
Image result for backyard garden pictures

I am feeling guilty to ask
My Multilingual Readers
to write in English

Their Comments lost the
touch the glamour the spirit
Use your own language please to make it full of Life

I used to translate your comments to enjoy

Today's Blog

I think to live a Life is an art
we have a canvas to paint
we draw whatever we want to
with colors we choose 

Like an artist our ideas our
thoughts our mood 
everything counts to draw
and paint our daily Paintings

Our personality is an Exhibit
which attracts or repels people
to be happy we have to be with
people so try to make the Exhibit
full of colors joy and happiness
make more people to come and visit

I used to live in day tight
compartment to keep myself away 
from Negative thoughts
I am Retired so try to be busy
with Family and the people around 

It works no time to think Negative
very busy schedule

Day time with my Seniors Club
walk -- laundry and making calls 
my evenings are with my Family

Yesterday I was giving snacks to
my grand kids try to do
taco chips crisp to make it tasty
so I put it in the toaster oven 
and started doing my Sudoku  

Just couple of minutes after
I noticed it caught fire
my two younger grand kids were
with me I quickly got the kitchen
scissors to hold the foil plate 
and threw it in the basin and switched 
water on to extinguish fire

It worked well I succeeded
to handle the situation 
I think these things will give
color to my painting 
to make Exhibit a success


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Customers reading the blocked are shocked and also relieved about the kitchen incident. Some suggested that they will offer thanks tomorrow at the church service. Some are upset that her only son is not treating her well

  2. I really like that you are asking your multicultural readers to comment in their own languages, it allows them to be free and comfortable and shows you appreciate all kinds of people, it's very open minded and encouraging of you.

  3. My Smile almost got injured in the fire!! She is so awesome she saved herself and her family by her quick action. My hands are shaking as I am writing this. I hope her son does not make her do dangerous work


  4. Dear Madam Smile, I so scared because of fire. You did so good to save you and kids. I do 2 job and I ask my supervisor to give me time off so I can go to room and pray for thanks

    @mrizvi: You dont say good blog today, please. It no good that Madam had fire accident because his son no take care

  5. Seat belts warning were in order for today's blog as it was roller coaster type of a read. We almost spilled our coffee as we went through the various twists and turns that you so eloquently detailed.

    It started with some common sense suggestions for the multi lingual readers and then talked about some really interesting concepts. I hope your other readers can appreciate that. Living in "day tight compartment" as you call it and use this as a shield to insulate yourself against negative thoughts is a novel idea. Certainly explains a no. of your activities. We both think that this is something that we need to try ourselves.

    The fire accident you described was very troubling. We were both very relieved that no harm came as a result, thanks to your swift actions. It could have been horrific.

    Please do take care of yourself

    Thank you for writing and sharing these useful ideas with your readers

    Dave and Linda

  6. Dear Advisor,

    We had an emergency meeting of the retiree group as a result of the blog. We passed a motion that requires me to express our concern with you regarding the fire accident. The group wanted me to express our solidarity with you. We also wanted to let you know that we are extremely thankful that nothing bad resulted from this, other than perhaps some psychological scars.

    We also passed another motion, in which we wanted to request your only son to take much better care of you. There were some very strong language used by some of the members about your son which I dont think would be appropriate for me to repeat in a blog which is open to public. You are no spring chicken and he should treat you accordingly.

    During the meeting, our ex corporate executive pointed out some of the nuances of the blog to us. We think that your suggestion to not have negative thoughts are very useful. We will read them again and meet later in the week to discuss them more thoroughly

    @mrizvi: We also want to request you to please provide more thoughtful comments today as "good post" will not be appropriate

    recent retiree

  7. The first part of the blog was enlightening however the fire accident was quite alarming. Glad that you extinguished it and are safe

    Keith Walker

  8. I write in German but write English because I think thats what you really want.

    I glad that you fix fire fastly. I like you blog. You say write in language but I want write English so people understand

  9. I in China. I like blog. I always read with 2 friend. They no English but I read English. I tell friends blog in Chinese. We all like it. We say to your son that he bad. He no let you cook for kids. You down fire quick or it could be bad. We happy that you ok.

  10. What a frightening experience you had and yet you handled so expertly. Though you are so calm about it, to be honest, I am a bit ruffled. It is a harrowing experience. If you would not have been able to get to it as quickly as you did, if you would not have been able to think on your feet, if ...... I dont even want to imagine the nightmarish possibilities.

    Like others I also wish that your son takes heed from this unfortunate and potentially devastating experience, to do things differently from now on. To start, take care of you


  11. Well done, you are really multitask and has the ability to control any situation without panicking.
    Don't loose it

  12. My Smile is simply amazing! She is a life saver! She not only knows how to write but also knows how to act amazingly! I am not going to say anything about her only son as his actions speaks for himself. I will only say that please dont bother my Smile any more.

    @mrizvi: I hope you dont just write your patented "good post".

    thank you

  13. I am so shocked about what I read in the blog today. I am still shaking when I think of what may have happened if Smile would not have acted swiftly. She not saved herself but also saved the life of her grand kids.

    Of course, the qs does come up about why her only son keeps on doing this to her. I am mean this one is borderline criminal. I fail to understand why is he doing this. She is giving him money. She is taking care of his kids. He is buying groceries for him and his kids, I mean what more does he wants. He is taking her to a beach in September! Smile could have got pneumonia because of it. She asked her to walk to the bank to get money for him, even though she just came back from a long trip. She could have got dizzy and fallen on the way and get a fracture. And now this. I mean, is he on some sort of a mission! It is simply disgraceful

    @mrizvi: Talking about disgraceful. I hope you dont write the dreaded comment today

  14. I am floored by what is going on! First I almost lost it when I read the blog. And then mrizvi's comment left me speechless.

    I completely and absolutely agree with Boris and comments shared by others about Smile's only son. The only thing which I will add is that our Smile is so generous that she never complained even once. In fact she always has tried to defend him even though his acts have been indefensible

    As for mrizvi, I am not sure if she is making comments to tease us or is rebellious or is not reading or whatever. Regardless of the reasoning this is simply unacceptable

  15. The blog started so well. It was one another masterpiece from Smile. She provides so much valuable insights into how to keep negative thoughts away. And then I read about the fire. I almost fell. This is scary stuff. And then I read the heroics of our Smile , saving a definite disaster. It took me a whole day to recover. And now the comment from mrizvi. If all young adults are like that, then this generation is in big trouble

  16. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Linda Dave Keith Maheen Boris mrizvi Plunker Sheema Batman Retiree Group
    Newbie Fellow Writer Xin Superwoman Cleo Jimmy Brenda Tiara Kim My Irish German Chinese
    French and All the Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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