Pandora's Box

My Dear Friend in
Ireland If Sale Not Allowed Over There
Ask The Lady To Stop
Selling Burritos
Otherwise You will Let
The Police Know
It is Tuesday Mixed Sunny and Cloudy Morning
Temperature 5 Degrees I am Not Working Today
My Daughter in Law's Brother Family Still at My Place
I Sneaked Some Time For My Walk
Snow is Melting Very Windy and Slushy
Lots Of Snow Still On The Ground
It is 1 pm I am at Tim Horton Now -- It was
Gust Of 48 km So I have To Stop Many Times
Throughout My Walk
It is Not 5 Degrees It Feels 10 Below Though I am All Dressed
Up in Layers Still Very Cold Like Freezing -- Enjoying My
Small Coffee with 2 Parts Water Writing my Blog
My Dear Retired Corporate Executive You always Doubt
My Integrity -- I Was Walking when It Was 19 Below Zero
My Son Was Working It Was Weekdays -- I Do That
Because I Enjoy and Love To Mange Challenges
You Think I was Enjoying with My Husband's Large
Pension and Bank Account Not Anything Like That
You Asking Me To Open Pandora's Box Of My Life
I Was Working Full Time Except For Couple Of Years Of
My Life -- My Dream Was To Be Doctor But in My Days
Not Easy As Only Couple Of Seat For Girls Available
Anyway No Luck There
I Opted For 2nd Choice To Be Research Scientist in
Microbiology after Couple Of Years Was Married and
Kids Started To Jump in My Family
Somehow I Managed until My Third Child Who Lives
Now in Grimbsy in England -- My Career was at Full Bloom
with Research Papers -- I Got The Feeling I am Not
Giving Enough Time To My Family So Resigned
Two More Girls added To My Family -- I was Enjoying
with My Five Kids My Husband Was Editor Of A Reputed
Daily Paper was Posted Far Away From Family and Friend
He Was 38 with Strong Built Could not Survive His First
Heart Attack -- We Had Big House From His Work
But Everything Gone with Him
I Was 34 with No Job Nothing -- His Body Lying There
My Small Five Kids Between Ages From 8 To Two and Half
Looking at Me -- Major Decision To Be Made For His Burial
I Decided It Has To Be At His Home Place Where His Parents
Waiting For Him My Family was Also There -- The Only Thing
I Got From My Husband's Work Place Was Flight Arrangement
He Died in 1976 in Those Days Journalists Had Connections
and Name But Only On Paper -- No Money Nothing To Cash
Anyway I Stayed For Couple Of Months with My Parents
To Compose Myself -- Started My Research Career after
Six Years Of Break Got Small Two Room Apartment
To Start New Life For Myself and My Kids
Over There No Government Support Available
My Family Offered Me Help Which I Refused
I Wanted To See My Kids Self Made with Their
Heads High To Face The World
I Resigned again after 20 Years When I Realized That
Not Much Scope For My Son He Has To Move Out
For His Future -- I Strongly Believe That Family
Always Comes First
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was great. As usual, we talked about today's blog.
SWN was fun too. The participants were from all lobbies. There are a no. of managers participating in these walks
I participated in SWN and we were very emotional due to the blog. Afterwards I talked to some folks who were in SWS and they had a similar mood there.
That's right. We were all choking with emotions. We only knew Smile to be an amazing blogger. We didn't realize that she is such a brave lady
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
This blog is my lifeline. I was so emotional after I read your story.
I won the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards. Yay!!!
Great!! Did you also get to have the SD for the poster?
I did but the mood in the office is very low today. Very touching blog from Smile
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I so emotion that I no able work. I go prey and call sick. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees read your blog and immediately scheduled a special emergency meeting within an hour of reading the blog. All members, including the active volunteers eg the hospital administrators, the board of trustees of the school boards, the principals, vice principals, etc were invited to attend the meeting. We repeated the reading of the blog for the benefit of all the members. All were dumb founded because we could not believe that anyone can be so courageous and would have gone through so much. We were surprised that you still take care of your family after all this. We are feeling very low and depressed. We also passed a resolution to retire the retired corporate executive's membership. She wanted to be given 2 mins of time so she can provide her apology and also the context of her request but we refused to give her the time to apologize. She was seen with tears as we were reading the blog and was heard talking to others that she didnt intend to question your integrity.
Again, thank you for sharing the details. The cafe manager offered complimentary beverages and discounted meals to all the members who participated in the meeting. He said that this is a Smile special.
thank you
recent retiree
We held the cabinet meeting to discuss office business but as we read the blog, we realized that this is nothing as compared to what you have accomplished. There was a lot of gloomy faces in the office today
ReplyDeletethank you
Keith Walker
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the SRC today. After reading the blog we could not continue on our celebratory activities so we abandoned that. Prof George was seeing wiping a tear, one of the senior professor pointed out that he thought that Prof George has no emotions. Dean was also feeling very low and left for the day shortly after listening to the blog. The students , Smile Volunteers, great friends and the school kids are all feeling very low
thank you
Literature Fellow
What an insightful blog. I learnt so much about Smile
ReplyDelete(not) cool Kyle
You are right Kyle. This blog made me so emotional.
Father say father very sad. Father say father no go futbol and no watch tele. Father say father no say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say Hannah cry all day. Hannah say father very low like he no eat brakfast and say no give food animal. Hannah say it no animal fault but father no answer. Hannah wil go prey. Please take eassie. You Kris brave. Niklaus say he no go skool because he no want and very sad. Me sad. Me come back work because me sad. Father sad, Hannah sad. Niklas sad. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing author. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!
ReplyDeleteOh my God! What is going on here. How can someone say this is good. I would have understood if the comment would have been "sad post" or something like that. But I guess either no one is reading before commenting or no one is home! Stop this madness please.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Plunker. I was expecting that we will not see good post, at least not today. But ...
ReplyDeletewe just want to add our voices in the chorus of sympathizers and those enunciating your courage. We were very much impacted by your blog and the more often we read it, the more we started to fathom the enormity of the task that you committed.We were already cheer leading but this has indeed made us look at your accomplishments in a different light
ReplyDeleteThank you for making our days brighter
Dave and Linda
I read you blog China with family. We cry
ReplyDeleteI read this blog to teach kids in Russia. All kids were sad today. No one played during recesses. NO ONE
DeleteI sad France
DeleteI sad Italy
DeleteI sad Spanish
DeleteI read Poland
DeleteYou are really brave
ReplyDeleteHappy Reader
I agree with Happy Reader. I dont agree with her ofteb but she is right
DeleteMother in law of the Happy Reader