Not a Big Deal -- Take It easy

Image result for back garden with flowers pictures

To Dear Parents
With Love

It is Wednesday Cold Morning Sunny and Bright
It is 1 Degree Now Temperature is Go On
Dipping Every Day Giving us Signal To Get
Ready Take Out Your Winter Coats From Closet
We are Ready

It is 9.15 am I am in The Library Sitting on
Olive Green Sofa with Beautiful Cushions around
This is The Pool Table Room 

I am Busy Writing My Blog Thinking about Master Golden
He Had His Maths Test This Morning -- He Forgot
So Planned To Skip First Period and To Go
For The Test Tomorrow

My Son Got The News with Calm and Cool Mind
I Started Thinking about Such Situations Couple Of
Years Back -- I Mean at The Time Of My Eldest 

Situation Totally Different -- It used To Be Very Chaotic
For Everyone -- In Father's Dictionary " Yelling " and
Ultimately Internet and Cell Phone Services used To Be Off
For The Rest Of The Day For The Poor Guy -- For My Eldest

I Think To Be a Parent is a Learning Process For Everyone
Over a Period Of Time We Start To Learn That
Nothing is End Of The World

Not Worth It To Shoot Our Blood Pressure On Petty Things
Petty in The Sense That He is Not Going To Build
His Career On The Basis Of One Damn Test 

Being Late To School Once a While is Not That Big Deal
To Ruin The Atmosphere Of Our Household
On Top Spoil Our Whole Day 

My Dear Parents Take It Easy -- Keep That in Mind
Nothing is End Of The World -- Please Don't Let
Your Blood Pressure Shoot -- Let It Go and
Just Relax


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Today being Friday, there are a lot of people who are coming. Most people come to read the blog before going home or to the pub. It is a festive atmosphere. The priest is here and so is the councillor

  2. I won the race to post the blog in our corporate noticeboards today.


    1. This is great. Did you also get the fresh SDs?


    2. Yes. The SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster


    3. I wait 50 min because I no able get fresh donut for poster last day. I tell baker I no care I miss 1 hour pay but I will wait to get donut.


  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome grandson. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. This blog is my lifeline. Thank you for writing every day


  5. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWN was very Friday like today. Some people were looking forward to weekend but most were not feeling good because they are hooked on blogs.


    2. SWS had a similar mood.


  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for our long walk today. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. We had our lollipop after that

    The Smile with Smile committee lead had the honour of reading your blog today. She as well as all members of the subcommittee were extremely pleased. They pointed out that this is revolutionary thinking. The active principal as well as the retired teachers and retired board members who attended the reading of the blog agreed that there is too much pressure on the students. This pressure is often exerted by over-zealous parents. They agreed that one test will not make any difference in the outcome of any student's career. They have already started the process of updating the collateral and will highlight this point first.

    As an aside, they joked that Master Golden is lucky that he has a grandmother like you who can help put things in perspective

    The joint family subcommittee is requesting for some advice and guidance. They are going through some issues with their kids and their son and daughter-in laws. If you can please help. The main issue is that the in-law kids do not give enough respect to the seniors

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. Yet another new blog today! On a completely new topic and brand new ideas!!

    cool Kyle

    1. Just enjoy the blog. Why are you surprised that there are new ideas. Of course, there will be. This is Smile blog after all!


  8. Dear Advisor,

    You wont believe the reception the blog received today. We read the blog at the Smile Garden and even before the reading was complete, there were spontaneous cheers for you. The Smile Army raised slogans saying "Three cheers for Smile" . The entire garden was resonating with this. A no. of professors also joined in. Professor George was seen smiling. He has been called a grumpy old professor so it was surprising for us to see him Smile. The Dean was also smiling and joining in the celebration. The students said that the credit goes to Master Golden though we feel bad for your other grandson who had to live through a typical father. Some of the students were seen making faces when they remembered the episodes that they had to live through. They all said that parents become excited about minor things. In one case, the student got 88% and the father was upset that he didnt get 90%. They expect that we will be working 24 7, while they play games on their devices, watch tv shows etc. It is amazing that you are helping us and understand us

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing grand mother. She is amazing writer. She has amazing grandson. She is involved in amazing activities. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. Father say you no yel father now. Father say that very good. Father say you forget thank father for tip about how get free kaffee and biscuit and donut. Father say it ok he no mind. Father say you need yel you Niklas lot so he no forget skool and that way he scare you to. Father say if he no scare you then he no alow you to put rabit in room. Father say it important start yel when Niklas very Niklas. Father say this another tip. Father say he no say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say you take lot kare you Niklas and all Niklases. Hannah say you wory lot about Niklases please take easie. Hannah say she make Niklas mushroom omellette. She say she make Niklas so father no get sick. Niklas say grandpapa yell him lot because he say I no use and only get 91. Grandpapa say that when he Niklas then he get 100 all time. Me no kare. Me go macdonel with lot friends and then go mall. Me tell father that it no rabit in back garden but he no believe. He want thro more food out like mushroom omelette. Father say rabit like. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. Well well well. Here we go again. Smile described such a difficult complex, and yet these kids dont event have the courtesy to read. ! I wish Smile has not asked us to be so civil.

    Thanks mrizvi. Fantastic comment

  12. Caaaaalllmmmmm down Plunker. Yes Smile has asked us to be nice, so be considerate

    Great comment mrizvi. Good job

  13. Hello Boris Keith Linda Dave Batman Literature Fellow Retiree Group Jimmy mrizvi Brenda Smile Addict Tiara N Kyle Newbie Craig Kim kris Karen Superwoman Marg Jasmeet Cleo Brian Plunker Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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