Get Busy to Stay Positive

Dear Readers, I am trying
to post my Blogs
every day, to connect,
to let you know that
you people are not alone
in these difficult moments.
I am here for you, to listen, to share.
Keep in mind "This Too Shall Pass".
Just a matter of time.
God is watching over all of
His Creatures.
Trust me.
It is Thursday beautiful morning with 3 C. Amazing no sub zero
temperatures.No snow any more. It is all a different scenario. Birds
are back from South of the Border. Skeleton trees are now having a
sense of relief. They know it is just matter of days, they will get
everything back, whatever was on hold, their strength, their smile.
There is change in our day to day life too. Everything is on hold for
now. Restaurants, Cafe all closed. People have to stay away from each
other. Only Drive Through and Take away, is working for now.
Schools, colleges, Uni. all closed. People working from home.
It is a Full House. We have to be considerate, have patience.
Respect everyone's personal space.
Everyone is different has his/her own personality. We can not change
anyone. We have to focus on our own self. Don't have to lose patience.
Hold your talks. Silence is virtue, beside listening.
Have to find our own hobbies, to get busy, to stay positive. Don't involve
others. Leave everyone alone. They have their own things to do. Don't
expect from others to make your day, to get you busy.
We have to be flexible, to change our plans according to, what is available.
Chalk out your day plan. Change your spot, in your house. I mean, move
around. Don't have to sit, all day at the same place.
Go to balcony for a while, if you live in apartment.Water plants.Go to
the back garden. Start gardening, weather is great. Read book/magazines.
Keep connected with the current situation but watch good TV shows, too,
to stay positive. If you are comfortable to walk. Go out for a while to have
fresh air.
In the morning, after breakfast, I stay in the TV lounge. I watch Andy
Griffith Show, for a while. I watch alone. My son working from home.
I don't disturb him. After that, I go to my room, to be with my computer,
to check Facebook messages.
My daughters talk to me, not much to talk, just to connect. I keep in
mind that they are busy with work and with their own family matters.
That has to be their priority.
Any time after 12 noon, I get ready, all dressed up in layers, to go for my
walk to Tim Horton. It is still cold here. We need jackets and layers, to get
out. I don't go inside the Cafe. Turn back from outside as seating area is
closed. It takes me 30 to 35 minutes.
I am not going to work but my other routines are same. Making Banana
shakes for my son and for myself. Making lunch for my youngest grandson,
the Slurpee Boy. Making something, to put on the dinner table for my
family. I try to make couple of calls, to the people, I know, are living alone.
My computer is also there, for me to watch my favorite shows, to play
scrabble and card games. I have my Sudoku and Cross word books too.
I do that, in the evening, which is my time to be with my family. I stay in
the TV lounge, to be with them but keep myself away from unnecessary
ReplyDeleteThank you for the blog. I cant post it in Smile Corner because its closed
ReplyDeleteAll our offices are now closed. I will not be posting the blog in any of the lobbies at this time
This blog is my lifeline. Thanks for writing it every day
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome caller! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
Our office also closed. We are also not posting blogs
ReplyDeleteDear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I no able go any place. I read blog all time. I do 0 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe blog reading session continues to be suspended. We are not being able to read the blogs at this time
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students are not allowed to do the reading in the group. We still come to Smile Garden. Smile Army is putting the bird feeders out. The Dean is asking them to be careful
thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing. She has amazing will power. She is an amazing time manager. She is an amazing counsellor to retirees and all the readers. What an amazing person my Smile !!
ReplyDeleteFather say Hannah keep sleep. Hannah lazee. Father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah get more sick but I no able take hospital because father no allow. Me say father she need go hospital but father say why she no eat. Me confuse, Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Me read blog Italy
ReplyDeleteWe read blog Russia
DeleteI read China
DeleteI read in Spanish
Deleteand I read France
DeleteAnd I read Korea
DeleteThis is making my blood boil! What is going on out there. I know, I know ....
ReplyDeleteGood work mrizvi. Very nice comment
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. Just caaallmm down. Yes Smile has asked us to be kind
ReplyDeleteGreat job kiddo. You guessed right this time too