Just Do It

We all have ideas about ourselves
That we use as limitations or
Resistance to changing
Like :

We are too old or too young
Too fat, too thin
Too short, too tall
Too lazy, too weak
Too poor, too dumb
May be it's all too much

We also try to use delaying tactics
Such as, I 'll do it later
I can't think right now
I don't have time right now

Yes that's a good idea
I will do it some other time
We know our ways to
Not to do things and running away
From the situation
Just do it

Plan your Day
Every successful person
does it in some form
This is the most positive way
to invest your time
Plan your day a night before or
The first thing in the morning
Prioritize your things in the list to do
You will be amazed how effective
and productive it will be

Check off each daily goal in the list
as you complete it
You will get a great sense of
It will show your progress record
Daily accomplishments are
The building blocks of a successful life

Sometimes going without things can be
A great teacher
Think, but don't forget to thank
Think about what we have and
Develop an attitude of thankfulness

Showing our appreciation to others is
One of the highest expressions of
Respect and courtesy
It is not how much we have but how much
We enjoy
Treat other people exactly as you would like
To be treated by them
Love and appreciate your life

As we get older, we need
 to realize that
We have a choice about
how we're going to
Respond to the messages
from other people
Remember that
" no one can make you feel
inferior without your consent."

It would follow, then,
that no one can make you
feel  " anything " 
without your consent
It is what we believe
About ourselves that counts
Whether we were treated
Rightly or wrongly as children
Our self esteem is now
 our responsibility

We can't feel good if
our heads are
Full of negative thoughts
If we 're treating others
with respect
Being honest and
achieving something
With our lives then
we need to give
ourselves credit

It's healthy to develop
 a good attitude
about ourselves
we have to remember
 attitude is a choice ---- the
most important one
 you'll ever make
self esteem is the reputation
You have with yourself

The body needs nutrition
and exercise  ----  so
do , the mind and spirit
mind , body and spirit act
in concert to
determine health and well being
Life is a balancing act

Ancient Chinese and
later Greek Philosophers
Examined life from three
Perspectives :  Physical
 mental and spiritual

They did agree on their
existence and that
Each one is as important as
the other ,  and that

As we learn to balance
 these parts of our nature
We grow in understanding
become more
complete as human beings and
Live more fully , so
Try to live in a three
Dimensional world


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