Flowers -- Squirrels & Butterflies

Image result for garden pictures with Flowers

Literature Fellow 
My Dear Friend

I Think That is Great Idea
I Trust You People

Smile Army will Be
Able To Solve The Problem

I am also Praying For Dear Students
Also For My Dear Principal
To Come Back To Reading Sessions

Retirees My Friends 
Please Don't Suspend 
Any Membership

Don't Take Smile away From
Anyone --These are Petty Matters
Leave It

Father Please Don't Throw Water On 
Niklas Face -- It is Abuse 
It is Like Crime

Kris Don't Punish Niklas
This is all Father's Fault
He Never Leaves Niklas Alone

Where Can He Go
Nowhere -- If He Picks Up Your
Phone He was Sure

You wont Save Niklas From Father
Father is Everywhere To Make
His Life Miserable

Niklas Not a Baby Let Him Play 
Let Him Enjoy His Own Time

Why Father is Controlling His Life
Niklas Not Father's Slave

It is Tuesday Sunny Bright 26 Degrees
My Tuesdays are Off I am Not Working
Today is My Calls Day

It is 10.30 I am Getting Ready To Go for
My Walk To Tim Horton I will Make Calls
After coming Back

Beautiful Atmosphere -- The Aroma of
Freshly Cut Grass -- Flowers All Around
My Neighborhood  -- Couple of Birds
Playing Around

Squirrels and Butterflies -- So Much There
To Make My Day ---Thank You God For
All This -- We Don't Deserve That 

This is Totally Out Of Your Unconditional Love
To All Of Your Creatures Big and Small To
Take Care Of Everyone -- No Matter What

Thank You For Your Forgiveness To Our Wrong
Deeds We Do Every Day -- Every Moment
Consciously and Unconsciously Throughout
Our Life 

I am At Coffee House Now -- It is Full of Students
From Dunbarton High School -- A Buzzing 

When I Entered Two Of My Friends From Our Club
Were There Enjoying Their Time -- One Of My Friend
Who Now Busy with Other Things
Doesn't Come To My Club Anymore

I Met Her After about a Year -- Last Time She
Had a Party at Her Place and Called Me To Come
Her House is an Amazing Place 

I Wrote The Whole Blog For Her Beautiful Place
" The Show Case Home " Not Only Her House is
Beautiful She Too is a Wonderful Person

She was with The Same Smile with Her Bright Yellow
Outfit She Loves To Dress Up -- In Colors 

She is an Amazing Human Being Always
Ready To Give Happiness -- To Put Smile On 
The Faces Around

She Knows The Recipe For "To Be Happy " 
What Goes Around Comes Around -- So Simple 
-- So Don't Worry How To Get Happiness

Just Try To Make People Happy and God
Will Take Good Care of You -- Of Your Happiness

My Other Friend is Sick Nowadays Not Coming
To Club For Couple Of weeks But She is in
Safe Hands as My Other Friend is Taking
Good Care Of Her


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, there are out of town visitors too. Our town people looks forward to Sunday as so many people come here. The priest talked about parents responsibility. Lots of out of towners asking for copies of the blog

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome weiter! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome scientist. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. You dont write for me. I read the blog every day. It is my lifeline


  4. I read you blog China

    1. You blog good. Read Ukraine

    2. This blog good, I read Russia

    3. Me read blog but no comment. Me anglais no good but French good

    4. I like blog Italy

    5. Me like blog. English no good but Spanish very good

  5. Please write a blog to knock some sense in my disrespectful daughter in law. She reads your blog daily but cant learn from it

    Mother in law of the Happy Reader

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go job worker in job 2 and say how you. She say I busy and no time talk blog today. I say I no want come talk blog, I want let you know that my Madam lot friend. She say but you big friend and she no write about you. I say but I no care, She say that good you but it no good that you Madam no write thank you. I say but she lot people to thank. I say I need go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for our long walk. Our walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the ones that you take. After the walk, we went for the reading of your blog

    The retirees took note of your instruction to us regarding my membership and have decided to reinstate me. In your own unique style, you made it very clear that this is about Smile and happiness. On a personal note, I will like to thank you for your confidence in me, and want to assure you that I will try my best to be more thorough in my writings

    The retired author who led the reading of your blog pointed out a no. of good points that you suggested. His perspective was that of a literary author, so he was able to appreciate your blog little bit more than us.

    the retired photographer is wondering about the choice of pictures that you use in your blog. How do you choose it

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing social scientist. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has amazing friends. What an amazing person my Smile is

  9. Dear Author,

    The students read your blog at the Smile Garden today. We invited the local school students but they simply come to collect the blog but left without joining us for the reading. As per your instructions, we gave it to them for free. They were interested in contributing to it but we told them that the biggest donation will be if they join us. They smiled politely and said that they will in due course.

    The Smile Army has started the process of getting the spy division set up. We will need a few days to get things sorted out. We will let you know how things are progressing and also let you know if we need any guidance from you

    thank you for all your help
    Literature Fellow

  10. Father say that you yell father lot. Father say he yes mind. Father say he no no why you yell kid. If they want try new smoke then that no bad. That how they learn. Father say he tel Niklas try new thing so he can be big. Father say he lot friend to but he no meat them all day because he no time. Father say he need do lot thing. Father say he say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say that you very care people so you lot friend. She say it good. She say you please no work lot and take ease. Niklas say grandpapa wake Niklas before son with ice. Niklas say grandpapa say he want go morning walk. After 5 min walk on driveway, he tel Niklas go sleep but Niklas no able sleep. Me talk father and tell that he no go Niklas skool but he say it important that he stay touch with teacher. Father say that when me Niklas then father talk me teacher to. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. Replies
    1. Helloooo!!!! What is going on here? Is anyone listening? Is there anyone home? I know, I know ....

      Thanks mrizvi. Appreciate you letting us know that this is a good blog

    2. Just chill Plunker. Take a cold bath. Or read one of Smile's blog again. That should calm you down. No point in popping an artery. Kids these days do not think seriously. And yes, Smile wants us to be kind

      Good work mrizvi. How is school coming along kiddo

  12. Well well well. This is brilliant stuff. Herriott fans please take note. The maestro has arrived!

    "Beautiful Atmosphere -- The Aroma of
    Freshly Cut Grass -- Flowers All Around
    My Neighborhood -- Couple of Birds
    Playing Around

    Squirrels and Butterflies -- So Much There
    To Make My Day ---Thank You God For
    All This -- We Don't Deserve That

    This is Totally Out Of Your Unconditional Love
    To All Of Your Creatures Big and Small To
    Take Care Of Everyone -- No Matter What"

    What brilliance

  13. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Linda Dave Keith Batman mrizvi Literature Fellow Retiree Group Plunker Karen Superwoman Jimmy Brenda Tiara Cleo Marg Craig N Kyle Newbie Jasmeet Smile Addict Kim Kris Happy Reader and Mother in Law Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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