Drain the Moment

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Happy St Patrick's Day
to All My Readaers

Thanks My Dear Friend 
Retired Corporate

To remain in the Club
I really appreciate that

I regret why I mentioned
in My Yesterday Blog 
that Today is Everything

My Dear Kris Father 
asked Kris to take a Day Off
and asked Niklas to go out

He asked My Dear Friend
Hanna to make more Soup as
He is inviting Friend

I wonder why He takes 
everything in His Favor

My Dear Friend doing 
2 Jobs started whistling 
around at His Work Place

My Dear Readers 
I didn't mean to say to
just Partying around

I wanted to say do whatever
You have to do with Your 
Heart and Soul into it 

We have to capture every Moment
think like that it will be gone
it works both ways 

I mean if you are having difficult time
think that it will pass and if you are
having good time try to celebrate

Drain the moment time flies
we are enjoying some food
we can not enjoy it tomorrow

Our Days are numbered we are getting
older day by day and moment by 

What we have today we might not have
tomorrow value your Mind and Body
these are your Asset

Enjoy the Nature it is God Treasure
Everyone has access to this great 

In His Eyes everyone is the same
He distributes 24 Hours to All
His Creatures Big and Small
and give access to His Treasury

His beautiful Scenic world to enjoy
and explore Thank You God for

I Love You God thanks for keep
watching over me I trust
You will never leave me alone
Enough for me


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday after the St Patrick's day, lots of customers are in my shop today. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside. I am running low on supplies. It is a festival here

    1. My customers did not appreciate that I did not respond to your kind greetings of St Patrick'day. A lot of them are quite upset with me. I did not respond because I already wished you that yesterday but my apologies for my impoliteness

      Happy Lá Fheile Padraig to you

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome philosopher. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    1. This good. I no Anglais. French good

    2. You blog good. I read Italy

    3. This good blog. I read Russia

  4. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You give so many advise to me and Dear Kris and Dear Kris Father and Dear Niklas and Dear Literature Fellow and Dear N and so many all dear readers. Mr. Supervisor come and say hello. He say you understand what you Madam tell you? I say no I no understand all of it because she write complicate filosophy. I say him I will read again. He say she say that do everything with focus and enjoy. I say him he no understand because my Madam tell me no wisle so she mean no enjoy. I say him but how you no what she say because I no give blog copy you. He say no mind. I say do you need advice headache because Madam can give you advice to. She very good. I start telling him about the advice you give to the dear retirees and dear Kris and dear Kris father but he say he need go because he make important phone. I do 2 very proud job and always read blog

  5. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees did not go for our walk today. Our walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the ones that you take. We did however had our joint reading of the blog

    As a mark of solidarity and unity, we requested the retired corporate executive to lead the reading. Prior to starting it, she again thanked you for your guidance to her and all retirees. She commented that you are not just an advisor to us but a friend.

    The subcommittee on mental health and healthy living is the one who are going to be doing further research on this blog. They believe that some of the points that you mentioned are worth investigating further. The retired sociologist along with the retired mental health consultant is the one who are going to be investigating it futher

    We have a request from the subcommittee on nutrition and physical well being, they both want some advice on their respective subjects

    thank you
    recent retiree

  6. Dear Author, though the school is closed today, our professors, me and some students have been pouring over your blogs for the last few hours. The dean is also dropping in on us from time to time. Due to the significance of this project, we have been given some space in the university library. The space is not huge but it is adequate for our needs. One of the professors was calling it Smile Research Corner but I changed it to Smile Research Complex (SRC) as I know that there is a Smile Corner in Ireland. We expect to be working at the SRC for quite some time because your blogs require a lot of in-depth research.

    Thank you
    Literature Fellow

  7. Father say he learn some anglais but need learn more. He say when learn all Anglias then Kris (me) wont need write comment him. Father say he no invite nabor first. Father say he first ask Hannah and she tell him soup no problem . Father say if Hannah ok, why you no ok? Father say Niklas need go out so he can be better man, now he like big baby. He need grow. Father say he no say he old almost 67 because you no like

    (Hannah say that father ask him but she no mind. It no problem to make more soup, she just add more water. Nabor like her soup to so it good. Niklas get more lazee. Me angry him because he damage sofa. Me tell him he no play competer today. He no happy. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

    1. Dear Kris Father, It good you learn English to read Madam blog but why you say Madam that soup no problem? If Madam say soup problem or wisle problem or tell blog problem then it is problem. I do 2 proud job and no wisle because my Madam say no wisle

    2. Father say 2 job guy you go hell. He say he tell you shut then why you no shut. Father say mind business

      (Me think that father right)

      Kris (Germany)

  8. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing therapist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  9. Oh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....

    Thank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again

  10. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.

    Fantatic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though

  11. Your blogs are a consistent beacon of common sense to us. In today's blog, you advocate action, passion, perspective and optimism as a foundational ingredients for happiness. This farsighted and insightful thinking is what makes these intellectual posts, however it is your kindness and generosity to your readership which makes you an integral part our daily existence.

    thank you for making our days brighter
    Dave and Linda

  12. This blog is simply out of the world. Just look at this:

    "What we have today we might not have
    tomorrow value your Mind and Body
    these are your Asset"

    Powerful idea. And so well said

    thanks Smile

  13. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Keith Kris Kim Jimmy Karen Linda Dave Superwoman Newbie
    mrizvi Batman Plunker Sheema Literature Fellow Brenda Tiara Craig Marg Cleo
    Retiree Group Jasmeet N Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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