Beauty of Family Life

Tuesday, cloudy cold morning with 1 C. It is 10.30, I am done with my
breakfast. Enjoying morning tea, sitting in the TV lounge for a while.
My son is working from home. He is with his computer, busy with his
meetings. I wont stay here long, it will be distracting for him.
I can see my back garden. Very quiet there. No Birds, no Black Squirrel.
Sun also staying home. It is good, everyone following the Directives.Trees
look shaky, scared, with a somber look. I think, they all are watching the
News channel.They are aware, what is going on around the world.
My walks are on hold so I adjusted my time table.Sleeping late and not
getting up early. It is 10.45, I am back in my room, busy with my computer.
Going through Facebook messages.
My daughter from Reading, England, called me. She is sick, staying in her
room. Not so bad, no high fever, still following the directives. It is her day
four. She has to be away form other family members, for seven days.
Her in-laws, also living with her. They are not mobile. She used to look
after them. Her daughter, just started her Uni. She was in Paris, now her
classes now online so she is home.
My grand daughter is trying to manage everything. Not easy with two
bed ridden old people. Her mother has to stay in her room for couple
of more days.
My daughter the middle one, called me from Grimsby, England. She was
busy in her kitchen. Everyone staying home, so lot of work to handle.
Everybody has his/her own schedule, their own timings for dinner and
She is also doing her Bachelors in Math. Her final exams in June. Busy
with her assignments and books.That is on top. Anyway, this is the beauty
of family life. You have to take everyone into account.
I see couple of birds walking around, on my front garden. It is good to see
them after a while.They must be done with their Quarantine period.
I think my friend, the Black Squirrel is not done yet. Staying home for
couple of more days.
I am going to my kitchen, to make Banana shake to give to my eldest
grandson. My youngest one, the Slurpee Boy is also awake. I will make
Burger for him. My son done with his lunch. Make tea for him and for
myself too, to enjoy together. This is beauty of family life.
No doubt about.
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