Just Do It

Dear Readers, please stop the Blog Reading Sessions for now, until
things get back to normal. Read it at home. I will keep on writing.
Have to follow the Directives. But stay calm, no panic.
Be realistic, buy and store essentials and non perishable groceries.
Don't stop thinking positive. Stay connected with the current situation
but also watch good shows to distract yourselves, to keep you out of
the gloomy atmosphere.
Everyone will be home for now so have patience and keep in mind that
everyone needs his/her own privacy. Respect everyone's emotions.
Don't cross your limit. Don't intrude people's personal matters.
Everyone needs his/her time alone slot. respect that. Thanks
It is Saturday beautiful sunny morning with 2 C below zero.
Today I skipped my laundry, not my fault. It was not enough load
to put into washer. Waste of time and electricity, not worth it.
I am sitting in the TV lounge, watching sports channel and spending
time with my son. Making banana shake for him and for myself.
We have to keep our plan "B" ready, to get busy, to stay away from
getting bored and to keep ourselves out of thinking negative.
We have to be flexible to adjust according to the prevailing situation.
Nothing is end of the world. Just do it whatever is available.
Nowadays "Virus" is everywhere in the News on every channel.
All Playoff Games, Gatherings, everything cancelled. Schools, colleges
and University closed.
My work place, I mean Library also closed till April 5th. I am off from
my work. No Darts, No Bowling for now. Everything is on hold, just to
wait and see. I will find something at home, to get busy.
For now, I am enjoying whatever is available. It is 12.30, I am at Tim
Horton. My son is kind enough to drive me here. Coffee House is not
a Full House. It is not the same like before.
I can see most of the tables are quiet. Just couple of people sitting here
and there, keeping their distance and avoiding contacts. We have to follow
the instructions, not for our own safety but for our loved ones too.
Here in Canada, Mall hours also cut down, will open from 11 am to 7 pm.
Not like before from 9 am to 9 pm. We don't have to get scared but have
to follow the Directives.
Dear Readers, please don't worry about my back problem and for doing
laundries, on my own. I don't like to stay in bed and stop doing things.
To me "Will Power", is everything, to face our life, to tackle our day to
day matters. Keeping ourselves busy and doing things on our own,
boosts our "Will Power".
Doing things for others, will enhance that and will take our Will Power
to much higher degree. It will also pay back in giving us happiness. That,
we can not buy from anywhere in the market but it is so easily available
Try to make other Creatures of God, happy, to get happiness in return.
It is very simple, water plants, feed animals. Hang bird feeders in your
balcony or in your garden. Do whatever you can. Help others, spread
happiness around. You will get happiness. Trust me. Just do it.
Kris Dear, you have to control Father. Stop him from torturing Hannah
and Niklas. How can he do that, making Hannah to cook for 100 people.
He is a very selfish person, treats Hannah like his slave.
Dear Dave and Linda, it is great to help community. By avoiding contact,
still we can help others in so many ways. We can make calls, to elderly
people, living alone and also to the people, who are now in quarantine.
We have to ask them to follow Directives. But have to stay calm, no panic.
It will be great, to let them know that they are not alone, not lonely.
Others can also join hands, on line, to set up a "Call Center", to reach
larger group of people. You can also set up an "Account", for people, to
make groceries and other essential deliveries possible, at their door steps.
Do whatever you can, sky is limit.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are in my shop today to read blog. It is a custom here that they come here to read blog from today and after that go about the weekly shopping. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside. I am running low on supplies. The priest is here and said to me that we are not allowed to congregate in such large nos. Many customers laughed and said he simply envious. The priest said that he has closed the church too but customers said that perhaps he should keep it open as thats the best place to self isolate. The councillor was in a meeting with the mayor and came late. She said that we need to close the readings because there cant be that many people here.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog every day but you dont write for me
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome carpet bowling expert. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I like you blog in China. It very very good. I read in isolation but no read with other
ReplyDeleteThis good. I no Anglais. French good. Virus problem here
DeleteThis good blog. I read Russia
DeleteI enjoy you blog. I no good Anglais but French good
DeleteAnd I read Ukraine. I like you blog lot. I read for my teanger kid
DeleteMy mother in law is not advised isolation but she stays in bed all the time anyways.
ReplyDeleteHappy Reader
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go sick job worker and say how you. He say I ok . I say you no sick? He say why you keep say that . I only get head hurt one time but why you here, you no supose come job if you sick. I say I come because I want use Will Power. My Madam explain that in blog. Sick job worker say but she also say no blog session. Also, she no go library. I say library is like her office. He say yes I know. I say but how you know because I no tell you blog. He no say anything but go. I think he head hurt to. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteAnother fresh new blog today. Smile is fantastic!
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Of course Kyle, Smile's blog are always fresh. What else do you expect!
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteWe appreciate your blog today. As per your instructions, the retirees have suspended all the reading sessions. The retirees have also decided to proceed to the grocery stores to start buying and storing items. Some retirees were not in agreement with this approach because the government has asked us to not hoard items, however since you asked us to do it, all retirees agreed as your instructions are like commands to us
Thank you
Recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students met to listen to the blog however the Dean and Prof George asked us to go home and stay indoors. They pointed out that you have specifically mentioned that in your blog. The Smile Army protested and said that you have not asked us to stay home, but the Dean said that this is a safe thing to do
Some of the students are starting to go home as the Uni is now closed. The parents are giving us long lectures. They dont realize that we already know about whats going on.
We didnt play dart today as Mrs. Lucy said that we will only start playing when you start
Thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing walker. She is an amazing researcher. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing author. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteFather say father no no what you say that Father torture Hannah . Father say Hannah lazee and no come one bell. Father say she also do lot act. Father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say you please take care. It niklas safe go out because kris virus. Me explain father that Hannah kris fever and may be get virus but father say Hannah act. Me say fahter that I need take Hannah hospital but father say she need go alone because if I take Hannah who give food to father. I say him Niklas do but father say he no trust him because he no heat proper. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Give me a break. This is getting ridiculous. It makes my blood pressure go really high. I know, I know .....
ReplyDeleteGood job mrizvi. You made my day. Thanks
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. Just Calm down. Take it eaasssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Yes we need to be kind
ReplyDeleteGreat work mrizvi. You guessed it right kiddo