Intruder ?

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To all my Retiree friends
of Readers Family
who live with their family
like me

Whenever I visit my daughters
which I do every year as 3 of
my 4 daughters live in London
England they make sure to do
everything to keep me happy 

But I always consider myself
as an intruder in their house
I think it is not fair to them
to share everything

like their space they lived in
their time which my daughter
used to give them before my entry

It is not fair that just because
I am your Mom I am here to
enjoy and to get entertained

Think about that we raised them
some 40 years back and we want our
pay back they didn't ask for that
it was other way round

We opted to be their parents
we were privileged to have them
and got all the happiness out
of their childhood

They were blamed for all the
problems we faced to brought
them up like being tired
to work hard to earn money

It was not their choice this was
all of our ambitious planning
to get married to have kids
so why they have to suffer for
the rest of their lives

We put them under so much
pressure they have to tackle
their kids their family life
their work and we still complain

We have to put ourselves in their
shoes and edit our wish list

We have to minimize their pressure
by being cooperative and have
to admire the efforts they make
to put smile on our faces

We have to get involved in our
own activities and leave them alone
give them space and peace of mind

They are our children we have
their Love that's more than
enough to be Happy for us


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Some customers are thinking of staring Smile Walk

  2. My Smile is awesome!! She has awesome daughters! She has awesome family! She is an awesome scientist! She is an awesome writer! What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. Father say he no think guest. He say children suppose to take care parents. He say it their job. Father say parent no need do anything but sit and rest and enjoy. He say that you daughter lucky that you think like that.

  4. I read blog China. I read friends

  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so kind, you no want your dauter take care you. You take care them. You take care son too. You take care of son sons too. You take care of readers family too. You help dauter in law become happy. You help retirees. They no walk but you walk. You play hokey. I do 2 job and no time but I read you blog. You blog so good too

  6. I have been travelling on business and though I have been reading the blogs, have not had opportunity to comment.

    Over the past few days, one think which I was impressed was how you were able to transform the lives of the young lady. Not just her life but the one for her entire family. I used that as an ice breaker in some of my meetings and every time I found it to be a jaw dropping moment

    Thank you for writing so regularly

    Keith Walker

  7. Dear Advisor,

    We appreciate your blogs and all the advice that you have imparted to us however based on an imprompto meetint today, we will like to humbly and respectfully disagree with your views. The retirees feel that it is upto the children to take care of their parents. We also think that the scope of this care should be both emptional as well as physical. We also dont think that the parents are required to feel grateful for this care as it is our right. We submit these views were humbly and with utmost respect. I hope you dont find them offensive.

    PS: We had to postpone the Smile Walk to tomorrow as our members were feeling a little lazy today.

    recent retiree

    1. Dear recent retiree, how can you say opposite to Smile. If she say night, you say night. She big shot, She know so much. She science, she government conference, she so big shot. It good that you not say your comment in bad language but you should not say that. I do 2 job but always read blog

    2. Dear Friend,

      The retirees agree with you that Madam Smile is very accomplished. Our opinions were not intended to offend or question her but only to share the opinions of our membership

      recent retiree

  8. Great comment. Simply brilliant.

    I just wish that Smile can let us speak our mind. If we can only have the opportunity to be more open

  9. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer! She is an amazing parent! She has amazing daughters! She has an amazing family! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. I tend to have a different view about the subject. I think it should be the other way around and children should feel responsibility for the parents. Parents should not be considered an intruder but a member of the family.

  11. Thank you for your insightful comment

  12. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Keith I was sure You are reading
    Thanks Karen Linda Dave Kris Jimmy mrizvi Plunker Boris Superwoman Retiree Group
    Batman Sheema Happy Reader Brenda Cleo Tiara Kim Fellow Writer Newbie
    Thanks to All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone

  13. You are really something, the way you see and feel things is totally different from us.
    We expect more from others especially from our loved ones and you always try to be on the giving end not on the receiving end.

  14. Parents have rights on children and children should do everything to keep their parents happy.
    From Mona


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