This is Life

Image result for front yard garden with flowers

My Dear Retired Corporate
Executive Forget Everything

Start with a Clean Slate
Keep Enjoying with Friends
Read My Blog 
Do Whatever You Like

This is Brand New Day
My Friend

It is Saturday Bright Sunny Morning with 10 Below
Zero Temperature Heavy Snow It is Called Flurries
Coming Non Stop From Top 

Soft Cottony Stuff Piling up On The Ground
Yesterday My Son Shoveled The Driveway
To Move His Car Today is The Same 

Whenever We Have To Go Out First Have To Shovel
It Can Not Be Done Completely as Lots Of Snow There
He Just Makes Some Passage For us To Walk To The Car

Everyone Keeps Brush and Hand Scraper in Cars
To Clear Windows and Screen To Drive Safely
When You Park Your Car For a While You Never Know
What Have To Face after

I Mean The Whole Car Might Be Under Snow So
Before Driving Have To Do Lot Of Work To
Clear The Mess Still Nothing Stops Here and
No One Stays Home Because Of Snow

Today is Saturday also Winter Vacation For Kids
I Made Stir Fried Burritos With Special Basil Omelette
Everyone Wakes up Late -- were Happy To Have Nice Brunch

It is 1 pm My Son Has To Go Pick up His Son From
Friend's Place I Had Chance To Get Out He Dropped Me
At Tim Horton 

I Am Enjoying My Small Coffee and Writing My Blog
Not So Crowded Here -- Take Away is Busy
Started Thinking about Life

To Live Our Life We Have To Pass Through Unpaved Path
Through Trails with Bushes All Around -- Have To
Gather Flowers Of Happiness To Get Going --
This is Life My Friends


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, their lots of out of town customers too. Customers noticed that the priest used a lot of words from Smile's blogs. All people then come to my shop and read the blog from today as well as the rest of the week. It appears to me that the customers are getting more and more every week as I run out of biscuits, yogurt smoothie, banana smoothie and tea quickly now

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome therapist. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. Thanks for being my lifeline. I read this blog every day


  4. This good blog. I like in Russia. I celebrate

    1. I celebrate. I no good Anglais but French good

    2. Me dance because happy. It very good. I read China

    3. I read blog Italy

    4. I read blog Poland

    5. And I read in Latvia

    6. And I read in Ukraine. Big happy

  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so good You write good to. I go job worker with video kid. I say her how you. She say I very busy and no time talk blog. I say her that I no want talk blog I want ask you where I get flower of happiness. She say what you talk? I say you do lot garden so I want know where I get flower of happiness because my Madam tell me that we need gather that. I think she remember joke. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees were very appreciative of your blog today. It provided us a picture of the life in Canada. With your folksy style, you have sketched a very clear picture of the life there including how the day to day commute and transportation works.

    The retired corporate executive was very thankful to you for forgiving her. We asked her to do the reading of the blog but she said that she is not deserving of that honour. We tried to convince her but she said that she is forgiven by Smile to listen to the blog but that does not mean that she can start reading the blogs too

    The subcommittee on parenting and Smile with Smile program have received a no. of requests from parents with older kids to provide ideas and guidance for parenting. We have engaged the retired parenting counsellors and also the active practitioners and experts however most of the retirees prefer your guidance as you can relate to the teenagers very well. If you can please help

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. Dear Author

    We read your blog at the SRC today. Prof George completely went bonkers over the blog. He kept on reminding everyone that this how great authors write. He is a very senior Literature professor and well known in the literary circles. He said that you have a way of putting colour in the pictures that you paint using your folksy style. When we asked him to clarify he said that how many of us can close their eyes and imagine the life in Canada in the winter. All the participants raised their hands. He responded with a smile that I rest my case.

    We are getting reports from the students who have returned home that they are facing significant challenges in adjusting to the life back home. In some cases their parents are asking them to do a lot of household chores, in other cases they are being asked to listen to long lectures and in other cases their siblings are giving them a hard time. In majority of the cases though, it is simply a matter of adjusting to the new life. They were asking the Dean for help but he said that this is something that you are better equipped to deal with. Some students said if he should form a committee of parenting experts but the Dean smiled and said, dont worry Smile will deal with this.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  8. Father say father yell lot today because Hannah do lot celebrate. Father say he yell Kris because he put light on Weihnachtsbaum. Father say he only alow Niklas celebration and no Kris celebration. Father say nabor bring present but father say he no want because father only celebrate Niklas celebrate. Father say he no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say father little upset today because he say we no alow Kris celebration. Hannah say father only want token celebration. Hannah say he tell father that Smile say Kris celebration like normal that why Hannah do Christmas lunch tomorrow but father no want. Hannah say you please take care because it Kris snow. Niklas say he go macdonald all time with friend and friend girlfriend. Me take father see see and see station and see lot place. Me anger Niklas because he no there help. ME tell him that me take his PS4. He cry and say he no supose help all time but I yel because he talk bak. He say he only answer. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  9. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing author. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has amazing friends. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. Replies
    1. Even today same comment. I wish Smile has not asked us to be so civil.

      Thanks mrizvi. Fantastic comment

    2. Caaaaalllmmmmm down Plunker. Yes Smile has asked us to be nice, so be considerate

      Great comment mrizvi. Good job

  11. This is yet another classic from Smile. Just like we get presents, she packaged the brilliant guidance using her folksy language, and then put a bow on it!. Dont believe me, just look:

    "To Live Our Life We Have To Pass Through Unpaved Path
    Through Trails with Bushes All Around -- Have To
    Gather Flowers Of Happiness To Get Going --
    This is Life My Friends"

    Absolutely brilliant from Santa Smile

  12. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Linda Dave Batman Keith Literature Fellow Retiree Group mrizvi Plunker Karen Superwoman Jimmy Brenda Cleo Smile Addict Tiara Kim Craig Marg Jasmeet N Kyle Newbie Kris Tim Steve Oliver Mikey Happy Reader and Mother in Law Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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