There is Always Pay Back Time

I am Proud Of My Great
Reader Doing 2 Jobs
Thank You So Much for Your Prayers
and Celebration
I am Sad that His Co-worker
Came Forward to Hurt His Feelings
His Emotions
I am Thankful To Each
And Everyone of My Reader
My Friends in Ireland
My Friend Hannah
Everyone of You for Celebrating
I Have Trust You All Love Me
I Don't Write as if Any of Them is
Having Some Difficult Moment
I Have To Talk To --- It is Priority
I am angry Father is Happy enjoying
Taking away all the Enjoyment
From My Friend Niklas
Kris My Dear Don't Punish Niklas
Don't Take His Phone away
It was Father's Fault
Not His -- You Have to be Supportive
I am Feeling Bad as My Blogs
Getting Longer
Not Fair to My Readers
I am Sad as Happy Reader Mother in Law
Never Leaves any Chance To Write Something
Bad To Hurt Her Daughter in Law's Feelings
I Request Every Time Please
Don't Write Anything
To Hurt Other's Feeling
This Never Brings Happiness
To Anyone Not To You
I Expect Much More Mature
Behavior From You
My Dear Mother in Law
You are Older
You are More Experienced
Please Try To Bring Love and
Happiness Around -- Thank You
It is Sunday 16 Degrees Sunny and Bright Day
I am Done with My Laundry on Saturday
It was an ambitious Plan
I Did My Two Comforters and Bed Sheets
along with My Clothes -- I use Light Comforters
With Layers
My Washer Dryer is in Basement have to Take
Three Stairs Up and Down Every Time to
Carry My Loads Downstaris
All Done By the Grace of God But still Feeling Tired
It is Sunday Morning 11 am Getting Ready to Go
I Never Try to Skip My Plans
My Dear Nutritionist --- Dear Physical
Therapist asking Tips For Healthy Living
I Think We have to Give a Push to Ourselves
For Everything --- I Mean Push to Get Out -- Push
To Doing Things and Push To Be Happy
We Don't Have to Stop Doing That until We can Handle
Taking into account Our Physical Health I Mean
Condition of Our Body
Mind Has to Be Activated so Body Movement
Very Important -- Get Busy with anything
To Move Around -- Movement activates Our Mind
It is 11.30 am I Pushed Myself to Get Out
My Son Realized that I am feeling Tired
I Think He was Reading My Face
Our Face Acts Like a TV Screen Puts The Channel On
Whichever Channel Our Mind Our Body
Want To Switch On
My Son Insisted to Drop Me at Tim Horton
and He won -- He Knows Me well as I was Ready
To Go He was Sure I wont Skip My Schedule
My Youngest Grandson Just awake Having
His Breakfast asked Me " Are You Going ? "
I Think He was also Reading My Face
I was Sitting at Coffee House Having Small Coffee
Half and Half -- enjoying Toasted Raisin Tea Biscuit
Writing My Blog
I Got Call From My Youngest Grandson
Grandma I am coming to Join You
I was more than Happy -- It was Like a Pay Back
Of Love of Being Considerate Being Kind
Don't You People Worry about Me while
Making Lunch for Him and for My Son
Doing Grocery and Giving Him Treats
From My Pocket
What Goes Around -- Always Comes Around
What You Give -- You Get Back
Father You Don't Have To Yell at Niklas and Hannah
For Niklas Time and for His company
Love and Respect Never Has To Be Demanded
Love has to Be Commanded --- Give First
To Get Something Back -- Have Patience -- Be Kind
What You Sow You Reap
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Some older customers are surprised that Smile has to do her own laundry. The priest is here too and warning families with young kids to not neglect church otherwise they can end up in the same situation as Smile where their kids will be taking advantage of them.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D. I will post the blog from the weekend later today
I was running into issues posting the weekend blogs as people were coming to get the blogs from my desk as I was printing them out.
DeleteI have now posted the blogs in all noticeboards
I was one of the person who bugged you. In lobby C, there are a whole bunch of people waiting for the blog so that's why I took a no. of copies from you. Sorry about that.
SWN was fantastic. We walked on the nature trail today and talked about Smile's success in getting the kids to give up their bad habits
SWS was great also. We talked about the weekend blogs during the walk.
