Day of Judgement

Image result for flowers pigeon garden pictures

My Dear " N "
please don't feel low
I love you

It is Sunday cloudy with some sunny breaks. It is 8.30, I just finished my
oatmeal porridge and stir fried egg. I am sitting in my Daughter's back 
garden. It is 16 C a bit cold. I am having my light, navy blue jacket on. 

This is my favorite jacket, I got years back for 4 dollars from Thrift store 
near my library club in Pickering, Canada. I am also wearing my light 
green years old scarf. 

White butterfly talking to flowers trying to make them smile, to brighten 
their day. It is a bit windy so I am now sitting in the kitchen. My Daughter 
makes sure to put white garden chair for me near the fridge.

From here I can see most of the back garden. I keep the kitchen back 
door open so it is just like walk-in garden. There are so many flowers. 
I know just couple of them, like Roses, Fuchsia, Carnation, Daisy.

But I don't know others, still I can figure out when they are happy and 
give me smile. I water all of them every afternoon, I think now they know 
me and take me as their friends. 

Dear Readers, most of the times I get your comments the next day. Every
morning when I read comments about Job Worker # 2, and about Father, 
it is worth to spoil my Day.

I start thinking that why Job worker # 2 always gets happiness out of 
exploiting her co worker The Reader doing 2 Jobs. Why Father starts 
his day by throwing ice on Niklas face.

Why Father always after Niklas and Hannah to make sure to make their 
lives miserable. I can not figure out and can not understand, how can
he be happy by doing all this.

I think we have around 80 years. This is our time to play around with the
people around. We can make or break their lives. We can add happiness 
or take it away from them. Choices are yours, my Dear.

I think if we add up happiness around, we will leave this world more 
peacefully. We have more inner peace and will be in a better shape to 
face our Creator on the Day of Judgement. This is what I believe.

My Dear Retirees, when I talk about my Youngest, he is not Master Slurpee.
In England they are the youngest of my Daughters, where ever I live, so now
He is of my daughter's at Grimsby. My Eldest also the same, I mean I am talking about my Family in Grimsby.

Last nigh My Eldest ordered Pizza Delivery to surprise me, we watched
movie together. Had great time. These are special moments to be cherished 
in my memory box.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  2. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I went there


    1. I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today


  3. My Smile is so awesome !! She is am awesome writer! She is an awesome oatmeal porridge eater! She is an awesome grandmother! She has an awesome family! What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. Thank you for saying you love me. You are my lifeline. I wait for your blogs every day.


  5. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was great. As usual there was a big group of people today. We went for the nature walk. The participants were talking about Smile's blog


    2. SWN was fun. There was a lot of discussion about Smile's blog in SWN also


  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go wicked worker and say why you get happiness for exploiting me? She say Good Morning to you too. I say her, I no say Good Morning. She say I know that what want point out that you just came and say this without even Morning. I say yes because my Madam write in blog. I no suppose tell blog. She say but why you talk to me then? I say because she no say I no talk you? She only ask why you get happiness exploit me. She say but I no exploit you. Like I tell you yesterday water plan in park. Did you do that? I say yes. I say and were you happy. I say yes and there were lot other people there in park who happy too. She say see that what I mean. You Madam lot reader so may be she talk about other. I say ok and go. I do 2 ok job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees did not go for our long walk today. We are still very tired from our last walk. Some of the retirees are still suffering from cramps also. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog.

    The retirees were amazed that your grandkids prefer to spend time with you. Some retirees noted that you ordered pizza for your grandson. We like this idea as this will incent them to spend more time with us. The retirees want to thank you for giving us this advice as our grandkids do not spend time with us.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. A new blog every day!

    cool Kyle

    1. Why are you so surprised. It is like a flower bed with different variety of flowers!!


  9. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the SRC today. The dumb Smile Army cheered loudly as we were going through your blog. Prof George and the Dean tried to calm them down because SRC is very close to the offices of the Profs, Chancellor etc. The Dean also asked everyone that the blog be listened to quietly, with pin drop silence. He always stands up during the blog reading.

    We are continuing to face hardships at home. Everything we do is a privilege according to our parents. This includes car, phone, tv and sometimes even dessert. We don't expect that even your son would be doing that, though we have heard some real horror stories about that character. It is very frustrating. The lucky guy may not even have heard about these things.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  10. Father say you yell father lot like all time. Father say you may be forget reed father comment last day because father thank for give good idea. Father say father help Niklas all time. Father say Niklas no watch tele with father like you Niklas. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say father upset because father say Hannah no make oatmeal porridge and stir fry egg so Hannah wake 55 min before son to make. Hannah say father need eat niklas because father eat kris varety like oatmeal and veggie omelette and fresh juice and yogurt smoothie and kaffee. Hannah say you please no wory Hannah but wory you. Me explain father that no party but father say he want party and want back garden flower. Me say Hannah fix back garden like you doter. Hannah tire. Niklas sad. Father anger. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. Yesterday's blog saved our 2 day conference. Yes CONFERENCE!! I was in a 2 day event and the concluding presentation was being heckled. I decided to use excerpts from the bog and after a few minutes, magic happened. You described the garden scene so well that everyone calmed down. The result, the entire conference was saved!!

    thank you Smile
    this is awesome!
    Keith Walker

  12. Ok. This is why Smile is the best author, yes BEST AUTHOR, in my books. If you don't believe me then read this and tell me if it does not calm you down.

    "White butterfly talking to flowers trying to make them smile, to brighten
    their day. It is a bit windy so I am now sitting in the kitchen. My Daughter
    makes sure to put white garden chair for me near the fridge.

    From here I can see most of the back garden. I keep the kitchen back
    door open so it is just like walk-in garden. There are so many flowers.
    I know just couple of them, like Roses, Fuchsia, Carnation, Daisy."


  13. I guess I am wasting my energy in trying to teach the kids. They will never learn

    thanks mrizvi. Brilliant comment

  14. you are right, why bang your head against the wall. You already know that we have tried but it is just a waste. Also, Smile has asked us to be kind

    much appreciated mrizvi for letting us know that this is a good post

  15. Thanks Lucy Boris Dave Linda Keith Newbie Kyle N mrizvi Plunker Batman Jasmeet Kim Cleo Brenda Karen Superwoman Happy Reader and Mother in law Craig Marg Literature Fellow Retiree Group Jimmy Tiara Smile Addict Kris Stephen Tiara Greg Pete Josh Liz Michelle Paula Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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