Same Page of Story of Life

My Dear Cafe Manager
I Need Your Help
I am Stuck
I Trust You People
No Matter What
Keep Smile Free Please
Be Flexible with 20 Minutes
Time Limit
I Need Your Help
Dear Smile Army
My Friends
Please Help Me Out
It was You Who Helped
To Make School Drug Free
You can Do It Again
Everything is Going
Upside Down
We Have To Go Back To
No Money System
It used To Be Lots Of Smile and
Everything Gone Now
Please Help Me
Join Hand With All Students
Any One Please Come Forward
Like The First Rain Drop
Have Courage To Cancel The Blog Money
To Take The Lead
All will Come after
To Take The Mission
Back On Track
I Request My Friend Dean
To Please Come Forward
To Work With Students
Stop Selling Blogs
I Was Wrong Not A Good Idea
Smile Has To Be Free
My Dear Retirees Please
Stop Selling Blogs
Find Some Other Place To Have
Meetings -- Like Someone Home
Or School Or In Hospital
Everyone Please Co-operate
Make Blogs Free Of Charge
To Everyone
Dean My Friend Join Hand with
Principal To Work
Everything is Going
Down The Drain
Niklas I am Sad Don't Sell Blog
I Love You I Trust You
Father Doesn't Listen
He wont -- I always Talk To You
It is Tuesday 20 Degrees Bright Sunny Day
My Son is Working from Home He has to Drop
His Car to Dealer -- It was giving Battery Problem
My Son will be Busy with Phone and His Computer
Today is My Calls Day I Mean I Make Calls
To Family and Friends
I will Do That on Thursday For Me Family always
Comes First -- I was Busy with My Morning Chores
Reading Messages on My Face Book and
Comments from My Readers Family
My Childhood Friend from Sydney Writes to
Me Every Day -- We are very Much Connected
Last Night I had some Sleep Problem
It Happens as We are getting Older -- We Don't
Expect Things will be The Same
It was nearly 3 am I was on My Computer to
Play Scrabble Games I opened My Face Book
To Write Messages to My Daughters
It was Morning in England My Daughters wont
Check My Messages I was sure They must be
Busy with Their Kids For School and Breakfast
Kids Have to Be First Priority Not Like Father
Where He Pushes for Everything always
Competes with Niklas and Wins All the Time
I Think Parents Have to Wait Have to Be Patient
I Trust My Daughters will Check when Have Time
They will Respond
I Didn't Send any Message to My Friend She
Noticed My Blinking Face Book -- I Got Her Message
" Why are You Awake ? It is Midnight at Your Place "
Believe Me These are Not Simply Messages
These are Letters of Love -- Works Like Therapy
Try to Communicate
It is Amazing Feel That Someone Thinking about You
and Worried -- It is Very Important to Be in
Touch with Family
But in Our Old Age Connection with Friends
More Important -- We are in Same Boat
We can Relate
They understand Our Mind and Our Body Well
I Mean Our Emotional Turmoils and Our
Physical Health Condition
We are on The Same Page of Our Story of Life
They are Retired Have MoreTime To Talk
Rather Than Our Kids
We Have to Be Realistic and Have to Give Break
To Our Kids -- We Don't Have to Copy Father
Who is Giving Hard Time to His Family
We Have to Be Supportive By Being Patient and
Having Trust It will Bring Happiness
To Everyone
I am Done with My Coffee at Tim Horton
Now will enjoy My Nature Walk to Home
Give Lunch to My Son will enjoy the Moments
Value The Moments in Hand --- Time Flies
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This is market day but customers are coming to my shop in waves. They come here to read the blog first before going to the market. We have lots of people from out of town who come to read blog and then do shopping. Priest is here too but no one is giving him any place to sit. He said to some customers that I apologize to Smile already but they told him that he is appointed by God so he need to apologize to God. He said I am not a prophet but a priest. The customers responded that they dont care.
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is awesome! She has an awesome friend in Sydney. She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read this blog every day. It is my lifeline
I read blog in France.
