Point to Ponder

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To My Happy Reader
when we live like a family
things happen it is but
natural don't take it serious
just relax 

This Too Shall Pass

Focus on positive things in
your Life and try to get
happiness out of that

For my Dear Reader
Who is doing two jobs

I started feeling that you think
doing two jobs sticks like a 
negative mark on your personality

I don't agree with that 
in God eyes He gives the job
description to the people He
thinks are capable to handle

He has chosen you among His
Creatures who will be able to
handle more responsibilities
I think you should feel proud
for that

Doing two jobs is your strength
don't ever feel low because of that
God has His trust in you
gave you extra credibility
that you can do it

You can mention your doing
two jobs but don't forget 
to be proud of that

One of my daughter's friend 
is doctor her husband is doctor
too they are young beautiful 
couple with their complete
beautiful family of one boy and
one girl

Her kids are selected in the
Grammar school competition
exams doing well in studies

With such a great family she
gets into severe depression 
after every couple of months

In other days she is very active
outgoing happy personality
she lives in Grimsby England

I am sharing this as a point
to ponder for my Readers
we never know God forbid 
anything can happen to us

We take everything specially
our valuable Health as granted
start giving value to things
you have 

Everything we have is precious
same is every moment which
we are losing it wont come back

Time never waits for anyone
make use of everything
transform every moment
into Happiness


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  2. My Smile is so awesome! She is an awesome poet. She is an awesome writer. She has an awesome family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!


  3. I lost the race (again) to post the blog on our notice boards. It was already posted when I got there


  4. Dear Madam Smile, I no believe that you big shot but you write for me. You so good.. I told my supervisor and also asked him for time out so I go and pray thank. He say that he will make a pay cut for this time but I say no problem. I also got him sweet snack on way back as it is big day. He ask for blog and also read it. He say he also happy for me. I do 2 proud job but always read you blog

  5. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. We discussed the blog in Smile Walk. We also talked about the Smile Forum. Kim will set up a planning meeting for the Smile Forum next week. As there is so much interest, we need to have a bigger plan than previously


    2. I am planning to have all key managers from all lobbies participate in a planning meeting as there is a lot of interest from all lobbies


    3. You will be good. Just follow Smile's advice in her yesterday's blog of not taking things too seriously and going with the flow


    4. Yup - if we follow Smile's directions then all will be good


  6. Father say you nice. You help all readers. He say he try to be positive like you but not easy.

    Kris (Germany)

    1. Dear Kris father, you rite. Madam Smile very nice. I went to my 2nd proud job and took some sweet stuff for happiness. I asked my Supervisor to give me time out in 2nd proud job too. He harsh and eat the sweet but say no money for time out. I say no problem. I went to pray thanks in 2 proud job and also pray for Madam. She very good. I do 2 proud job but always read blog.

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciated your blog today. Though it was intended to lift the morale of the gentlemen with multiple employments, the retirees felt that it was very inspiring for us all. We will be discussing it in our next meeting.

    We could not proceed with the Smile Walk today as it was cloudy and some members are not comfortable. We are hoping to start the Smile Walk from tomorrow. The retirees are very much looking forward to your suggestions about walking.

    recent retiree

  8. You blog good. You write for your readers. Good. We read China

  9. I thoroughly enjoyed your blog, thanks for sharing.

  10. Your blogs keep our spirits high and give us strength to get going in our lives.It teaches us to take life as a gift not as a burden.
    thanks for writing.

  11. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is amazing scientist. She is an amazing psychiatrist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  12. Smile made 3 generations happy today.

    My mother in law and father in law read the blog today and they were so much moved by it that they immediately realized their mistake. They were specially moved by the part where Smile talked about considering every moment precious and taking your health seriously. They immediately apologized to each other.

    I was so happy to see this and so was my husband who always gets stressed out when my mother in law and father in law quarrel.

    And when our kids saw that the elders in the family are happy, then they were happy too.

    Smile is a magician. She can do wonders with her words

    Thank you so much for writing your blog.

    A happy reader (on behalf of my entire family)

  13. I never completely understood why it is a punishment for putting sane people into a locum ..... until now

    Thanks mrizvi. What an insightful post

  14. Relax Plunker. Take a cold shower. Go for a walk. Take a deep breath. Read a Smile blog. Just dont pop your artery

    mrizvi's comments are so interesting. Something different every day. Thank you mrizvi. You make it so much interesting for all of us

  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Keith Jimmy Brenda Cleo Kris mrizvi Beena Boris Sheema Batman
    Kim Karen Superwoman Plunker Retiree Group Newbie Stefan Tiara
    Happy Reader Fellow Writer
    Thanks My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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