Come Down To The status Of Audience

Kris My Dear Please
Don't Do That To Niklas
Father Yelling at Hannah and
Niklas All The Time
You Have To Be Nice To Them
Don't Follow Father
Father Please Stop Yelling
I Don't Like Your Experiments
Of Yelling at People Around
My Dear Students
Please Don't Skip Your Exams
It is Tuesday 11 Below Zero -- Snowing Since
Yesterday Evening already 10 cm on The
Ground 5 cm On The Way
Last Night was Amazing as It was Nearly
Full Moon So Snow was Glistening Making
The Whole Atmosphere Like a Day Time
Bright and Beautiful
Morning is also Great Trees Giving Look
Of Christmas Decoration Beautiful
I am Not Working Today
I Did My Hair Color in The Morning as Having
Doctor's Appointment at 1 pm -- My Son
Working From Home He will Drive Me There
My Youngest Grandson Having His Inter School
Basket Ball Game at 4 pm -- His Season Now
Started -- I will Go There
I Don't Hug My Youngest and Don't Talk To Kids
Don't Give Smoke and Beer To Kids Like Father
I Don't want To Embarrass and To Distract
I am Now Sitting in The Gym Of Cadarackque
Public School Watching Game also Writing My Blog
Thinking about My Dear Students and also
About How To Make People Listen
I Believe While Giving Speech -- Lectures and
Presentations -- We Have To Know The Subject
For Sure -- We have To Absorb The Content and
Have To Summarize To Deliver
Lecture Has To Be Interesting and Like Table Talk
Speaker has To Forget That He is at a Higher Status
Bubbling with Full Of Knowledge
Speaker Has To Come Down To The Status Of His
Audience -- He Has To Keep in Touch with His
Audience Throughout -- Watching The Body Language
Of His Audience Which Indicates Their Interest
Keep Track Of That and Don't Lose Your Audience
At any Stage -- Their Eyes will Indicate That
Either They are with You or Not
Don't Make Your Lecture Like a One Way Traffic
You Have To Be On The Same Wave Length
Of Your Audience
Lecture Has To Be Full Of Knowledge But Simple
Short and Sweet -- Means Interesting and Easy
To Absorb For Public with Not Much Knowledge
Of The Subject
Now Game is Done It was Tie Game Very Interesting
To Watch -- I Have To Go To Costco To Buy
Few Things -- My Son will Do Shopping while I will
Walk Around -- Very Cold Now it is 19 Below Zero
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was great. As usual, we talked about today's blog.
SWN was fun too. The participants were from all lobbies. There are a no. of managers participating in these walks now
I am working with senior managers to prepare material for the workshops about presentations. Yes workshopS. Stay tuned on this one
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome planner! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
This blog is my lifeline. I read it every day
I won the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards. Yay!!!
Great!! Did you also get to have the SD for the poster?
I took half but gave the other half to Jasmeet. He could have posted it before me but he gave me a chance to post it. I was one minute behind him but he still waited as I usually lose the race.
Dear Madam Smile, you so good, You write good to. I go fat job worker and say her how you. She say I busy and no time talk blog. I say her I no want talk blog. I want talk Mr. Supervisor. I think he lot allergy. She say what you mean. I say I go him and tell him that my Madam write big blog for how do good talk. I give him copy so he read and tell him that because he talk very bore he should read. He say why you say lecture bore. I say all say. He say that make me anger. I say yes that make me anger to because Madam only son take her to shop when it very very cold. He say what you say about talk bore. I no answer because I think he no able heer because allergy and he face red to. She say you no god him. I think may be she scare that I get allergy to. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees appreciated your blog today. The retired professional public speaker was amazed at what you mentioned in your blog. She said that she will share this information with the active speakers. Some of the active speakers are working with professional politicians and this is important for them. She was asking us if there are any copy right considerations but the retired corporate executive immediately told her that there are no considerations and she should not ask you because you are very busy. Looks like she has learnt her lesson
The retirees could not understand that you went to so many different places in a single day. The retired professional athlete wanted to ask about the supplements but the retired corporate executive told him to not ask
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the SRC today. The Dean then had a special session for the professors and asked to go through the reading of the blog again. He has set up a special committee to review this blog. He has also disbanded the team which was looking at the search for professional speakers. Prof George was in the meeting and he informed us that the Dean asked everyone to take copies of the blog and make sure that it is posted on the fridge so they can review it all the time.
The prep for the celebrations are ongoing. The Smile Army volunteers have decided not to skip exams as per your instructions to them however they are not studying for it. The Dean asked them to do so but they said that they just want to make sure that the Smile new year celebrations are best ever and they don't care about anything else. The Dean was wondering if you can help
thank you
Literature Fellow
Your series of blogs about effective presentations is a game changer for our company. We realized that we have been doing it wrong all along. Our HR department is setting up of details to fix it by using ideas that you have shared in your blog
ReplyDeletethank you
Keith Walker
Father say you yell father lot today. Father say he no mind because father angle. Father say he no no why you no like experiment. Father say father do experiment to tel you that yell work so you give tip all people like uni profesor and office. Father say they need yel lot so more work do. Father say father no do experiment today because nabor say this rat and no rabit and nabor cal police if father make Hannah give food rabit. Father say father tel Kris come from ofice and talk nabor because father lot presuure. Father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say father very upset today because nabor tel father this rat. Hannah say nabor want Hannah no give rat food because rat go in nabor house. Hannah say Hanah no no how kill rat. Gannah say nabor no bad nabor sad that Hannah go out before son. Hannah say you please take easiee so cool air. Niklas say grandpapa scare because nabor tel grandpapa stop rat or nabor call police and tel police grandpapa give smoke and bier futbol kids. Grandpapa no alow give. Father call me ofice and say he need talk 2 min but father no understand that it take lot time me come. Father then say me talk nabor but nabor rite. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing hair dyer. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is
ReplyDeleteOh my God! What is going on here. Stop this madness please. I know, I know ....
ReplyDeleteGreat work mrizvi. You made my day. Thank you
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmm ddddddddddoooooooowwwwwwwn
ReplyDeleteYes we do need to be kind
Brilliant comment mrizvi. You did well kiddo
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Boris Linda Dave Batman Keith Literature Fellow Retiree Group mrizvi Plunker Karen Superwoman Jimmy Brenda Cleo Smile Addict Tiara Kim Craig Marg Jasmeet N Kyle Newbie Kris Oliver Happy Reader and Mother in Law Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone