From Toronto to London Heathrow

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It is Sunday beautiful sunny morning. It is my last day in Toronto
I will be away for nearly two months. My flight is at 9 am. I will
leave my home at 6 am. I have to be awake one hour early.

I never set alarm, I always go with my mental clock, it always works.
I start losing my sleep weeks before my travel so you can imagine
what would be at the night before my travel. It was hardly couple of

I was out of my bed at 4.30. It was too early for breakfast. I was thinking
of having tea then I remembered Mom never let us to have tea in the 
morning unless we have taken something before that. She was of the 
opinion that it will not be good for your stomach.

We always value our parents when they are gone. This is sad but is
reality.I have taken half English muffin egg sandwich with half cup of
tea. I booked wheel chair but by the Grace of God I managed by myself.

I didn't have to use that. I was fine. I am sitting in the plane. It is Air
Canada flight 868. Take off was on time now I am clicking the screen
at my seat, to figure out what to watch.

I am watching Paddington Bear movie, I like animated movies.
My flight was good, I think because of all of your prayers. I landed 9 pm
London time. I was out at Heathrow airport at 10 pm. Two of my daughters 
and my son in law and also one of my Cousin's daughter were there.

I was at Croydon at my Daughter's place at 12 midnight. Had dinner with
her. It was very late for her but she wants to eat with me. She is working
has to leave at 7 am, be back after 4 pm. My Youngest Daughter and
her husband left. They live at Reading.

I will be fine, I will unpack my stuff and enjoy my time alone till 4 pm.
It is 1.30 am my Grandson adjusted my computer. I mean the plugging
also WiFi setting. 

In England we need different plugs to hook up. He is in Uni always gives his room to me. He sleeps downstairs. He gave me beautiful pack of Celebrations
Chocolates. I am so happy and proud of him. He got his results yesterday
had good marks also working for summer job.

It is nearly 2 at night, I am writing my Blog. I am not happy with the Lady.
She doesn't has to call her Priest for Sermons. No Sermons please. By the
way why you people kicked out the Priest. Don't do that please.

Kris Dear Father is mad and sick. He behaves like a child, throwing out
TV is very childish behavior. He has to grow up to be a Head of family.
Don't yell at Niklas. 

Smile Army why you setting Football games on TV. We have to keep
away from extreme behaviors. Just relax those who want to watch will 
see on their cells or on TV at home. We can not impose anything on other
people. Let them do what they want.

OK good night, it is very late here nearly morning. Talk to you later.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Even though I got extra supplies of biscuits, there were so many people this weekend that I am almost out of biscuits. I am also running very low on tea. I will get extra ones again. My supplier was saying thank you to Smile as his profits have improved because of Smile. I do have a good stock for the banana and yogurt smoothies though

  2. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D. I will post the blogs from the weekend later today


    1. Sorry for the delayed posting, I was caught up in some other issues. I have now posted all the weekend blogs


    2. SWN was fun. We talked about Smile's blog from today. The participants are amazed on the no. of things that Smile is involved in.


    3. SWS was good too. Participants were saying TGIM :-)


  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has an awesome schedule. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. I am so happy that you wrote today. I was not sure because you are travelling. I read this blog every day This blog is my lifeline


  5. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. I did not see the weekend blogs though. There was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA.


    1. I was in early today and posted the blog. I had problems with the printer so could not print the weekend blogs.

      Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster


    2. The printer problems are fixed now. I have posted the blogs from the weekend. They were the first items that were printed on the printer after it was fixed :-)


  6. Dear Madam Smile you so good. You write good to. Mr. Supervisor come and say how you? I say I ok. He say you come very late so I wanted check if all ok? I say yes. He say but I tell you yesterday that it important that you come in early today then why you sleep late? I say I try put alarm but it no ring. He say you clock break? I say I no put alarm in clock I put alarm in mental clock. He say what you mean. I say now I only put mental alarm. I think he get allergy . He say but can you stay late to finish work. I say I need to prey my Madam because she go far and wake 4:30 and go fly and write blog to. I think he get more allergy and he voice bad to but I no say allergy to him because you say no talk allergy. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your blog today. The retirees were very surprised that you were able to write within hours of your arrival and that too for an overseas flight. When we travel then we don't do anything for 3 day as we need to rest and recuperate. We also don't take any flight which is more than 2 hours, except for some retiree who are 60 and can handle a 3 hour flight.

    The priest was very pleased and said that you share the Christian values of forgiveness. The Lady was here too. She came with the temple priest and some friends. She said that it is discriminatory that we are not letting them speak. The retirees then started leaving. This was very unfortunate as we wanted to discuss committee items.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the SRC today. We were thinking that there will not be a blog today as you were travelling but the Dean was sure that you will write. We asked Prof George as to why he was confident, to which Prof George replied that the Dean knows that you are very connected with your readers Prof George asked us why did we not ask the Dean directly. He was joking because he knows that we are not comfortable talking to him directly. The Dean only comes to the readings and after listening to the blog he leaves. We hardly use to see him before the blog readings started except when there were convocations or other major events.

    The Smile Army was very apologetic again and have dismantled the TV setup. They were very upset with your son because he booked an early morning flight for you. One of the professor said that to them that they should not be surprised after all that he has done. Another professor joked that he wont be surprised if he stops you from having water or food. We then decided to play darts.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing author. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. Our VP of HR wanted me to express our thanks to you. He used the blogs from the weekend to highlight to his staff that there are positive techniques to manage stress . Our HR department is sending some examples of how you managed the anxiety of travelling and converted it into a positive experience. The HR department have been tasked to look at stress management techniques hence the reason why they thought this was very timely

    Thank You

    Keith Walker

  11. Father say you say father sik and father go mad because Deutschland loose but father ok and no sik. Father say father very sad and very anger because all player no able take pressure. Father say you rite that tele good. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say you please slip and rest and no keep work. Hannah say you kris trip but you do niklas rest. Hannah say you please no wory all you reader and want rite them. Hannah say Hannah no want tell you Hannah problem because it no fair you. Niklas say grandpapa now bore that no tele. Niklas say grandpapa no hoby but watch tele so he yell all lot and ring bell all time. Father say me that he need new tele. Tele very expense in Deutschland because lot tax for Chancellor to. Me get tele for father because he start get bore. Me say Hannah make 4 dish only because no point make lot dish. Me try explain father that we need give food but he say no talk food at this time because Deutschland losse. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  12. Please Please. Stop this craziness. It is not good. I know it is fun but it is not the right thing. My blood boils when I see this. I know I know ..

    Thanks mrizvi. I am not sure what would happen if you dont tell us that this is a good blog

  13. Just calm down Plunker. Just Calm down. It is not good for your health. Yes Smile has asked us to be kind

    Way to go mrizvi. Simply brilliant

  14. Thanks Lucy Boris Dave Linda Keith Newbie Kyle N mrizvi Plunker Batman Jasmeet Kim Cleo Brenda Karen Superwoman Happy Reader and Mother in law Craig Marg Literature Fellow Retiree Group Jimmy Tiara Smile Addict Kris Stephen Tiara Greg Pete Josh Liz Michelle Paula Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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