Breakfast at Premier Inn

Image result for Premier Inn Grimsby photos

It is Wednesday beautiful sunny morning with 19 C. At 8.40, my Daughter 
drops her son at school. It was 8.20, I have to be quick, go to washroom
and change as I go with her to give company.

We take breakfast after 9 am, when we come back. Today my Daughter 
told me to have breakfast outside. We went to Morrison, but it wasn't
looking nice. We decided to go to Premier Inn.

It was 9.50 ponds per Head for hot menu, everything included. Lots of 
options, with tea / coffee, juices. It was great, we enjoyed. My Daughter 
had photos to cherish our memories.

We were back around 11 am. My Daughter going with her husband
to Freshney Market to do some shopping. I am going with them. I will 
go to train station, which is just across.

It is 12.45, I am sitting at platform # 1, a single carriage train just arrived
at platform # 2. There were couple of people before now everyone gone.
It is so quiet here, very peaceful.

My Daughter is busy in the Mall, she will call me when it will be time to go.
She has to pick her son at 3 pm from school. I also have to talk to my Kids,
I will do that later, when I will be home.

Father keep in mind that the Grand Breakfast was from my pocket. 
It was treat to my Daughter for her achievement. She got her results with 
Distinction. She is doing her Degree in Math. We have to acknowledge 
our Kids efforts. It is important to boost their morale. 

Dear Reader doing 2 Jobs please don't get upset. To err is Human.
We have to forget and move on. You didn't do anything wrong.
Just relax.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Friday, customers are lining up outside my shop to read blog as inside is completely full. They come here before going home or to the pub. It is like a community center here. The councillor is here as well. The priest was here in the morning as it is less busy then. He was making lots of notes

  2. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. There were mixed emotions in the SWS today. People were really happy to see today's blog because it discusses the problem that we are seeing today. However when everyone realized that it is Friday, they were feeling a little gloomy.


    2. Similar sentiments in SWN also. Today's blog was discussed but when people realized that it is Friday, they did not feel that much cheerful


    3. The last scheduled Smile Forum took place today. Though this is the yet snother series of forums, even before the forum completed, there were requests for more. Management is looking to see if there should be a 4th series. They are saying that Smile Walks provide an informal way to communicate but not a formal meeting.

      Stay tune


    4. I know. I have hosted probably 22 Smile sessions but people are still looking for more

      I have a meeting next week with management to discuss this issue.


  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome blogger! She is an awesome therapist. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. This blog is lifeline. I read it every day


  5. I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards. I was pulling in the parking lot just as Craig and Jasmeet were going in the office. So probably lost by 1 minute


    1. Sorry, I didn't realize that you are just behind us otherwise would have waited for you.

      I posted the blog right away as this is the first thing that we do


    2. I did look behind when I was getting off the car but I guess I missed your car.


  6. Dear Madam Smile. you so good. You write good to. I go job worker with video kid and say how you. She say I no want talk, I already give you gift back. I say I no want talk about gift because my Madam say forget. I want talk about video kid. She say I busy. I say but I want ask if video kid do something nice? She say yes sometime. I say then do you take him out for breakfast? She say no. I say you need do that sometime because it important. She say she need go and left. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for our long walk today. Our walk was just under 10 mins, including short breaks. Our walk, though very long for us is nothing compared to the walk you take. After our walk, we had our lollipop at the cafe.

    The retirees were very inspired by your blog. We don't take our kids out for treats. As one retiree pointed out, that perhaps it is because our kids don't get distinctions also. The retirees have made a commitment to ourselves that they will start doing that, however before that, the kids have to get distinctions. The lady was here today and she said that in her culture it is the kids and not the parents who are supposed to take the parents out. She wanted to talk more about this but many retirees left

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the SRC today. The Smile Army volunteers have been working very hard to keep the Smile Garden in good condition. It is very hot but they don't care about that and still spend many volunteer hours there. The Dean took a minute after the reading to thank them. He also reminded them of your comments to them that you wrote sometimes back that they should not overdo it and focus on studies. The students are having a very hard time with the parents. They don't give us the car to drive. They have unreasonable demands eg don't eat out, come back home by 9pm, spend time with us only etc etc. They don't realize that we need to relax and we cant relax like we used to when we were 5 years old. Basically, they want to micro manage us. The students were saying that whats next, will they even go through our bags now?

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. My Smile is amazing breakfast goer. She has an amazing family. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing counsellor. What an amazing person my Smile !!

  10. Father say father want give you tip. Father say you need yell you doter so you no need pay. Father say if you no want yell then just say her you forget Euro home . Father say you no need thank father because father angle. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah kris happy that you doter do math. Hannah say you kris rite that Hannahs need give treet niklases to help. Hannah say you please care you. Niklas say grandpapa and Niklas go breakfast. Niklas say grandpapa say he want take Niklas because Niklas good mark and want give treet. Niklas say grandpapa forget Euro home so Niklas pay from Niklas poket. Niklas say it lot big bill because grandpapa want give some good for Niklas. Niklas say he no no if grandpapa forget Euro by mistake. Me yell Niklas because he no thank father even though father take Niklas breakfast and want chek if father forget Euro deliberate. Me say he say sory father. He say why because Niklas pay. Me say me cut fone. Niklas sad. Hannah tire. Father hapy. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. I guess I am wasting my energy in trying to teach the kids. They will never learn

    thanks mrizvi. Brilliant comment

  12. Thats the spirit, Plunker. Why bang your head against the wall. You already know that we have tried but it is just a waste. Also, Smile has asked us to be kind

    much appreciated mrizvi for letting us know that this is a good post


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