From Grimsby England

Image result for flowers pigeon garden pictures

It is Saturday morning bright sunny with 22 C it is 8.30, I am having
breakfast in my Daughter's back garden., sitting by myself. Enjoying my 
own company. 

Having oatmeal porridge and stir fried egg with a cup of tea. One pigeon 
came to give me company. Flowers are smiling to spread happiness around.
White butterfly came to add up the glamour. Such a scenic view to behold.

My Daughter is away, she is in Lake District with her husband, enjoying 
couple of days over there. Two of her sons are here with me. One is in grade 
7th, I have to give him breakfast. He is asking for Noodles. 

In the evening I will take Him, I mean my Youngest to Peoples park, it is 
15 minutes walk. I will ask one of his fried too to accompany. They both 
will play have good time together.

These are some beautiful moments I am enjoying with him.Tomorrow my 
Daughter will be back in the afternoon, then he wont need me anymore . 
We always have to value the moments in hand.

Dear Reader doing 2 Jobs, we have to water our plants at home. It is not 
fair to water other people plants or at work place. When talk at work with Supervisor or anyone else, talk only about work.  Don't talk about Blogs. 

Dear Retirees I wonder why Lady make big deal out of everything, always 
try to compare cultures. This is very rude. You can call my Blogs whatever 
you like to name.

Dear Smile Army friends, I write my Blogs for all my Dear Readers.
I love everyone. Kris Dear, Father making Niklas life miserable. Father
not old, why Niklas always has to go with him. Don't yell at Niklas.
All kids play video games all the time.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Though it is Monday, there are still lots of people coming in to read the blog

  2. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA


    1. I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster


    2. And I posted the one from the weekend


  3. This blog provided me with a perfect ice breaker for my business meeting today. We are going through some challenging times and need to make some difficult decision about staffing, Smile's blog provided us the perspective that we should always strive to help others and always look at the bright side

    Smile is fantastic

    Keith Walker

  4. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  5. I read your blog every day but you don't write for me. This blog is my lifeline


  6. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D. Still working on getting the blogs posted from the weekend.


    1. Can you please post them before the Smile Walks? We will like to read them before going for the walk


    2. I have now posted all blogs in all noticeboards in lobbies A, B, C and D. Sorry for the delay, I was delayed as people kept coming to get copies from the printouts


    3. SWS was fun. People were saying TGIM (Thank God Its Monday)


    4. SWN was fun too. We talked about Smile's blog


  7. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Wicked job worker come and say how you. I say I no want talk you because you bad. She say did you stop listen you Madam? I say never. It no possible. My Madam very nolege. She do search. She do science. She big scientist. She go gorment conference. Mr. Mayor talk to her for advice. She tell dear retiree how talk. She tell dear retiree how walk. She give advice to lot dear readers, like Dear Kris, Dear Kris Father, Dear Dave and Linda, Dear Students, Dear Dean, Dear N, Dear Prof. George, Dear Lucy, Dear Keith Walker, Dear me, Dear Boris, Dear newbie, Dear Mr. chef, Dear lot people. She big shot. Wicked worker laugh and say but remember she no say that you don't talk to me today. I say yes. She say also she tell you water plant at home but you no plant at home. I say yes. She say then that problem because what you do to get happiness? I say I don't know. She say why don't you water plant in park? I say it look bad. She say but you Madam no say no water in park and she say water plant bring happiness. I say you right that good idea. I ask her do you want come to. She laugh and say no my job done and then go. I do 2 ok job and always read blog

  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees did not go for our long walk today. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog.

    The retirees were somewhat confused by your blog as we were still not sure if you are referring to Master Slurpee or you are referring to the young gentleman who is residing in Grimsby. The Lady again said that in the Eastern culture the parents and grandparents have a much higher respect however based on your advice, we have now suspended her membership pending your approval of course. The retired priest was very pleased with this and suggested that though you believe in the Christian principle of kindness and forgiveness, your blog indicates that you also believe in eye for an eye type of justice. We suspended his membership as well since you prefer to not talk about religion

    thank you
    recent retiree

  9. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Research Center today. Smile Army volunteers were very pleased to read your blog as you pointed out to them that the blogs are for everyone. The Smile Army volunteers are not very bright. They spend all their free time trying to fix the Smile Garden. They don't realize that it is extremely hot. One of the students told them that they don't need to worry about having their brains fried because they don't have any brain to begin with. Either they were so busy with their stuff that they didn't listen or they really have no brain, but they didn't protest.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  10. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has amazing friends. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. Father say you yell father lot today. Father say you say why father old. Father say father old because chancellor say father old. Father say father old but father very act because father go 15 min walk like you on see see. Father say father go morning because father need take Niklas to. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say father tire today because father kris walk. Hannah say you care all Niklases and all. Hannah say you please care you. Niklas say grandpapa wake Niklas morning with ice and then thro water on bed so Niklas no able slip. Niklas say grandpapa go see see but only sit one bench for 30 min and wait son come. Niklas say grandpapa make Niklas sit to. Niklas no want see son but want slip but no able. Father yell me and say he want white butterfly but me no able find white butterfly. Me say father there lot black fly because lot black fly come because rubbish in back garden. Father say me klien back garden but that lot work. Me say Hannah do. Hannah tire and say no do. Me say you doter do. Hannah say no do. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  12. Replies
    1. What the hell! I dont care. I thought I will write like a kid today as it may make a difference. I know, I know ....

      Good job mrizvi. Thanks for writing your comment

    2. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. Just take it easy

      Cool comment mrizvi. You write good kiddo

  13. Thanks Lucy Boris Dave Linda Keith Newbie Kyle N mrizvi Plunker Batman Jasmeet Kim Cleo Brenda Karen Superwoman Happy Reader and Mother in law Craig Marg Literature Fellow Retiree Group Jimmy Tiara Smile Addict Kris Stephen Tiara Greg Pete Josh Liz Michelle Paula Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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