Moments to Cherish

It was an amazing long weekend in Toronto with 22 C
My son was planning to go to Niagara Falls
But when kids get older interests not the same
All of his three sons were not interested so he had no choice
and went for Bike Ride He is an outdoor guy
I always get fascinated by Falls view
The crystal clear water looking milky and blue,
changing colors Sun rays make it golden the rhythm of water
All the water gushing down to fill the Bowl still not enough
I was looking forward for all this now on my computer
trying to keep myself feel happy and counting Hits on
my Daily Blogs
After a while I had shower and all dressed up to get out of my four walls
To roll on streets lining with trees all green with beautiful white, pink
and purple flowers even weeds were looking scenic all yellow on the green grass by the stony concrete walkways
It was 1.30 pm I was feeling good in the breeze
with perfect warmth of sun not too hot
walked from my place 20 minutes to Tim Horton
I grabbed a small coffee then decided to walk further 20 minutes
to the " Thrift Store "
I call it Treasure Island I can spend hours there
I enjoy the China of our times
before this Paper plate and paper cups Era
The Crystal glasses and the beautiful decoration pieces
Everything takes me to different sections of my life
and opens up the doors of Golden memories
the memorable moments to cherish
which are no more available all lost
in the valley of our growing age
Bring lot of pain and happiness to me
I want to stay in that moment and
try to capture and to freeze
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