This week's Smile Forum will be a high profile event. Lots of management presence expected. Managers are pushing the team to read the blog and join Smile walks
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome psychiatrist. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read your blog every day but you dont write for me. This blog is my lifeline
I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA
I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster
And I posted the blog from the weekend. So we should be all good :-)
I say thank because my kid learn lot from blog
Dear Madam Smile, you so good, you write good to. I go Mr Supervisor and I say him that I want complain. He say what happen. I say job worker with video kid hurt my feeling. He say but why you no go talk her. I say because I no want talk her all life. He say I will talk her. Are you ok though. I say I need go prey. He say why Madam no sick. I say yes but I need go prey more and prey thank because she write my name. He say that good because I know she no sick. I say how you know because I no show you blog. He say he need go make phone. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeletethe retirees were very tired today due to our long walk yesterday so we postponed our version of Smile Walk. Instead of walking, we drove to the coffee shop and did a joint reading of the blog.
The retired author led the reading. Though all appreciated the blog, she continued to go gaga on almost every sentence. She indicated that we are not being able to appreciate the literary value in this blog
The retired environmentalist was also pleased that you are continuing to enthral us with nature themed stories
The subcommittee for joint family living did not meet today as they were too upset after reading today's blog. They could not believe that your son is not doing your laundry after all you are taking care of his kids for him. They wanted us to pass a resolution to condemn this insensitive behavior. The resolution was passed unanimously.
The retired nutritionist thanked you for calling her out in your blog. We do not have a physical therapist in our group but both the retired physical trainer and the retired mental health expert were pleased as they assumed you are giving a shout out to them
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students and the professors read your blog at the SRC today. We appreciated your blog ie Pay back time and have asked Smile Army and the students to pay for their attendance in the readings. The Dean wanted to have law department attend the reading but he didnt realize that we have moved quickly and amended the student charter to add a fee for the SRC. This additional charges will help us fund our tuition. Thank you for suggesting it. To clarify, that as per our university's constitution the fee can only be negotiated in 2 years when the contract that students have with the university will be renewed. The Smile Army also found this loop hole in the constitution and have added their fees as well.
The students did not come for the reading today but have asked for a copy of the blog. We provided the blog for a small fee as we do want them to learn
thank you
Literature Fellow
Father say you yell father lot today and no thank father. Father say he yes mind. Father say he no no why you need do you laundry. Father say he yel Kris( me) today that he start become like you Kris and no take care father. Father say it help because he take father lot place after that. Father say futbal coach no alow kid talk father. Father say he got idea from you blog and pay back him. Father say he yel nabor because he no pay father for bird trick watch. Father say he yel Hannah because she no make lot food. Father say he say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say father little upset today because you forget thank. She say you no meed thank Hannah but need thank you. Hannah say she hapy that you now fix. Niklas say grandpapa pay back coach by take air out his tire. Coach no no grandpapa did because grandpapa blame Niklas and now coach fire Niklas from team. Niklas say grandpapa keep yel nabor because he say that nabor need pay more to warch bird because nabor granddater come watch bird to. Niklas say granddater no watch she only play in nabor back garden but bird fly to nabor back garden. Father tell me that me start become you Kris so I take father lot place because I no want become like he. You Kris need help but no do. Me yel Niklas because he become like you Niklas and start take money but no pay. Niklas cry. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing laudnry doer. She is an amazing walker. She is an amazing advisor. She has an amazing grandson. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeletegood post
ReplyDeleteI am just banging my head against the wall. There is absolutely nothing which is working. I have tried to be kind, I have tried to be harsh, I have tried to be reasonable but it just is not working. And yet Smile wants us to be nice to everyone in this forum
Deletegood job mrizvi. Great to let us know that this is a good blog. I dont know what we would have done if you would not have told us
Just caaaaaallllmmm down Plunker. Reeeeellaaax. Take a deep breath. Go for a walk. Or better still just read the blog again
DeleteThank you mrizvi. This is a good comment. You are doing an amazing job
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda Dave Literature Fellow Boris Batman mrizvi Retiree Group Cleo
John Plunker Jimmy Brenda Smile Addict Superwoman Karen Brian Tiara Kim Keith Jasmeet Craig Marg N Kyle Newbie Kris Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone