" Nod "

Image result for houses in winter pictures

Thanks to All My 
Readers Family

I highly appreciate
your sentiments

I didn't mean to do that
to you My Friends

My Retiree Friends pl
don't suspend your activities
this is important for you

Thanks to Each and Everyone 
of you it reminds me that
we are Family

A Readers Family

Though I am feeling Bad 
for ruining Your Day

Still am feeling Proud of
All My Readers Family
such a  strong Bond

Yesterday was a mini Ice Storm in
Toronto roads were like Skating
Ring tree branches were enveloped
in beautiful transparent sheath of glass

Today still I can see traces of yesterday
storm sitting in the library after my
Darts beside the conservation area

I am enjoying the whole scenery
pieces of ice on the grass looks
like the scattered broken glass

Like whole wall of glass broken
may be by some stone hit or whatever
all giving a glitter in sunshine

Trees are quiet not a single leaf on
the bodies of their naked skeleton
their branches making me think as
if their hands are upwards

Towards sky may be praying for
peace and harmony I think now too
much for them to handle

Time to count down for spring I think
God is listening to them as I see
they are giving a Nod

A nod of contentment they did
their duty now up to God

Keep in mind if he is listening
then nothing to worry about
He will take care of everything
just relax


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Today being Friday, there are a lot of people who are coming. Most people come to read the blog before going home or to the pub. It is a festive atmosphere. The councillor also came with some other officials today. He came as he heard about Smile's blog yesterday and wanted to pay respect to Smile's father. The priest is also here. Some customers are saying hello to him and secretly smiling.

  2. I won the race to post the blog in our corporate noticeboards today.


  3. This is great. Did you also get the fresh SDs?


  4. Yes. The SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster


  5. Dear Madam Smile, I no sleep night. I read blog many time. You blog make sad. I go job and tell Mr. Supervisor and show yesterday blog to. I no you tell no talk blog but I no can. Mr. Supervisor read blog and say it emotional. He say but remember what your Madam say in today blog. I say how you know what today blog is because I no show you that. He say he read to. I very happy. I do 2 proud job and very happy that Mr. Supervisor read blog

  6. Dear Advisor,

    As per your instructions, we have resumed our regular activities, this includes revival of the subcommittees. Though the subcommittee on Parenting is still going through the material that you provided to them this week, the subcommittee on nutrition and healthy living is requesting additional insights.

    Also, our walk was cancelled as the retirees have not been able to pick themselves up from the emotional blog from yesterday. We however did meet in the coffee shop as it were your instructions to us. I am glad that we did, as it helped improve our morale. Thank you for suggesting it.

    Thank you
    recent retiree

  7. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWN was very somber today. We took the nature route. Lots of interest in Smile's blog from today but people still talking about her blog from yesterday


    2. SWS was great. We had a lot of participants from lobby B and they were discussing about Smile's blog from earlier this week about writing. Thy have been asked by management to adopt that style when writing reports


  8. I have been asked by management to schedule a Smile Forum for next week. The focus will be her new blog about writing. HR has also been asked to make sure that her blogs about writing are available to new employees for reference and not just included in the new hire training manual. The management wants to make sure that the employees adopt this approach and not forget about it


    1. Lobby C had a special manager's only meeting to talk about Smile's blogs. They wanted to understand why these blogs are so popular. A few of the managers participate in Smile Walks so they were able to inform other managers about them. From what I heard they said, these are "People's blogs". They again gave the example of Diana ie the people's princess.


  9. Father say he very sad about blog. He say Kris (me) take day off next week so I go mall walk. Father say Niklas go mall to so he spend time with grandpapa. Father say he also want talk Niklas for 2 hour to tell about skool. Father say he old almost 67

    (Niklas no happy that he go grandpapa. He say he will go church and no sit with grandpapa as he yell him. Hannah say he learn new soup for father. Me vacation almost done. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  12. Replies
    1. I am at a total loss for words. I have tried everything. I have tried to reason, tried to joke, tried to be harsh, tried it all. But, it is the same old, same old. Yes, yes. I know, I know

      Thanks mrizvi. Great job

    2. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxx Plunker. Take it eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyy. Yes, be nice ...

      Thank you mrizvi for your brilliant comment. You guessed it right kiddo

  13. Dear Author, it is rather late but we are working on the research. We have a question and are hoping that you can clarify it. We know that you are busy, so you can clarify it when you have time. The professor knows that our research is online so he has given some extra time. The question is that in your blogs you often talk about different subjects, how is that possible? Our professor was telling us that authors usually specialize in one area only

    thank you so much
    Literature Fellow

  14. What a mastery with words. Just look at this:

    "Trees are quiet not a single leaf on
    the bodies of their naked skeleton
    their branches making me think as
    if their hands are upwards

    Towards sky may be praying for
    peace and harmony I think now too
    much for them to handle

    Time to count down for spring I think
    God is listening to them as I see
    they are giving a Nod

    A nod of contentment they did
    their duty now up to God"

    Simply beautiful :-)

  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Kris Keith Karen Boris Cleo Jimmy Brenda Kim Tiara Marg John
    mrizvi Batman Plunker Retiree Group Newbie Superwoman Literature Fellow
    Jasmeet Sheema Linda Dave Happy Reader
    Thanks to All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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