Clean Slate

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I was at Age Friendly Forum
they gave me bunch of  special
beautiful pencils
I gave to My Grand Kids
they were happy but never used

Nowadays Kids
talk only to Computers
no time for reading or writing

I started using these pencils
and my mind goes half a century back
when I was working as a Counterpart
to a Japanese Leather Expert
Mr Ogiwara

He never used pens always
worked with pencils and rubber
you don't have to cut out just rub it off
it looks so neat

I think our sorry to our friends
and to God Almighty
will do the same
wipe out our mistakes our Sins 

Say sorry sometimes just
to have a Clean Slate
to move on and have a fresh start


  1. Dear Madam Smile, this is such a nice concept. I do 2 job and have to use pen in both of them for sign in and out. I will talk to my manager and ask him if I can use pencil and no pen

    @mrizvi: you read blog too

  2. My Smile is so awesome! She introduces a new concept every day. What an awesome person she is !!

  3. Dear Advisor,

    As retirees, some of us dwell a lot on our mistakes. We can make use of this concept.

    recent retiree

  4. We enjoyed the blog with our morning coffee, as usual. Like others, it was a good reminder to us that we should try to forgive ourselves for sins that we have committed

    Thank you for writing daily

    Dave and Linda

  5. I have posted the blog on our corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B


  6. This is a really important lesson that we should all remember, thank you for reminding us

  7. I won the race to post the blog on our corporate notice board today


  8. This is a very interesting concept. Thanks for sharing


  9. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing scientist! She has amazing friends! She is very generous and an amazing adviser to the retirees! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: Please read

  10. 我喜欢这个博客。 这是我希望生活的一个咒语

  11. phost mé an bhlag ar mo siopa. Fuair mé a lán de flak ó mo chustaiméirí do phost sé déanach sa lá atá inniu.

    Mé leithscéal a ghabháil le mo chustaiméirí. Bhí mé roinnt soláthairtí ag teacht ina raibh míreanna meatacha agus de dhíth orm aire a thabhairt sin. Tá mé ag súil le dul ar ais chuig an amárach sceideal tosú

  12. Great concept. I think I cam make use of it

    @mrizvi: It is a great idea. Read and reap

  13. I read the blog with my morning coffee as part of my breakfast routine. It was a worthwhile experience. It made me realize that I should erase the bad things I have done or that have happened to me, ie start with a clean slate

    Thank you, Smile

  14. Beautiful concept. Every day there is a new concept. Smile is a master of powerful words. She has words full of powerful concept and imagery.

    @mrizvi: You gotta read girl

  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Newbie Boris Dave Linda Maheen Jimmy Superwoman mrizvi Plunker Brenda
    Sheema Cleo Fellow Writer Retiree Group Batman My Irish Readers Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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