Oh God Another Day !
Don't let the past hold you back
Don't spoil your Today
Because of something
That happened in your Past
Like, because
I am no longer married
I can not live a full life Today
Because I was hurt by a remark once
I will never trust anyone again
Because of some of our very
Old experience
Where we were treated badly
We never forgive and forget
What we often refuse to
Realize is that holding on
To the Past --- no matter
What it was or how awful
It was --- is only hurting us
We can not turn the page
Done is done so
Move on
Ring out the Old and
Ring in the New
When we start our day
With a Groan
" Oh God, another day "
And that is exactly
The sort of the day
We would have
One thing after another
will go wrong
It is important
How do you begin your day
Start your day with
Positive affirmations and
With gratitude for the
Things in your life
Make a list for that
And be thankful
Our first thoughts
On awakening
Before we open our eyes
Be thankful
For everything we can think of
Do your Affirmations
Then enjoy your breakfast
And thank the Earth Mother
For providing the food
Take a few moments
To read and study
There is always more to
At night while going to bed
Collect your thoughts
Go over the events
Of the day and bless each activity
Affirm yourself that
I will sleep deeply and soundly
Awake in the morning
Bright and refreshed and
Look forward
The New Day
Relationships are mirrors
Of ourselves
Love comes when we least
Expect it
When we are not
Looking for it
Hunting for love
Only creates unhappiness
Love is never outside
Love is within us
Be loving and you will be lovable
Every experience is a success
Make room for the new
Clean out your refrigerator
Get rid of all those little bits
Of stuff wrapped in foil
Clean out your closets
Get rid of all the stuff you have
Not used in the last six months or so
If you haven't used it in
A year
Definitely get it out of
Your home, sell it , trade it
Give it away or burn it
Cluttered closets mean a
Cluttered mind
Clean out your closets
And clean out the closet of
your mind too
The Universe loves symbolic
The abundance of Universe
is available
To everyone
I bless my telephone with
Love each time
It brings me the expression
Of Love
I do the same with my Mail box
I am not scared of the Bills
I receive the Bills in my mail box
Thanking the companies for
Trusting me to pay
I bless my doorbell
And the front door
Knowing that only good comes
Into my Home
Be loving and you will be lovable
I am grateful for your help in adding positive thoughts to my day. Merci beaucoup
ReplyDeleteGood one
ReplyDeleteA precious thought