Love at first sight

Image result for flowers pictures in garden

It is Thursday very hot morning already 27 C no wind. Today my Daughter
invited three families. All her friends total will be 20 people. She is busy
with things for Dinner tonight. 

I skipped taking my breakfast in the back garden. I quickly finished my 
breakfast to help her out, whatever I can. It is important to help people out, 
when you see them under pressure.

Sharing imparts great impact. It is sort of light in the tunnel. Sort of
breather. I am sitting in the kitchen at my favorite spot near the back 
entrance. From here I can enjoy beauty of the back garden also busy
participating in kitchen activities. 

First we have to make ourselves comfortable and take away our own 
pressure after that we will be in a better shape to help out others. I am 
busy cutting veggies to be stir fried. Now cutting watermelon, red cubes 
looking so beautiful in the transparent glass bowl. 

Dishes to be served have to be presentable beside taste. Presentation makes  
big difference. God already made available all sorts of edibles for us. We 
have now to pick, to mix and match, to give color to our tables.

Food to be served has tb to be just like, love at first sight. I sneaked, 
able to take some time out, sitting in the back garden. Pink Rose started 
smiling, white Butterfly showing me her dancing skills. It looks like they 
were waiting for me. 

I got my treat the fresh air, the company of beautiful flowers and my 
friend the white Butterfly. Have to go inside, in the kitchen to help out 
my Daughter. I think she needs me. Talk to you later, friends.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are in my shop today to read blog. They come here to read blog from today and also the past week. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside. I am running low on supplies. The priest is also here today. He is making notes.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome philosopher. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I read your blog every day. It is my lifeline


  4. I like you blog in China. It very very good.

    1. This good. I no Anglais. French good.

    2. You blog good. I read Italy

    3. I read blog Russia. I read family

    4. This blog very knowledge. I read Spanish.

    5. I read blog Polish.

  5. My mother in law is hooked on your blogs but does not learn anything from them. She never helps out with any of cooking, does not enjoy the flowers, does not enjoy time alone, nothing!

    Happy Reader

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Happy worker come and say how you. I say I ok. She say you mouth ok now? I say no the doctor say it will take time because it lot burn because I drink many steaming hot tea. She say why you drink many, I thought you drink one only. I say I keep drink steaming hot tea until my Madam write next blog. Now I no drink steaming hot tea but put in fridge and drink cold. She say why you put tea in fridge? I say because my Madam say drink cold tea. I think she get head pain and go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for our long walk today. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. We had our lollipop after that.

    After the reading of the blog, the retirees had to have a special meeting at the request of the Smile with Smile subcommittee. They had a session with the parents yesterday and apparently there are lots of parents who are having challenges with kids at home. These are kids who have returned from uni during the summer break. We are also hearing reports that some of the parents are upset at the spending habits of their kids and also upset at the time they are spending outside of home. We have unconfirmed reports that at least one or perhaps a handful of parents have even asked for joint bank account. Since this is really unusual, and frankly bizarre request, we are planning to investigate it further. They requested that if you can please write something about this when you get a chance

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden today. Mrs. Lucy gave us all yogurt smoothie as it is very hot here. The students are having a very hard time with their parents. The students are upset that they are being treated like 5 year olds. Apparently the father of the student who was asked to have a joint bank account was not joking, she told us today that he again asked for that and even threatened to take the phone away if she does not comply. She asked us to write to you for your suggestion. She is from a South Asian background and Prof George pointed out that the parents from that region can be a little demanding. The Dean however thought that you will be the best person to address this but he reminded her and us that you are on vacation. She however is very desperate. IF you get a chance can you please write

    thank you.
    Literature Fellow

  9. Father say he like you blog lot today. Father say he yell all because they no read you blog proper. Father say he yell Hannah because she need understand what you say. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say father litle upset because Hannah wake late brakfast. Hannah only wake 35 min before son. Hannah say no inuf time to make oatmeel cold. Hannah say Hannah trik and put cold milk so father no notice and no burn mouth. Hannah say you rite very good idea and you help you doter and help all. Father yell all because father say you say that it important make father comfortable. Me say you no say but father then show me blog and father rite that you say
    First we have to make ourselves comfortable and take away our own pressure". Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing helper. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing author. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. This is one of the best advice to humanity that you will ever see. Dont take my word for it, read it for yourself:

    "Sharing imparts great impact. It is sort of light in the tunnel. Sort of

    "First we have to make ourselves comfortable and take away our own
    pressure after that we will be in a better shape to help out others. "

    "Dishes to be served have to be presentable beside taste. Presentation makes
    big difference"

    And no it is not about advice for humanity, Smile is an author who always leaves the readers with a bouquet of her folksy words:

    "I sneaked, able to take some time out, sitting in the back garden. Pink Rose started smiling, white Butterfly showing me her dancing skills. It looks like they were waiting for me.

    I got my treat the fresh air, the company of beautiful flowers and my
    friend the white Butterfly"


  12. Give me a break. This is getting ridiculous. It makes my blood pressure go really high. I know, I know .....

    Good job mrizvi. You made my day. Thanks

  13. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. Just Calm down. Take it eaasssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Yes we need to be kind

    Great work mrizvi. You guessed it right kiddo


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