ReplyDeleteYou blog good. Me English no good. Russian good
DeleteThis good. I no Anglais but Spanish good
DeleteGood blog. You Italian fan
DeleteI like blog China
DeleteDear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go Mr. Supervisor and say him I need take time out because I need go prey. He say what hapen. You Madam sick? I say no. He say you want prey thank? I say no. He say then why you no want prey? I say because my Madam work very lot. Like she work 3 am. I prey so she ok and I prey for student to because they go back bad thing. He say she no work till 3 but only wake because sleep problem. I say him how you know because I no show you blog. He say he need make urgent phone. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees went for our walk today. Our walk though very long, is nothing compared to the ones you take. The retirees then had our lollipop
The retiree appreciate your blog. The retirees specially appreciated the advice that you gave us. Based on your guidance, we have set up a subcommittee to start looking for an alternate venue which can serve as an adequate meeting place for us. As this is a critical event, the retired senior executive is herself overseeing this. We are still working through the composition of this subcommittee
The cafe manager came and said that we can sit here for more time but we told him that we dont care. He was hoping to have us give him a copy of the blog but we refused. He includes a copy of the blog in the Morning Smile menu so this is going to impact his clientele. We did share your message with him and he said he wants to apologize and requested us to stay here and not look for a different meeting place. We have refused his apology.
thank you again for your guidance
recent retiree
Dear recent retiree, when Madam tell you that you go then why you no go. Dear Cafe Manager, why you no listen Madam and take money and tell dear retirees go. Madam very knowledge. We need do what she tell. If she say sit, we sit. If she say stand, we stand. Madam big shot. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
DeleteDear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students read your blog at the Smile Garden today. Yes Smile Garden! The Dean was here today. He was out of town for the last few days but returned today. Instead of going home, he came straight to the uni.
He read your blog today and stressed the key messages that you wrote for us. Your writing is so powerful that it brought a lot of shame and embarrassment to the Smile Army and us. We apologized to the Dean but he said that if we need to apologize then it should be to Smile. We explained to him that we misunderstood her message and that why started getting involved in money. He was very displeased with us. He also spoke wit the striking bird feeder employees and asked them to read the blog. Once they read it, they also were very ashamed. They immediately ended their strike and replenished the bird feeders. The Dean filled the first feeder himself saying that he wants to join the revitalized Smile Army. The birds started coming back to the Smile Garden. Basically, it is starting to be the same as before
The students came to get a copy of the blog but instead of charging them we gave it to them free. We asked them about the unpleasant habit, but they just took the blog and left, without answering any questions
than you for helping us. We dont know how we can apologize and if you can ever forgive us
thank you
Literature Fellow
Father say you yell father little today. Father say he no mind because you stress. Father say father understand and not bad person. Father say e try help lot kid like you. Father say he help futbal kids again today. Father say they like father lot. Father say he try get Niklas to fun but he baby. Father say he take Niklas to cafe to, like you Niklas. Father say father pay his pocket. Father say he no say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say that you please ease and no take lot stress. Hannah say you need sleep because it no good. Hannah say she no it very bad because Hannah experience because she need get up early for make brakfast father and to give food rabit and bird. Hannah say she prey for you and Niklases. Niklas say he stop sel blog. Niklas say he sel because he no money and grandpapa want lot macdonald. Niklas say grandpapa wake Niklas before sun with ice and then he go macdonald and get big brakfast. It expense. Grandpapa give 1 DM from his pocket and Niklas pay all. Niklas no money for 2 big brakfast so Niklas no eat and eat home. Futbal kid come meet grandpapa and get bier. Grandpapa tel Niklas come but Niklas no go because you no like. Grandpapa call Niklas baby and all kid laf. Me yel Niklas lot because he waste money and say he want eat out. Me tel him that. Me tel him that money no grow tree. Father want go thiem park more time and yel me that there no season pass like you Kris. Me will get season pass for hapy new year. He say that he want now. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing friend. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!
ReplyDeleteOh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....
ReplyDeleteThank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.
ReplyDeleteFantatic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though
Though we have been routinely reading your blog, we have been a little diffident to comment due to the inferiority of substance in our thoughts as compared to the abundance of the literary material that you generate. We however wanted to take a minute of your inestimable time today to express our felicitations to you for your management of the climacteric events of the last few days.
ReplyDeleteWe were concerned, and to be honest, somewhat dejected, that this evolving situation is something that even you will not be able to salvage. But we are penitent for underestimating your sagacity and your eloquence. Your today's blog spoke to the hearts and minds of your readers. It is scarcely that an author can accomplish one, and even less rare that both are accomplished together .
You were able to trump humanity and goodwill over profits. Very seldom has it been achieved
thank you for making our days brighter
Dave and Linda
Smile is not just an author, she is a psychologist. Look at the brilliant psychoanalysis that she did
ReplyDelete"Believe Me These are Not Simply Messages
These are Letters of Love -- Works Like Therapy
Try to Communicate "
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda Dave Boris Batman Keith mrizvi Plunker Literature Fellow Jimmy
Karen Superwoman Retiree Group N Kyle Newbie Kim Tiara Brenda Cleo Smile Addict Marg Craig Kris Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
Thanks Everyone