I am not Scared

Image result for Fall pictures

It looks now Fall everything so quiet
Sun is tired or like taking a Nap
plants are still and quiet I think a bit
worried about their flowers and leaves 
who are planning to move out

Flowers not blooming anymore
Birds going South I was waiting
for my bus in the morning
suddenly I noticed besides
Tim Hortons Drive Through

A bunch of birds making lots of noise
may be getting ready to leave and
shouting at their Kids who always
not ready on time

I think Fall is the gap period which
God provides us to harbor our seeds
of Creativity to bloom after
so I am not scared

It is a period of doing Nothing
to be more productive after 
God provides us to slow down
and take a deep breath
time to Ponder


  1. Dear Madam Smile, this is such a beautiful blog. I liked reading classic when I was back home and this is like that. I no time now for reading as I do 2 job. I read your blog and enjoy

    @mrizvi: read Madam's blog, it is so nice

  2. This was a very pleasant read. We thought this reads like some of the Charles Dickens or Thomas Hardy novels. As the gentleman with multiple employment indicated, it does read a lot like classic English literature. Thoroughly enjoyed it

    Thank you

    Dave and Linda

  3. Posted the blog, as well as all the previous ones our corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B


    1. Cleo, Adrian and Mathew had a big friendly competition going on. They all want to be acclaimed as Smile's biggest fan :-)

      Ken and Peter loved the blog today. They thought that this is one of the classiest ever from Smile. Ken loves literature and has got all the top 10 list memorized (almost), he thought that this compares to the ones he had read.


  4. Dear Advisor,

    Thank you for your beautiful blog. The retirees enjoyed it a lot. They particularly enjoyed the simile that you used eg sun is tired and taking a nap. They also liked the implicit message of hope and inspiration.

    Also, an update that we are meeting later this week to go through the blog that you posted for us last week and also to go through the shortlist of suggestions/tips that were compiled by our ex corporate executive. As I requested last week, it will be helpful if you can provide your thoughts or some additional items

    thank you on behalf of myself as well as all the retirees

    recent retiree

  5. I won the race to post the blog today. All the previous blogs ie from this weekend, were already posted as our office is open all 7 days and someone else must have posted it


  6. My Smile is so awesome! She is a bonafide writer! An amazing scientist and a great adviser! What an awesome person my Smile is !!

    @mrizi: Please read and enjoy


  7. This is such a beautiful blog. We in Ireland love your writing. It is unique


  8. My Smile is so amazing! She is an amazing scientist! An amazing psychologist! An amazing advisor! And a super amazing writer!!

    @mrizvi: Please read

  9. phost mé an bhlag ar mo siopa. Mé tar éis a chur ar bun ghnáthamh, mé sa phost ar an bhlag ag 2 in, tá slua mór custaiméirí a léiríonn ina dhiaidh sin. Dea do díolacháin :-)

    Smile Go raibh maith agat

  10. Ich liebte das Blog heute. Ich mag Literatur und es erscheint eine Seite aus einem Klassiker zu werden

  11. This is a very descriptive and imaginative scenery. Reminds me of one of James Herriot, an author that I enjoy reading. Thank you Smile. You gave such a good start to my day

  12. Very nice. I loved it. I dont read a lot other than this blog but based on what others are saying, sounds like this is real good stuff

  13. I read it multiple times. I used to wonder why people read this blog in the morning, ie with their morning coffee or breakfast, but not I understand it. I am planning to start doing the same

    @mrizvi: You gotta read girl. This is good. Real good.


  14. I love it. Fantastic and very beautiful description of nature. It appears to me that Smile is writing poetry in prose

  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Ian Paula Karen Dave Linda Ken Mathew mrizvi Tiara Cleo Maheen Brenda Sheema Jimmy
    Newbie Fellow Writer Retiree Group Peter Sam Boris Batman Plunker Adrian Superwoman
    Xin Keith My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers and Readers in Ireland
    Thanks Everyone


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