Just Do It

It is Monday Morning with 6 Below Zero
Not So Bright It is Snowing So All Trees are
Dusted with White Powder There is Lots Of
Snow already On The Ground
I am Working Part Time Today Playing Darts Only
It is 9.15 I am Sitting in Billiard Room Of The
Library Writing My Blog
New Year 2018 Just about a Week away
I Was Thinking about Happy Reader's Family
Nothing Changed There
I Tried My Best Throughout 2017 But Still Both
Of Them I Mean Daughter and Mother in Law
Blaming Each Other using Their Powerful Language
in Full Blast I will Pray For Them
Situation in Kris Family Not Much Different
Hannah Has To Wake up at Least One Hour
Before Sunrise To Serve Father His Five Course
Breakfast with Six Different Types Of Fresh Fruits
Freshly Prepared Porridge Must Be at Room Temperature
Microwave Not Allowed To use as Father is
Very Health Conscious
Father is Equipped with His Powerful Yelling Weapon
So The Whole Family Even The Poor Neighbor is All
Like Father's Hostage
Father Loves Animals So Hannah Has To Go To
Give Food To Rats Before Sunrise -- Father Cares about
Environment So Hannah Not Allowed To Take Any
Light Even Her Cell Phone
Niklas Still Suffering Because Of His Mighty Grandpa
Kris is Helpless To Solve Anything But Always
Threatens Niklas To Cut His Phone
Father is Also Expert in Emotional Blackmail Business
He Says To Kris " When You Were at Niklas Age I Did
Everything For You Now Your Turn To Pay Me Back "
And That's It For Kris --
Father Remains The Winner To Keep Ruining Niklas
School -- Career and Football Game -- I will Pray
For Them I Mean For Hannah and Niklas
Now My Dear Students How Come I wont Have Time For
You People -- I Always Have Time For You But The Problem
is That Parents are Too Emotional
When Emotions are There Nobody Can Think Clearly
and wont Be Able To Listen Anything -- They are
Too Much Focused On What They Believe
At My Place My Grandson's Parents Expect His Calls
On Daily Basis Which He Does Somehow
Same Weapon Of " I Will Cut Your Phone "
Working Well
So What Can I Say For " Once a Week Calls "
I Think It is Just Peanut -- " Do It "
Not a Big Deal -- I Love You
Now I Have To Go To The Next Room
To Play Darts
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. There are lots of customers here but people are not buying my tea and biscuits because they say it is not original Smile recipe. They are only buying the original Smile Burritos. The priest is here and he is saying that I should hang in there. I again politely asked the person selling it to not do it but it didn't work. I will wait for Smile's advice before taking the next steps
ReplyDeleteI lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA
I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster
Please no say thank. I bring donut to thank becase this Smile donut . I learn so much from blog read
Deletethank Smile
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome grandmother! She is an awesome advisor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
This blog is my lifeline. Thank you for writing
I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was great. As usual there was a big group of people today. We went for the nature walk
SWN was fun. There was a lot of discussion about Smile's blog.
Smile blog is getting more and mpre popular I was asked to schedule 2 sessions for managers only. This is to review Smile's blogs about effective presentations that she published a few days ago. Both these sessions are house full. No more room available
Dear Madam Smile, You so good. You write so good. Fat job worker come and say how you. I say I very sad. She say what hapen. I say my Madam try help so many people but nothing change. She say what you mean. I say Dear Kris Father no change and Dear Mother in Law and Dear Happy Reader no change. She say but so many people change too like Great Friends and Retirees and so many other people problem fixed this year. I say yes but how you know because I no tell you blog. She say she need go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the SRC today. We could not believe that your grandson is asked to call every single day. This is unheard of. No student calls more than once a week. Even when we call once a week there is not much to talk about, so we are wondering what does your grandson discusses during the daily calls. We are assuming that he is making this call on his own accord and not because his parents are asking him to do it. Even the most demanding parents dont ask us to call more than once a week though there was one parent of Asian background who asked his son to call twice in one week as it was a celebration for them (I think Eid or something like that)
The students were extremely appreciative that you have been so supportive of us and are always able to find time for us. The Chancellor asked us to say special thanks to you for your support for this institution but the Dean smiled and said you are not just generous with us but are generous to all youngsters.
thank you
Literature Fellow
We are continuing to enjoy and learn from your blogs. We wrapped up our special presentation to all our sales staff on the ways to deliver effective presentations. There are some additional ones in the works.
ReplyDeletethank you
Keith Walker
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees fail to understand that you are venturing outdoors in -6C weather. We have some retirees from Atlanta and they mentioned that the temp there gets very cold and when it approaches 0C they stop going outside and stay indoors. The retirees are still going over your blog from yesterday and trying to understand how you were able to go outside in -19C weather. The retired corporate executive clarified that since you went with your son, he probably heated up the car for you for about 10mins, so it must have been warm for you. In other words, for you it may be +19C and not -19C.
Thank you
recent retiree
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing grandmother. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile
ReplyDeleteFather say you yell father lot today. Father say he no mind because he angle. Father say he no no why you say Hannah, Niklas, Kris sufer because father . Father say father sufar because Hannah no give brakfast on time and make litle food not enough father because father very act. Father say father hunger all time. Father say father help Niklas lot and teach him play futbol and tell coach that if he no pick Niklas then father yel him. Father say he no say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say you please no worries and take easssie. Hannah say you please no bother about Hannah. Niklas say grandpapa come again futbol and tell futbol kid that Niklas play like baby. Father say me he want go station but it very cool like +16C so he tell me that I park near enter and keep car on and heat on. Father sit in bench near enter. Father then come to car every 5 min to warm. Father stay for 1 hour. Me tire. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Well , well, well. My head is starting to hurt now. I have run out of ideas. Same thing every day. I know, I know ....
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Very insightful comment.
CCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmm doooowwwwwwwwwnnnnn ! Just reeeeeeelllllllaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxx. You are right, Smile has asked us to be kind
ReplyDeleteGood job mrizvi. Brilliant comment. I wonder what we will do without you kiddo
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Boris Linda Dave Batman Keith Literature Fellow Retiree Group mrizvi Plunker Karen Superwoman Jimmy Brenda Cleo Smile Addict Tiara Kim Craig Marg Jasmeet N Kyle Newbie Kris Steve Oliver Mikey Happy Reader and Mother in Law Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone