Sofa will be Paid Off

For Dear Parents
Dear Teachers
It is Monday morning 4 below Zero
not so cold no snow no rain
Sun is off today so it is cloudy
I am back to work after March Break
I mean at My Library for My Darts
Birds are back I think they sensed that
Spring is around the corner
I still remember the beautiful piece of
Article in My High school Syllabus
I think it was by Hemingway
It was " Intelligence of Birds "Where
He gave a beautiful description about
how Birds sense the weather and start
getting ready for that
Birds are busy I think started making
arrangements for a Big celebration
for Spring time I am enjoying
watching them
My Dear Kris is worried about His Son
My Dear You don't have to worry
it is the story of every Home
My Son is also in the same Boat I try to
be a buffer between Him and His Kids
I think in High School specially before
2 Years to go to University Kids are in
a very difficult state of Mind and Body
There is so much going on inside their
Bodies then external pressure on top of that
it is too much for them to handle
They try to behave as if everything is fine
But in the heart of heart feel very vulnerable
they are not comfortable to ask for help
as it will show that they are not able to handle
They are under lots of pressure from everywhere
from We parents who want them to be on Top
at any cost We start dreaming for their good
University and the Bright Future ahead
We are not in compromising Mood
then comes their Peer pressure so much
competition going on then Teachers
are also there
Kids are stuck in between the whole
Scenario no support from any side
They feel safe going in Hibernation
sit on Sofa and get busy playing Video
Games on Internet Dear Kris Pl. don't
penalize them if Sofa is broken
They don't want to go out if We push them
They start indulging in easy things the stuff
not good for them They will give Your
Sofa back when time will come
Please be realistic and be Supportive to
Your Kids try to share their Pressure
Be their Buddy don't open another
Front to make Their Life a Hell
Another great tip to all the parents, we unconsciously are putting a lot of pressure on our kids and we are thinking, they need to be pushed to be a better person in life but at the same time, we forget their pressures, the problems Smile have mentioned.
ReplyDeleteFrom now I will be more supportive and understandable to my children.
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. The town is talking about Smile's blog as parenting is a key subject here
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was great. As usual there was a big group of people today. We went for the nature walk
SWN was fun. There was a lot of discussion about Smile's blog. Participants pointed out that Smile is talking about empathy and not just parenting
Smile blog is getting very popular here. I was asked to schedule 1 additional workshop and it got filled up within minutes. No more room available
That's because she is People's Writer
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.
I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today
Dear Madam Smile,
ReplyDeleteYou write so good. I see job worker today and I say her how kid. Is he break sofa? She say no but he break mirror because he want play catch inside. I say dont go angry him because he play inside and no outside friend. She say of course he play inside he 4 year. I say then how be break mirror. She say because he drop it. I say him dont angry him because it will pay back. She say what you mean. I say her if you want me talk blog only then I can tell because my Madam say no tell blog if no ask. She say she busy she need go. I think she get head hurt to because she hold head when she go. I do 2 very proud job and always read blog
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees did not go for our long walk today. We are still very tired from the walk from yesterday. Some of the retirees are still suffering from cramps also. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog.
The subcommittee on parenting appreciated your blog. The The subcommittee include 2 senior retired child psychology experts and a retired counsellor who used to specialize in elementary and high school student counselling. They all agreed that this blog is significant. They also indicted that they will reach out to the school board trustee and the principal to update the Smile with Smile curriculum.
The subcommittee on physical health and well being is asking for additional advice from you. Also the subcommittee on nutrition is asking for the same
recent retiree
Father say you forget yell Father again. He say it joke please no mind. Father say you right that bird intelligent. He say he watch movie bird on tele. Father say bird more intelligent then Niklas. Father say he no think that Niklas pay for sofa. He will break more. Father say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say you right that we let Niklas alone. He say that me and him grandpapa bother Niklas lot. Niklas say you right. There lot pressure on kid. He say you Niklas luck because you help. Me angry Niklas because this his 2 sofa that he break. He damage one before. He need do more thing. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing grandmother. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is
ReplyDeleteDear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students loved your today's blog. They posted it on our university's notice boards and also in the SRC. One student made a sign saying "Smile for President" :-) We all think that this blog should be a must read for all parents of teen age kids.
The parents push the kids very hard and they dont realize that kids are pushing hard on themselves anyways. Thank you so much for helping make it a better place for the teenagers.
One of our professors pointed out to us that the way you delivered the hard message to the parents is something we need to learn from. He pointed out that you delivered it very gently. You started talking about birds, referenced intelligence and common sense then talked about the difficult issue in a very easy tone. At SRC, this is the kind of stuff that we are trying to learn from
Thank you
Literature Fellow
We had further appreciation of your writing prowess this morning when we asked one of our colleagues who does customer documentation for a living to write a tutorial. The gentleman asked us if we think that he is Smile Apparently he is also one of your avid fans. He is part of our team and reports into me (Linda). I (Linda) could not help but chuckle at his question. He requested to give him a couple of days. Afterwards, in one of our team meetings, our team members wanted to talk about your parenting blogs and the same gentleman quipped that it is prodigious that you can churn quality writing on a circadian basis.
ReplyDeleteThank you for making our days brighter
Dave and Linda
This blog was a perfect ice breaker for my todays meeting. The meeting was getting nowhere. Everyone wanted to talk about the challenges that they are having with their teenagers and then voila, Smile blog gave everyone the answers. One lady suggested that if Smile can solve the teenager problem then she can trademark it. I didnt have the heard to tell her, that Smile has solved some equally challenging problems like joint family living, nutrition, retiree health, mental health etc (just to name a few)
ReplyDeleteKeith Walker
good mrizvi
ReplyDeleteWell , well, well. My head is starting to hurt now. I have run out of ideas. Same brainless comments every day. I know, I know ....
DeleteThanks mrizvi. Very insightful comment.
CCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmm doooowwwwwwwwwnnnnn ! Just reeeeeeelllllllaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxx. You are right, Smile has asked us to be kind
DeleteGood job mrizvi. Brilliant comment. I wonder what we will do without you kiddo
This blog is brilliant. Such a complex message yet Smile delivered it so easily. No wonder people are flocking to this blog like crazy
ReplyDeletethanks Smile
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Newbie Keith Boris Plunker Batman mrizvi Kris Karen Kim Jimmy
Brenda Brian Tiara Cleo Marg Craig Linda Dave Superwoman Sheema N
Literature Fellow Retiree Group Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual
Readers Thanks Everyone