Cottage # 1123

Today also Please Check
My Recipe Blog
Thank You
Father Please Stop Giving
Beer and Smoke to Niklas
Please Stop Calling Him Baby
I Don't Know Who is Baby
I am Sure Niklas is Not
Kids also Need Respect
Father Please Stop Taking
Five Course Breakfast
Give Hannah Some Break
She Has To Wake Up 40 Minutes Early
Still You are Yelling all the Time
Kris My Friend
My Son Takes Me To Places
You also Have to Notice
What I Contribute
To My Family
It is Never One Sided
Which Father Demands
It is always Give and Take
Literature Fellow My Friend
I am Very Happy
You People Reading My Blog at SRC
Thanks To Smile Army
And To Dean My Friend
Retiree My Friends
and Retired Travel Agent My Friend
I was Walking in Quebec City
We were Walking for Two to Three Hours in
Old Quebec City from there Going to Cottage
Our Cottage was Two Hours away from the Old City
On the way We stopped at IGA to get Grocery
Egg -- Milk -- Bread Like these Stuff for Two Days
in our Cottage
Everything was Costly than in Toronto Except Grapes
Green and Red Both were $1.99 a Lb
Banana a bit Higher We have in Toronto for 0.69 a Lb
while Here it was 0.79 a Lb
We Continued Our Journey -- Brakes of Our Van
Started Giving Smoke -- It Looked to be Burnt Out
We could Smell very clearly so We had to Stop
Road to Our Cottage was Very Steep Up and Down
all the Way for about 40 Minutes
My Eldest was Driving Throughout from Toronto
Just 20 Minutes Before Cottage This Happened
after Stopping for some Time My Son Took Over to
Drive to Our Cottage No # 1123
It was Beautiful Three Bedrooms Cottage with
all the Facilities of a Fully Functional House
across was Sea Side --- Very Scenic view from
Every Bedroom -- It Looked We are Home
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Customers are loving it. They are saying that it is like going with Smile on her trip. Priest and councillor are here too.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was a great. We decided to go on the nature route. As usual, we talked about today's blog
SWN was fun too. We talked about Smile's blog also. It is now a travelogue. We are loving it
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome traveller! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome travelogue writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today
Thanks Craig. I lost but was wondering who posted it.
I finish clean job at 3:30am today so fresh donut no enough. So I no able get for post person. I sorry. I no want get not fresh donut because they Smile donut and Smile best
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Mr, Supervisor come and say how you. I say I very anger. He say why. I say because Madam grandbaby no drive care. Madam in car and he go fast and smoke brake. It very danger because the road very steep and if no brake then van no stop. Mr. Supervisor say why you cry. I say because I no able think that van go down. I tell him I need go and prey and then I go but I first go wash face. I so angry at the grandbaby and Smile son because he no care Madam. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees did not for our walk today as we were very tired and had cramps from our earlier walks. We instead went to the reading of your blog. Our walks, though very long for us, are nothing as compared to the ones that you have.
The retirees enjoyed your blog today. The retired travel agent read your blog again. When we pointed out to her that you walked, she clarified to her that you probably mean that you walked after getting off the bus at different stops. She told us that even that is quite difficult and very few people can actually do that. She was very impressed. The retirees also were a little concerned at the brake incident. Some of the retirees were upset at your son as there are a no. of retirees who believe that he is very careless when it comes to your well being. He should not have let his son drive because we remember that he got his license not too long ago.
The retirees appreciate the recipe that you included. The cafe manager pointed out that he is thinking of having a separate menu for these recipes. AS the hospitals are also interested, he is thinking of supplying food to the hospitals. He is asking the retired management consultant to clarify if this is a sound business proposition. He wanted to ask you also but we informed him that you are a scientist but not someone who should be taxed to discuss accounting issues
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students and the professors read the blog at the SRC today. We were planning to read the blog at the Smile Garden but the Smile Army prevented us from doing so. They insist that we need to read the blog at the SRC only as this is what your preference is. The Smile Army then gave us special cake as a goodwill gesture
The Dean was here too. He is thoroughly enjoying this week. He was overheard by one of the professors that he missed the blogs last week.
The literature professor pointed out the various aspects of your blog which he said should be used in any good quality travellogue. As an example, he said that when you told us the prices of common items, this gives a local perspective which the readers appreciate. We are learning so much from these blogs.
thank you
Literature Fellow
Father say you yell father lot today. Father say he yes mind. Father say he give bier and smoke to Niklas so he grow big. Father say he call Niklas baby because he baby and only drink milk. Father say he yell Kris because he no do what you Kris do. Father say you need yell you Niklas because it no safe when break smoke. Father say Hannah no mind wake early and she need wake so she can warm milk for oatmeal and make fresh banana smoothies and make fresh veggie omelette and give fresh food rabit and bird. Father say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say it no problem wake early. She say it good because father get health brakefast. She say she only mind if house atmosfere no good or Niklas feel bad because he need help as he very yong. Niklas say grandpapa want go walk morning so he wake Niklas by throw water on face. When Niklas wake he walk on driveway and then say to nabor that Niklas room smell animal but grandpapa put animal there. Me tell father that me no able go walk morning so father wake Niklas. Me office people very anger because me no able focus work and take lot time out. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
another fresh new blog today. How come Smile does not repeat the blogs. Amazing
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Just enjoy the blogs. Sit back, buckle up the seat belt and relax
I am just banging my head against the wall. There is absolutely nothing which is working. I have tried to be kind, I have tried to be harsh, I have tried to be reasonable but it just is not working. And yet Smile wants us to be nice to everyone in this forum
ReplyDeletegood job mrizvi. Great to let us know that this is a good blog. I dont know what we would have done if you would not have told us
Just caaaaaallllmmm down Plunker. Reeeeellaaax. Take a deep breath. Go for a walk. Or better still just read the blog again
ReplyDeleteThank you mrizvi. This is a good comment. You are doing an amazing job
My Smile is amazing . She is an amazing traveller. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing blogger. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteI am camping and need to walk about to a campsite to charge my phone and to get wifi. The walk is 1 hour 1-way but it is definitely worth it. Also, Smile walks more than I do. The blogs are like travel diaries. Just look at this:
ReplyDelete"On the way We stopped at IGA to get Grocery
Egg -- Milk -- Bread Like these Stuff for Two Days
in our Cottage
Everything was Costly than in Toronto Except Grapes
Green and Red Both were $1.99 a Lb
Banana a bit Higher We have in Toronto for 0.69 a Lb
while Here it was 0.79 a Lb"
It is like we are sitting in the van with Smile
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda Dave Boris Keith Karen Superwoman Literature Fellow Jimmy Cleo
Brenda Craig Marg Retiree Group Tiara Kim Smile Addict Batman mrizvi Kris
Plunker Kyle N Happy Reader and Mother in Law Newbie Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone