No Luck --- Need Prayers

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Retirees My Friends
and Dear Retired Chef

Please Go ahead with
My Recipes

It is Public Do What You Like

It is Friday Hot and Sunny Last Few
Weeks Left of Summer -- I am Working
Full Time Today 

One of My Friend called me Early Morning
To Pick Me up -- What a Nice Surprise
She comes around 10 am so No Time to
Go to Office Cubicle 

I went to the Room Next Door to Play Darts
It is 12 after I am Having My Light Lunch
One Banana -- Cheese Triangle -- Three
Crackers and Small Yogurt

Working in my Office Cubicle Now
Writing My Blog -- Thinking about
Poor Niklas

I am Writing for Long Time to Change His Life
No Luck Nothing Working --
Only One Time It was Like a Breather when
I was able to Take Birds and Animals out of His Room

If You People Remember Niklas Grandpa wanted to
Have More Enjoyment in His Life which
He Does Anyway

He Converted Niklas Small Bed Room into Zoo
Niklas Had No Choice except to Sleep in
TV Lounge No Privacy for Him

That Time I succeeded to Give Niklas His
Room Back I Don't Know How I Did It
But That was only one Time

I Can Deal with Other Situations With People
Having Drugs -- Drinking and Smoking and with
Police in Uniform 

But to Deal Father is Tough for Me -- No Luck There
I Think Father is Too Clever 

He Keeps on Twisting Every Thing Whatever I write
He Knows the Art To Turn the Table
He has already Mesmerized Kris

Kris Keeps on Buying Tickets for Theme Park and
For Museums where He Never Goes
But Doesn't allow Niklas or Hannah to Go and Prefers 
Tickets to be wasted

Father Tricked Kris to Open Joint Account when
I Write that I buy Lunch to My Grand Kids
He says I am Not Working so No Money

He asks Niklas to Buy Lunch for Him and when
Tickets go Waste for Theme Park He Changes
His Statement and says to Kris
" I have Joint Account Take Money from There "

He easily Deals Kris with Emotional Blackmail
" Kris When You were Niklas Age 
I Did Everything for You Now Your Turn "

In My Opinion Father only Cares about Himself
To Enjoy at any Cost Not just That He Takes Niklas to
His Own Friend's Places and Makes Fun of Niklas

Father -- The so called Grandpa Offers Beer and Smoke
Which Niklas Refuses Because of Me as I Don't Like That
and Father Makes Fun of niklas Call Him Baby 
Before Niklas Friends

Not only That His Neighbor is a Nice Person
Father Makes Him Pay 5 DM 
If He comes to Father's Back Garden to see 
Birds and Flowers

Hannah has to Get up one Hour Early before
Her Work to Serve Father a Five Course Breakfast
Still Father Yells at Her 

Niklas has to Get up Before Sunrise to Give Father
Company on His Rabbit Hunt and if Niklas is a Bit Late
He Yells and Throws Water on Niklas Face

I am Tired of Writing -- Father Not Changed a Bit
I will Keep on Trying -- Please Wish Me Luck
I Need Your Prayers Too -- Thank You


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday lots of customers are in my shop today. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside. I am running low on supplies. It is a festival here . Someone brought "Morning Smile". These omelettes are very popular in our town. We call it the same here as it is our way to acknowledge Smile all day. The priest is here too. I gave him a banana smoothie.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome philosopher. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. Why don't you write for me. I read this blog every day. It is my lifeline


  4. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    1. This good. I no Anglais. French good

    2. You blog good. I read Italy

    3. This good blog. I read Russia

    4. And I read blog in Ukraine

  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go fat job worker and say how you. She say I busy and no time to talk blog. I say I no want tell blog I come to tell you how lose weight as you fat. She say I no need lose weight. I say if you no lose weight then video kid job worker will keep call you fat. She say you serious because she my friend. I say I you friend because I try help. I say you need eat 1 banana, cheese triangle, three cracker and small yogurt. She say but that no possible. I say my Madam eat that when she go office. She say she need go make urgent phone. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  6. My mother in law is also like father. It is all about "me me" for her. I hope your reader pray for her too

    Happy Reader

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees did not go for our walk today. Our walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the ones that you take. We did however had our joint reading of the blog

    The café manager and the retired chef were excited and very appreciative of the blog. They were also very pleased and felt very honoured as we asked them to read one paragraph each of the blog. It is considered to be high honor to do the reading of the blog. The rest of the blog was read by the retired psychologist who was the chief scientist at one of the research facility. She was surprised at the issue that you are dealing with. she joined our group recently and was not familiar with the issue but we filled her in. She discussed the case with the retired social scientist and they both indicated that your plan of dealing with the "subject" is the most optimum one. They were using technical teems in the discussion which I was not able to comprehend completely.

