Ring In The New

You don't have to continue to believe

It forever, like

" I'm not good enough "

" I'm stupid "

" Life is dangerous "

Garbage these beliefs

Past can not be changed

Done is done

But future can be shaped

Our current thinking,  really matter

Our visits to this planet are like

Going to school

We learn particular lessons

When we grow up

We have a tendency to point our fingers

Accusingly at our parents and say,

" You did it to me "

Our older brothers and sisters might have said

These things like

" You are just a baby "

" You 're too stupid to play with us "

Same like other kids at school can tease us

And leave lasting hurts

In our life

We have to face pressures

From all sides

Even we're asked

 " what will the neighbors think " ?

So all that pressure,

and of course 

The  strong and very

persuasive statements 

Made by advertisements

In magazines and television

All too many products are sold by

Making us feel 

We are unworthy or wrong 

If we don't use them

We have all the negative beliefs
 to overcome

To shape our beautiful future

We have to do our
mental house cleaning

And throw out our old beliefs 

Ring out the old and

Ring in the new


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