Go Ahead -- Make Decisions

Kris My Dear
Please Don't Take Father
To Football Games
Let Niklas Enjoy Please
Happy Reader
For Your Own Good
Please Think Twice Before
Writing Comments about
Anyone -- Same Advice For
Mother in Law Thanks
It was Friday I was Working
Full Time I was in My Office Cubicle
Had a Chance to Write My Blog
For Saturday to Post
It was Night Time at 11.45 pm about
My Sleep Time --- It Clicked My Mind That
I Have to Write another Blog
To Celebrate the Drug Free Atmosphere
In the School --- It is Something Real Big
Related to Generations to Come
Believe Me I had No Plot What to Write
I Started Writing my Stray Thoughts on
My Computer To Print
Thoughts Coming Directly From My Heart
For The Success Story of You My Dear
Courageous Students
Also The Success Story of Your Great Teachers
Who Stand Beside You Never Left You Alone
You are Lucky My Dear They are Not Only Your
Teachers They are Like Your Friends
You can Trust ---
I Trust All of You and
Pray All the Success
In Your Life in Years To Come
My Dear Retiree Friends -- You are The Mile Stone
In The Success Story of The Entire Mission
You Started Everything From scratch and
Never Looked Back -- I Laud The
Great Role of My Dear Cafe Manger
The Retired Chef -- The Healthy Living Committee
Members -- The Social Researchers -- The Nutritionists
And The Physical Therapist
The Committee Running The " Smile With Smile "
Programs in Schools -- Programs in Hospitals
Everyone Doing Great To Make a Difference
I Think I was Not able to Communicate My Message
While Expressing Myself For Not To Charge
Money For " Smile with Smile " Programs
I was Not Sure as All the Students and Schools
Would Like To Pay for That so It's Scope might
Become Limited
You Please go Ahead with Your Plans
You are The Players in The " Rink "
Make Your Decisions Please
The Revenues will Enhance Our Resources
To Work on Broader Scale
Please Do It -- Go Ahead
Everyone is Retired -- It will Generate
Funds To Work with Full Force
I Admire My Friend The Cafe Manager Who was
Supportive Throughout The Process To
Spread Happiness Around
My Dear Retired Chef Working with All The
Hotels also Helping Cafe Manager
Everyone of You are Doing Great
I am Writing Only Theory on Paper
You People Doing all the Practical Work
Making Everything Possible To Happen
I am Writing The Same for My Fellow Students
Planning To Work on the Project of
" Smile Encyclopedia "
Go ahead with Your Plans To Make It Commercial
To Generate Funds --- It might be a Good Idea
To Broaden the Scope of Work
If Free People might Not Give It the Value
Work with Your Dean -- I Trust Him
also Trust Your Capabilities -- Your Motto
Students Working on The Projects Have
To Be Either Awarded or Rewarded In some Way
I Make It a Point
I am Proud of All of My Readers Family
You Give Me Power To Make Me Write
Every Day I Love You All
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, almost all customers used to go to the church but they come to Smile Corner now. Only a handful of people go there now. This is because the blog is now available earlier in the day here. There are also out of town people who come to my small shop. I am serving Banana Smoothie and Yogurt Smoothie. It is like a festival here.
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is awesome! She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome celebrator. She is an awesome councillor. She is an an awesome psychiatrist. She is an awesome friend. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read this blog every day. It is my lifeline but you dont write for me.
I like you blog in China. We clebrate to. Same problem
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your blog in Russia. I read with family. We say congratulate you
DeleteI read France. No comment but read all time
DeleteI read blog in Spanish. We say congratulate to
DeleteI like blog. We read Ukraine
DeleteDear Madam Smile, you so good You write good to. I so hapy. Job worker with video kid come and say me that i no able come party but i hear you bring cake yesterday. I say yes that because celebrate Madam health and the school kid no using drug now. She say that good. I say my Madam write very good blog you want read. She say ok. i show her blog. She say how come you Madam thank all people but no thank you. I take blog from her and say her that my Madam very noledge. She know what to do. She say but you spend 1 night prey and also get cake. I say her I no care because my Madam help all dear reader family. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees went for our long walk. Our walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the ones that you take. After the walk, we went for the reading of your blog
The retired economist and the retired marketing consultant led the reading of your blog. They were very much enthused by your go ahead to charge for these services. We immediately formed a committee to determine next steps to commercialize our venture. The committee will need a few days to finalize the plan. Aside from the retired marketing consultant, the retired economist, the retired finance officer and the retired MBA, leads from Smile with Smile program will be included as well.As it will take a few days to finalize pricing, it was recommended to the Smile with Smile program to immediately start charging gate money. The Smile with Smile program protested that most of the kids and parents from the impoverished neighborhoods wont be able to come and this is our target market, however we told har that this is ok. As she was protesting, we made an organizational change and the finance subcommittee was creatd and all the other subcommittees were told that they will be supervised by Finance and need to get direction from them as well. We believe that we will be able to raise substantial funds this way as the Hospital nutrition program is also running for free and needs to pay up
thank you
recent retiree
I told my daughter in law that she should listen to you and not write comments. I am sorry that you have to remind her of that but the problem is that she has not been taught respect by her parents and teachers. With the amount of sleeping that she does, I wont be surprised that she is on drugs
ReplyDeletethanks you
Mother in Law of the Happy Reader
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students read you blog today at the SRC. We were planning on reading at the Smile Garden however the Smile Army is charging a donation fee for entering the Garden. This donation fee is required and not optional. As many of us didnt have enough money, we could not go. We instead read the blog at the SRC and also charged a fee for attending the reading. The students, and the commentators think it is a great idea to generate money. The school kids were not allowed to participate, but one of the professor who was there today, even though it was his day off, paid for them. They are also thinking of ways to generate funds
thank you
Literature Fellow
Father say you yell father little today. Father say he yes mind. Father say you forget thank father because father celebrate to. Father eat Sachertorte to celebrate. father say father yell Hannah today so Hannah make more celebrate. Father say he no go futbal because coach feel jelous father becase father very poplar. All kid like father Father say father yel Niklas because he baby. Father yel Hannah again because she no give good food rabit and rabit no come. Father say he say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say that father litle upset today and want more celebrate so Hannah make Bremer Klabe. Hannah say she also give food rabit but rabit no here. Hannah say she wake early so she make Brenntar for father brakfast but give food rabit before making it. Niklas say that he no want go futbal because kid call Niklas baby. He say that futbal kid come to grandapapa now because he give them smoke and bier. They no alow bye because they no old. He give Niklas to but Niklas say no and grandpapa then fun Niklas and call baby. Me yel Niklas because he no futbal. I pay fees. It very expense. Futbal kid come and he no talk them. I tel him I cancel phone. He sad. Hannah tire. Father hapy. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Smile can whip up the blog in a matter of minutes.
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Smile has a knack to speak to the readers' hearts. And yes she is amazing. Just enjoy
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor, She is an amazing therapist. She is an amazing writer. She has amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteWill this craziness ever going to stop. I know, I know, Smile wants me to be kind to everyone but my blood boils when I see this.
ReplyDeleteGreat work mrizvi. You guessed correctly today also. Thank you
Caaaaalllmmm down Plunker. Just reeeeellaaax. No need to get yourself all worked up over kids. They are not serious about anything
ReplyDeleteBrilliant comment mrizvi. Appreciate you writing to let us know that this is a good blog
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda Dave Boris Batman Keith Karen Superwoman mrizvi Literature Fellow Jimmy Brenda Plunker N Kyle Newbie Retiree Group Tiara Kim Smile Addict Craig Marg Cleo Jasmeet Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone