Don Beer Arena

My Dear Friend N
Take one step at a time
Schedule doing one
Thing Every day
Sit down in your backyard
with Cup of tea and do
Bird watching for a while
It will help You
I will tell You the
next step after that
Please keep in touch
I am listening
My Dear Friends Linda and Dave
Don't you worry about Copyright
My Blogs are public
Anyone can use it
Thanks for asking
My Dear Retiree Friends
Hope My Friend who was
in Hospital doing fine now
Say Hi to Him
He will be well soon
I will Pray for Him
It is Sunday 11 in the morning
from today Time is one Hour early
I have to adjust Clocks one hour ahead
I mean it is 6 am but now 7 am
Sunny bright day but very cold
24 below Zero with blowing snow
I am sitting in Don Beer Hockey Arena
My Grandson playing in Rink # 1
in Jersey # 6 Red and black
My eldest is coaching feeling great
as His team is winning all he Games
I think this matters a lot to boost His
This is the first year for Him as a coach
He is young next year He will enter
His University with a greater confidence
In the Morning I made fresh pancakes
for My Grandkids Breakfast while
watching on National Geographic
Show about wild Islands of Japan
My laundry was done on Saturday
My weekends are busy with My
Grand Kids as I go with them
to watch their Games
Today I have to go to a Friend's gathering
Her Mother passed away last year so she
wants to do something for Her Mom
I never miss any chance to be with
Family and Friends to get Happiness
we have to be with people around
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, there are out of town visitors too. Our town people looks forward to Sunday as so many people come here from other places. The priest used some of the themes from the blogs. Town people were smiling secretly. Thanks to Smile we have a big festival every weekend here
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is awesome! She has awesome grandsons. She is an awesome writer! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome naturalist. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
This good blog. I like in Russia
ReplyDeleteI like blog. I no good Anglais but French good
DeleteI enjoy blog. It very good. I read China
DeleteI read you blog Italy
DeleteI read this blog in Greece. I dont read everyday as I dont get a chance but I read whenever I can. Thank you
DeleteJust wanted to let you know that you have followers in Latvia also
Dear Madam Smile, you do so many thing. Like you go watch grandkid hockey game and teach them play hockey. You also tell advice to so many people. I try write today. I write like I go job1, Mr. Sum awake. He like big cheese. I no able to write more. I hear that big writer sometime get that. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees did no go for our walk today. We had the reading of the blog at the hospital as the retired professional athlete is still admitted there. He is expected to be released tomorrow. We agree with the comment from one of the reader. The gentleman, is correct that we need to be careful trying to mimic you. As any example, we dont go to watch our grandkids games as it is too tiring.
The operation of the subcommittees remain suspended as a ,ark of solidarity with the retired professional athlete. He is recuperating wel. To pass his time, he is reading your blogs.Some of the nurses have also joined him and are very surprised themselves
Thanks again for your kind words
recent retiree
Thank you for writing for me. I have started reading your blog and I think I know what you are suggesting.
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe professors were joined by the dean today. We are trying to figure out how to shortlist the topics so as to conduct our research. The challenge is you have written in so many areas that we are finding it hard. Can you help?
Literature Fellow
Dear Literature Fellow, Madam already tell you that she will help, so why you ask repeat? I say that because you reader family and it no look good if reader family ask Madam repeat. Remember, she help you get A+? She very kind she didnt even care when you think burn blog. She kind and also help her only son. She also say us no say bad thing mrizvi even though she naughty. So please no ask again. I do 2 very proud job and always read blog
DeleteMy Smile is amazing! She has amazing grandchildren. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has amazing friends. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteFather say he no understand why you watch you Niklases game. Father say he no watch Niklas play football because Father get tire. Father say he give advice Niklas like how to play football. Father say he tell Niklas play out because he need grow. Father say Hannah make bad soup so he need yell. Father say he no say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say Father right. Watch game too tiring. He say you right that kids should play competer home and no play friend out.He say Niklas play out because everyone yell him. Niklas say you right that everyone after Niklas. Me try no yell Niklas but he no do vacuum. He no take care rubbish. He no listen. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
I was hoping that this is the end of the week so we will have a different outcome. But ...... Yes I know, I know
ReplyDeleteGreat comment mrizvi. You are simply brilliant kiddo
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllaaaaaaaxxxxxx Plunker. Just Caaaaaaaaaaalllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down. No need to waste your health and time on this
ReplyDeleteYou guessed correctly mrizvi. Way to go
Good suggestion.
ReplyDeleteWe should spend as much time as we can with our friends and families.
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Sheema Linda Dave Superwoman Boris Batman Plunker mrizvi Keith Kris
Karen Kim Jimmy Brenda Tiara Cleo Literature Fellow Newbie Craig Marg
Retiree Group N Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
Thanks Everyone