    The retired dietician was surprised that this is the lunch that you take. He indicated that this is not enough and even his more picky clients eat several times more than that. He requested me to ask you to please take care of yourself as your only son is often times negligent of that

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Yet another new blog today!!

    cool Kyle

    1. Just enjoy the blogs Kyle. With Smile there will always be a fresh blog every day


  9. Dear Author,

    The students read your blog at the Smile Garden today. We have been following your handling of the issue. The Smile Army were very upset and indicated that if any student act like father and bother you, then they will deal with him. The students are still very depressed and very reluctant to go to the SRC. Some of the students are feeling very low also as we were very close. Also, SRC was our lifeline. This is where we did all our work and now we have nothing to do - at least that's what it feels like. The exams are done and we are in holiday mode

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  10. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing therapist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. Dear Smile,

    Please write to me, I need your prayers, your advice and your words. My parents are going through a difficult time, without bad mouthing my father, he has not been able to fulfil his responsibilities and does not take care of my mother or his family. To shorten a long story, my mother has left him temporarily and gone very far. I know it is all my fathers fault and I am very angry at him, but I am also angry at myself as I cannot let him go, even though I have truly tried to cut him off. Whenever I have tried, I felt so guilty and found myself praying to God for forgiveness that I hurt my father. I am caught in a war between my parents but I am also at war with myself. I see nothing but darkness up ahead and I see no way to out. I am always feeling low about myself because I think not being able to cut him off is a show of weakness. Anyway, I am often comforted by your blog posts and so I thought I would write to you. It is selfish for me to think you can write a whole blog post to me, (I know your advice is very sought after!) but even two lines will do.

    Thank you

  12. Father say you yell father very lot today. Father say he yes mind. Father say he no no what father do wrong. Father no rong when father say that he help Kris (me) when Niklas and Kris need take care father now. Father say it normal like you Kris do same. Father say Hannah like wake early so that no father fault. Father say Niklas get old so father give him bier and smoke. Father say he no care if Niklas thank him. Father say he nabor watch animal that why father ask him pay. Father say when nabor go zoo he pay to. Father say he say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say you try help her lot. She say thank. She say Hannah no mind wake up but Hannah want Niklas to stay home and not go out. She say it ok if she wake early because house atmosfere good. Niklas say grandpapa yell him lot all time today because he say me tell you bad thing about grandpapa but me no ly. Me go friend house but friend dad give bier and smoke so I come back. I go mall all day next day. Me get new thiem park ticket for father. Me tell him that father and Niklas go and me stay out because thiem park very expense but father say he no trust Niklas to take care father and father can fall. Me will try more next day. Me take father to zoo but father only stay 1 hour and then come because he say zoo very busy and father can fall. Zoo ticket very expense. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

    1. Dear Kris, why you no listen Madam. Madam tell you no take father out and only take Niklas. Why you take father see animal. May be you English no very good so you no understand blog. If you problem you ask me my English good. Dear Kris father, you no listen Madam and no give ticket to Niklas. That very bad. Kris very nice and no like Madam only son. He take lot care you but Madam son take Madam see lake when freeze and give lot item to carry when they go theme park and he ask Madam money and also no take Madam to office and no take Madam doctor when Madam hurt in bus. But you lucky and no problem. You listen Madam and no bring animal in Niklas room. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

    2. Father say 2 job guy you shut and go hell. Father no want talk you. Father only talk Smile. You mind business.

      (Me tell you many time that you mo need mind father business. He no like if I comment because he say it between him and Smile. So you no bother father. Me English good to. Why you rite me. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

      Kris (Germany

  13. Replies
    1. Oh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....

      Thank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again

    2. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.

      Fantatic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though

  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Batman N Kyle Newbie Linda Dave Literature Fellow Retiree Group
    Keith Kim Jimmy Brenda Craig Marg Tiara Smile Addict Karen Superwoman Cleo
    New Friend mrizvi Plunker Jasmeet Happy Reader and Mother in Law Kris
    Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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