Waiting for my Friend the White Butterfly

It is Sunday beautiful sunny morning 5 C, not below zero. Time to
celebrate for we Canadians.Today we have to switch our clocks.
Time is now changed. We are one hour ahead than of our time
yesterday. It will be like that for the entire summer.
This is March, people are enjoying with family and friends, to welcome
spring. I am getting invitations too.Yesterday I have to go to two places.
Today another dinner invitation. Day after have to go to a wedding.
My back still not good, giving me problem but I have to go. I can't say
"No". I take invitations like, we are still in the Rink. We still matters,
People want to connect with.
For me, invitations are like directives from God, to connect with His
Creatures and to go to spread Happiness around. We don't have to say
no, if someone invites. It means, he is giving his hand for a hand shake.
It is blessing from God, a welcome signal. Give it value and go for that.
Anyway, in the morning I was busy with two loads of my laundry. I have
to change my bed sheets too. After that I was in TV lounge, to be with my
son. It is always good to connect with your loved ones but don't mess up
with their privacy. Don't cross your limits. We never have to intrude their
private territory.
It is 10.30, my laundry is done. I am busy making banana shakes for my
son and for myself. We have to take care of our own self too. My youngest
daughter called me from Reading, England. Her daughter left to Paris,
for her Semester.
My eldest daughter called me from Edmonton. She was asking me to
slow down and to go to doctor. We feel good when our kids care about us.
Everyone is different and knows, what will work for his/her body. My sleep
is fine with my breathing exercise. Heating pad will work too, to handle my
back problem. I will be fine. No worries.
It is 1.30, I am at Tim Horton, enjoying my coffee, my time alone and
writing my Blog. It is 2.30, time to go home. My youngest grandson,
the Slurpee Boy must be waiting for his lunch.
I will make something nice for him, to enjoy and to make him happy.
We always have to have some targets, to get busy and to feel good.
Live in day tight compartment, to be away from thinking negative
Dear Friends in Ireland, every place has to go with it's own situation, to be
safe from the Virus. Mayor is right. I am surprised that the Priest, instead
of doing prayers, never leaves any chance to make personal comments.
He has to realize that he is a Priest, a messenger from God.
Dear "N", I am your friend. Keep that in mind. Love you. Don't feel low.
Dear Reader, doing 2 Jobs, you have to focus on work but always have
to listen to your Supervisor. Do whatever, he says. It is a must.
Dear Retirees, everyone has to go with the directives of the place, where
He/She is living. We have to follow the measures, for our safety. Please ask
the Retired Priest, to stay away from others and focus on his own self.
We don't have to intrude people's personal matters. Ask him, to leave the
Temple People alone. Thanks.
Dear Students, we don't have to talk about others. Everybody does what
He/She likes to do for himself and for his loved ones. You people don't have
to worry about. Please have patience and respect everyone's emotions.
Kris Dear, cancel the party, ask Father, to calm down and realize.
Dear Keith, please follow the directives. Every government taking
measures according to the prevailing conditions. Things are changing
every day.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are in my shop today to read blog. It is a custom here that they come here to read blog from today and after that go about the weekly shopping. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside. I am running low on supplies. The priest brought up the point that this is a health hazard and I should stop the reading. Customers said to him to mind his own business but he said that as a priest he has to care about everyone. The councillor thanked you for your advice but the priest said that why are foreigners getting involved in local issues. He was seen talking to some customers to convince them
ReplyDeleteI read your blog every day. It s good that you wrote 2 lines for me. I dont want to talk to anyone. My kids call but I dont talk to them
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome laundry doer. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I like you blog in China. It very very good. I read because I no suppose go out because virus
ReplyDeleteThis good. I no Anglais. French good. I no care about virus. I read blog
DeleteThis good blog. I read Russia
DeleteI enjoy you blog. I no good Anglais but Spanish good. Big virus problem here
DeleteAnd I read Ukraine. I like you blog lot. I read for my teanger kid
DeleteI read Italy. It very bad. Lot people read you blog Italy to be positive. Thank you
