Great Bargain

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It is Friday sunny beautiful morning with 22 C very busy day as tomorrow 
on Saturday will be house full. Everyone will be here for the Big Party.
Yesterday my Youngest Daughter came from Reading with Family.

I was with her in the Hotel for a while afterwards she came home with whole family to see her Sister. They stayed till 11.30 night then left to sleep 
in their room at the Hotel.

Today after having breakfast over there in the Hotel, everyone came home.
Kids were enjoying with their own company. My Daughters went to the 
Shopping Centre. They have to get things from there. I was with them,
we had pictures had ice cream from Buskin Robbins.

I gave Twenty ponds each to kids and twenty five ponds to each to my 
Daughters. I will give Fifty Ponds to my Son in law for his Birthday 
tomorrow at the ceremony. I love to give gifts to my kids and grand kids.

It is better to give money as they can get what they want. My Youngest 
Daughter got a nice Black Shirt with white embroidery from Monsoon
for the money I gave to her. 

These are rare moments we can cash to cherish. My Youngest will be 
leaving on Sunday morning. We have to cash every moment so not to 
regret after. Time flies and things change. 

Tonight My Daughter from Croydon coming with her family. One of my
Grand Daughter, who was married last year also coming with her husband.
I will give Fifty ponds to them together. They can get whatever they want. 

I don't know when can I see them again as everyone is working some 
came from Uni for summer holidays. Gift is sort of life line, it keeps connections alive. I don't mind giving money, I think it is a great bargain.

Right now I am busy watering plants in my Daughter's back garden.
Both of the Youngest from two of my daughters, are helping me out.
One is holding the pipe the other is checking that flow of water is OK.

I don't need help but they want to help me out in their own way.
What a lovely attitude of my grand kids. I think I am a lucky grandma.
Thank you God for making my Days Brighter.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Most customers did not go for the Sunday services at the church. The priest is down at the attendance since there are people visiting us from outside our small town but they only come to Smile Corner. One out of town customer was saying to the local customer that you are lucky that you get to read these blogs right away whereas we have to wait for a week. The local customers offered them Morning Smile and I served them Yogurt Smoothie.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome party goer. She is an awesome author. She is an awesome psychologist. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I read this blog regularly but this is the first time I am writing comment.

    Thank you

    PS: Enjoy your vacation

  4. I read blog China. We like you blog

    Enjoy holiday

    1. I enjoy you blog. I no good Anglais but French good

      Bon voyage

    2. This good blog. I read Russia

      Счастливых праздников

    3. I read with friend in Ukraine

      Щасливих свят

    4. And I read in Italy

      Buone vacanze

  5. This blog is my lifeline.


  6. Dear Madam Smile,

    You so good. You write good to. Happy worker come and say why you give gift to all in office. I say because it keep line communication open. She say yes but Smile no mean that you give expense gift to all because it no good. I say my Madam give 50 pound. I think she get head hurt. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees did not go for our long walk today. We are still very tired. Some of the retirees are still suffering from cramps also. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog.

    The retirees were surprised that you are giving so lavish presents to your grandkids. Many retirees noted that we don't give any presents excepts chocolates and cadies to our grandkids. The retirees are wondering how you create the budget.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. As you regale with friends and family, you are continuing to school your readers in the fine art of living a blissful and purposeful life. You are doing all this through the power of your inspired folksy tone of inscriptions.

    As you continue your well deserved vacation, we thought it will be worth letting you know how much influence you have had on us, and how radically you have transformed us.

    As some of your other readers have expressed, we share some of that concern about you labouring tirelessly and not seeking any R and R. We also contentedly noted that unlike your scion, your progeniture based in the continent have been kind to you, as they should be.

    thank you for making our days brighter
    Dave and Linda

  9. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden. Mrs Lucy brought yogurt smoothies for us as it is too hot there. Prof George was heard saying to one of the professors who was there that Smile is not only teaching the kids but she is teaching us all in the art of living. The Dean heard that and responded that it is true but Smile has been doing that since the outset.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  10. My rude daughter in law does not believe in giving gifts to anyone. I don't want to say anything but she is a little slow.

    Mother in Law of the Happy Reader.

  11. Father say you give father good idea. Father say father also want big party like you. Father say father yell Kris because he no get father hotel. Father say father yell Niklas because he talk father. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say you kris good idea. Hannah say she plan give gift to all. Hannah say Hannah plan give niklas gift. Hannah say you do niklas rest. Hannah say you please kris care you. Niklas say grandpapa yell Niklas because he say Niklas talk but Niklas only say grandpapa that grandpapa give euro to Niklas like you give to you Niklases. Father very anger me because he say me no take father hotel but me live home. Me plan get hotel but it very expense. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  12. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing psychologist. She deserves an amazing holiday. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  13. Come on! Give me a break. Same old insanity. It makes my blood boil! I know, I know ....

    Thanks mrizvi. Brilliant comment

  14. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. Just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxx. Go for a walk. Take a cold shower or just read Smile's blog again. You are right, we must be kind........

    Good job mrizvi. You guessed it correctly, kiddo. It is a good blog


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