Change in Scenery

Image result for backyard garden pictures

Please don't forget that we
Readers are Family too so just relax and move on

No apologies please
To Err is Human so keep your finger down please

Today it is 6 degrees and windy
dry leaves scattered trees are
losing leaves it is time for winter
change of scenery

Enough of green and flowers
sun getting tired and everything
needs a break time to dozing off

It is morning I am waiting at my
driveway for my friend to go to
my seniors club It is a different look
on streets too people are bundled up

In Canada everything just as a routine
weather can not stop the normal
life even in heavy snow it rarely
happens that schools are closed

We go on adding layers and carry
on our normal routine life
one time I was in London England and
there was some snow and the whole
city was closed for couple of days

We learned to live our life in winter
one time I was in Dubai it was 53
in Ottawa I lived in 30 minus 
We Humans can adopt so quickly

I am not worried about cold and
snow it is just a change in scenery
waiting for the flowers to come
there will be bloom

Life is the same like weather
don't get scared of some 
difficult moments in your life
this Too Shall Pass and there will
be change in scenery hope for the
light at the end of tunnel


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  2. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I went there


  3. My Smile is so awesome !! She is am awesome writer! She is an awesome poet! She is an awesome parent! She has an awesome family! What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. Dear Madam Smile, you so active. You do everything but no care weather. I do 2 job and if cold, I sometime take sick day.

    I so sorry about hurt you feeling. You say forget but I cant. I so sorry

  5. Dear Adviser,

    I get calls every morning after you post the blog. Some of the ideas that you talk to us about are new to us. For example, for us, forget about changing our plans because of weather, we don't even make them if the weather is not good. If it cold, we don't go out, if it is raining, we stay in. We only go if everything is ok. We are not sure how you do it. Some of members mentioned that they never did what you are doing, even when they were in their 30s.

    recent retiree

  6. I have posted the blog on our corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B. Also posted it in the cafeteria


    1. We will be holding the second session of the Smile Forum this week. Kim will be starting the preparation for that later today


    2. Good point. Lets talk about that during the Smile Walk today


  7. Father like you blog but say it very difficult for him to not change plan because weather. He say he is 67 so not young.

    Kris (Germany)

  8. Again a great blog, reminding us not to stop, keep on moving , no matter whatever be the obstacles......

  9. We appreciate your unwavering and dominant desires for commitments. We thought that this was your message to us, your readers, and to be candid, we missed it the first time around. We are finding that oftentimes, we have to re-read your blogs to get the real meaning.

    Dave and Linda

  10. You too active. You 20 year no 60 years. We like you Italy

  11. My Smile is so amazing. She is an amazing scientist with and amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  12. Looks like you a bionic woman! Snow, rain, heat and cold does not bother you :-)

  13. I am still in need of your advice. I am in so much despair. I thought you will give me advice, all you are giving me is some lecture, like change your name of something like that. What difference will it make, I still remain miserable!

    You are a big shot, and you dont care about us ordinary people

    miserable (and not happy) daughter in law

    1. Please dont talk Madam Smile like that. She real good and kind. Relax, Madam will give you advice too. I do 2 job and no time but still read Madam blog

    2. Dear Reader, I wont say anything negative to you because Smile has asked us to be kind however please consider that you cant demand advice. It is really upto Smile if she chooses to give you advice.

      Also, looking at your attitude, may be it is not the mother in law who has the problem but the daughter in law. Just think about it

      PS: There is a reason I addressed you as a reader, but not as a member of the reader family. If Smile would not have asked us to be good, I would have used different words to describe what I feel

      Thank you

  14. Smile is the best. I dont know how she can do all these things. I agree that she looks like a 30 year old

  15. Thank you for your comment

  16. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks to Karen Plunker Boris Sheema Superwoman mrizvi Batman Linda Dave
    Brenda Jimmy Keith Cleo Kim Tiara Retiree Group Fellow Writer Xin Brandon Kris
    Thanks to My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    My New Reader I welcome you to Readers Family and writing
    for you so please read Tomorrow's Blog I remember you very well
    You are now family All Readers are Family
    Thanks Everyone


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