DeleteDear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go Mr. Supervisor and say him how you. He say I ok but why you come because you no nose running and you sick. I say I come to job to tell you that I always need listen you. He say that good but you no need come to job to tell me. You will make other sick too. I say yes I small sick like cold and fever but no big deal. He say what you talk because you eye red too. I say my eye red because I cry. Mr Supervisor ask, what you mean? You lot pain? I say not pain. I cry because my Madam back still bother her but her only son no take her to Doctor. And my Madam need make nice things for him and Dear bad Slurpee boy. He say yes it very sad. I say but how you know. He say he need go and he go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteYour blog caused a lot of emotions and concern today. The retirees are very surprised that you have been suffering from severe back trauma, yet you are still taking care of your laundry loads, still not being taken to a local health practitioner or medical clinic, are still making delicacies for your son as well as your grand children, are still walking to the Tim Horon’s and still doing who knows what. The retirees were meeting to talk about the covid 19 response, but upon reading your blog, many retirees could not contain themselves and openly wept. We know that nothing will happen but we still moved a motion to petition your son to take care of you. Some retirees also wanted to include a clause to condemn him but we persuaded them to remove it, as it may be counterproductive to our cause. Truth be told, that we do agree with the condemnation that he richly deserves
The retirees appreciate your guidance towards Covid-19. The retirees are proposing to ban the gatherings until further notice. The ban will come into effect after your approval
The retired priest was not here today as he is working on a plan to expose the temple people for the fire code irregularities that are often committed at the temple. We will however communicate your message to him
Thank you
Recent retiree
You are so independent. You are the best mother in law in the entire world. Best mother in law ever! If there are mother in laws, they should be all be like you
ReplyDeleteHappy Reader
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the Smile Garden today. Prof George appeared quite worried as the uni has banned gatherings of more than 250 people and these blog readings easily attract way more than that. He was heard asking the Dean what measures to take for these readings. The Dean responded that, these are Smile’s readings and we will do what she says. Some professors were surprised and said that what if Smile’s advice is against the uni’s directives. The Dean smiled and said that Smile is knowledgeable, sagacious and articulate. She has helped us out in complicated scenarios, so she will be able to find a way out
During the readings, many students were extremely upset that you are not being properly taken care of. Despite your bad back, you have yet to see a doctor ! The Smile Army started raising loud slogans against your son and everyone joined in. We also played darts
Literature Fellow
This blog is another new blog from Smile. Last week it was about something else and today about other items
Just enjoy the blog. Smile is a factory of ideas
Father say father hapy that you rite for father. Father say father want thank that you care father health. Father say you no need wory because father keep lot distance from all peeple when they come and sit on far sofa. Father say why you go kaffee shop becuase it no safe. Father say why you no yell you Kris if you back hurt. Father say father no say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say Hannah kris wory you because you back hurt. Hannah say you please slo down. Hananh say Hannah no that Hannah no you dotter but Hannah think you like Hannah mom so Hannah kris wory. Hannah say father plan big party but no invite all peeple to come one time but different time. Hannah say Hannah kris tire because it kris work and there like 100 peeple. Hannah say you please take corona serious because it kris problem in Germany and all place. Father say me that you care father and that why tell me no party. Father say me that father will sit far from all and Niklas need move sofa when peeple come . Me say no invite all one time, so father invite all different time. Me say only invite 100 peeple because you no like big party and it no good situation here in Germany. Father say he want invite more. Me say no safe but father no agree. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteOur VP HR would be monitoring the local directives to formulate the strategy regarding the evolving covid-19 situation. Thank you for your guidance
ReplyDeleteKeith Walker
We recognize that you live in a time strapped environment, “day time compartment” as you have so aptly term it often, so we will endeavour to keep our remarks concise. We are involved in planning pandemic response for our community and will be very closely looking for guidance from yourself to shape our actions. In the light of the escalating concerns about COVID-19, we have cancelled the art expositions.
ReplyDeleteTruth be told that our main motive for our response is that we are a little concerned about your well being as you battle some back tenderness challenges. We are also a little perplexed as to why your scion is not taking it seriously. The fact that your out of town progeny is asking you to take it a little easy, perhaps is a wake up call for her other sibling.
Thank you for making our days brighter
Dave and Linda
Oh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....
ReplyDeleteThank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.
ReplyDeleteFantatic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though