Not a Dooms Day

When we retire we have our
eight hours time slot vacant
to be filled with anything we
choose or with as many
things as we love to fill
in that 8 hours empty basket
We don't have to consider
our day of retirement as
our Dooms Day it can be
considered other way round
The day of joy to do our own
things to accomplish our dreams
to nurture our hidden talents
our inner beauty to flourish
for which we never had a chance
to even think as we had no time
We can do all that now we are on
our own with all of our 24 hours
we can plan our days we have all
our options open no distraction
Sit with a cup of Tea or Coffee
with your favorite book in the
favorite corner of your back garden
spread pieces of bread and enjoy
Bird watching
I like to walk and to be on my
computer and to go my Seniors
Club playing Darts and Carpet
My afternoons are with my family
I enjoy with them doing grocery
with my daughter in law and
putting snacks for my grand kids
I love cooking I believe Life starts
on kitchen counters I like to go
with my son when he drives
his kids to Hockey Arena
Just start doing whatever you like
no pressure please at this stage
of our life God wants us to be
relaxed and enjoy our life
I never forget to thank God for
keeping me in good health and
making me mobile I don't
drive but I can walk
Thank you God for everything
Dear Madam Smile, you write so many things for retirees. I hope they leave you alone now. You scientist so do science too, you teach hockey to son sons, you buy grocery for daughter in laws. I do 2 jobs and no time for hockey.
ReplyDeletemrizvi: you please read Madam blog. She very good
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your detailed blog for us. We are having an emergency meeting later today to review your advice to us. Our ex Corporate executive will be the one facilitating this meeting. We are having this meeting in the evening as the corporate executive needs to update her spreadsheet of your generous guidance to us. She is also maintaining a lot of other documentation for analysis and that needs to be updated as well.
Thank you again for taking the time to provide your guidance to us
mrizvi: Though Madam Adviser's guidance is for us, we think that you can benefit from it as well
recent retiree
I posted the blog in Smile Corner. Lot of customers saying this advice good for them as well. I have ordered more supply of coffee and cake as customers sit more at my shop to read and discuss blog
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is so awesome. She writes so many awesome advice for retirees. She is an awesome Scientist. Attends conferences for science and technology for women leaders. She is an awesome poet! What an awesome person she is!!
ReplyDeletemrizvi: Please read this awesome blog
This blog very good. I got lot of ideas for my father. He English not good but I tell him in Germany. He saying thank you too
ReplyDeletemrizvi: you read this blog
Kris (Germany)
Your blog good. I no retired but I like you blog too. We like you blog Italy. We no like you son. He no take care you. We no like daughter in law. She bad too.
ReplyDeletemrizvi: You no read. Only comment. You bad
You schooled us today in how to live our lives. You showed us how best to make the most of what we have, with what we have. You have been doing that all this week. And to be honest it is easier said than done. I think one of the other readers commented that you are in a different league than the retirees who you trying to coach, factually speaking, you are in a different league than all of us, the two of us kiddies included
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time to write for us.
Dave and Linda
Interesting comments. Enjoyed it
ReplyDeletemrizvi: wish you learn from it
We can learn so much from today's blog and should make the most out of our time and enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing leather lady. She is an amazing scientist. She is an amazing adviser to the retirees. What an amazing person my Smile is !!
ReplyDeletemrizvi. LEts start reading please
This "good post" is starting to get on my nerves now. Let me try to explain to you, as patiently as I can.
ReplyDeleteWe all know that this is a good post. IT is from Smile. Her writing has already been compared to Herriot, Dickens, etc so thats no surprise. The subject is always great. She keeps switching subjects so as to not make it boring. It is full of good content too. After all, she is a senior microbiologist, has been to many conferences at govt level etc. Her blog is being read by people from all over the world. Her writing is appealing to all different ages. So what are you accomplishing by your comment?
Just think about it
AS for the retirees, I hope you guys got what you wanted, now dont bother Smile again
thank you
I agree with you Plunker about your advice to mrizvi, but you have to relax. You will pop an artery if you dont take it easy :-)
ReplyDeleteThis blog keeps us all on our toes. The tips that Smile has provided will work for everyone and not just for retirees.
ReplyDeletemrizvi: Please read. It will help you with some school work too
You do many things. I no do that many things. You good
ReplyDeletemrizvi: we no like you on Italy
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda Dave Karen Sheema Keith Superwoman Kris Boris mrizvi Plunker Cleo Jimmy
Tiara Batman Newbie Retiree Group Xin Fellow Writer Hina Sam Brenda
Thanks All My Anonymous Multilingual Readers
Thanks Everyone