie Craig Marg Jasmeet Thanks All My Anonymous and
    Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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