Don't Take as a Project

It is Tuesday Bright Sunny Morning with 8 Degrees
I Take This Like Summer -- We Canadians Know
How To Play Around The Weather
We Have Our Ways To Distract Ourselves
I Take 8 Degrees as Summer Who Cares It is November
From This Monday We Put Our Clock One Hour Behind
I Mean It is Not 10.30 -- It is Now 9.30 am
I Told You We Know How To Play Around
The Weather Try To Get Happiness
From Anywhere
I am Not Working Today So Have To Plan My Day
But I Have Enough To Do For Today -- Have To Make
Tuesday Calls -- Have To Go For My Walk
Also Have To Make Potato Patties as My Son Having
His Annual Pot Luck Lunch at Work -- I Offered
My Services For That I Love To Be Involved
These are Like Faucets Of Happiness To Me
Anyway It is 11 am I am Getting Ready For My Walk
Dressed up in Layers -- Ready To Go
Beautiful Crunchy Leaves Scattered All Around
I Have To Walk Very Carefully Not To Crush
Any Of These Pieces Of Art and Sculpture
I am at Tim Horton Now -- It is Very Quiet But in
Couple Of Minutes All Filled up as Dunbarton
Students Have Their Lunch Break Now Very Busy
I will Wait To Make My Order Let Them Enjoy Go First
I am Retired I Can Wait Started Writing My Blog
Thinking about My Friend Retired Psychologist
She Wants Me To Write Something about How To Get Happiness
It is Very Simple My Dear -- Never Take It as a Project
Don't Chalk Out Any Guide Line
Never Take It Seriously
Just Go with Your Flow Take No Pressure To Find Happiness
To Look For That Just Relax and You will Get It
I Mean When You are Relaxed Not under Pressure
You will Start Enjoying Whatever You are Doing
You will Be Into The Moment You Have in Hand
That is Happiness All About
I am Enjoying My Small Coffee with Two Third Water
Toasted Raisin Biscuit with Jam Writing My Blog
It is Done Now I am Ready To Walk Home
There is Lots Of Construction Going On at Whites Road
The Walkway is Blocked I Have To Find My Way
Thank You God For Keeping Me Able To Handle
All That Thank You
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Priest is here and serving veggie omelette. He does it every day to whoever says Morning Smile
ReplyDeleteI won the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards. Yippee!!
Fantastic. Enjoy the donut :-)
y Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read this blog every day. It is my life line
I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was a great. We had lots of people for this walk. As usual, we talked about today's blog
SWN was fun too. We are also getting lots of participants. The participants are from all lobbies.
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Job worker in job 2 come and say how you. I say I want talk you because my Madam no like you. She say but she like all and suppose make all hapy. I say yes and she no care if it 8C, she say it sumer and go walk so she remain active so she get grocery and money for her only son. She say that very good and did you read her blog because she write a lot for retired psychologist. I say yes because she care lot for dear reader family. She say but did she write for you? I say no but how you know what she write. She say I need go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor:
ReplyDeleteThe retirees went for our long walk today. After that we had our lollipop. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have.
The retired psychologist was extremely pleased with your blog. We asked her to read the blog but she was not able to. She kept choking with emotion all the time. It was the retired mental health specialist who completed reading of the blog. They both said that this is an opportunity for the mental health community. They are planning to reach out to the health care practitioners who are still working to make sure that they follow the guidelines that you have clearly postulated in your blog. They are very well connected as they have been involved in lots of active research.
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog today at the SRC. The Smile Army was still not willing to come to the front. They mentioned that though you have forgiven them but they have not forgiven themselves. They cant go past the idea that they have caused distress to you. The Dean invited faculty of sports medicine to listen to your blog. They were amazed at the amount of information that they heard . They said this will revolutionaize sports. When Prof George asked how a literary masterpiece can help with sports, the senior professor of sports medicine said that, it may be a literary masterpiece for you, but to us, it is full of advice and guidance for practical ideas. They further clarified that happiness is directly linked to performance. The Dean was heard saying to a senior professor that didnt I tell you that you will not be disappointed!
The students are still very stressed due to the demands being made by our family. Writing 2-3 times a week is a lot. And in some cases, we are required to call once a week!.
thank you
Literature Fellow
Cool. Another new topic today!! This time about psychology. Smile is amazing
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Hey Kyle, Smile's blog are like buffet, there is so much on display and you just pick what you want!
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing happiness advisor. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing counsellor. What an amazing person my Smile is !!
ReplyDeleteFather say you forget yell father today. Father say you probably take break. Father say he joke please no mind. Father say why you wait and let all finish before you order. Father say you need yell them. Father say he go kaffee place like you and yell kaffee person . She student so get scare. Father yell her so she can give free kaffee to father. Father tell her that father want donut to because she make father anger. She say sory and give donut and kafee free. Father say he tell you so you get free kafee to. Father say if you like raisin biskit then that ok. You tell more so you get that free. Father say he no say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say you blog reali good. It give very good idea. It help Hannah lot bekause some time she stress. Like today, Hannah need get up very early and then go to give food rabit. It no son that time so very night. Hannah scare rat and there lot rat and Hannah no that rat like come night lot. Hannah need make brakfast for father. Hannah say she sory that she make you bore with Hannah story. Niklas say he no go skool bekause all skool kid say Niklas baby. Niklas say grandpapa make Niklas watch old people show. And no alow Niklas talk. Me take father kaffee place bkause he say he need go rite like big writer like you. Me then need go office late. Office people no hapy. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Man. I guess the lunacy will never stop. I am afraid that there are others who are starting to show same behaviour
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Jolly good comment
You know Plunker that kids will be kids. Why worry about them. Some are worse than others. And I guess we are dealing with the bad ones
ReplyDeleteFantastic job mrizvi for informing us that this is a good blog. Much appreciated
This blog has it all. Dont believe me. Then here is the proof:
ReplyDeleteLiterary Brilliance:
"I Have To Walk Very Carefully Not To Crush
Any Of These Pieces Of Art and Sculpture"
"Just Go with Your Flow Take No Pressure To Find Happiness
To Look For That Just Relax and You will Get It
I Mean When You are Relaxed Not under Pressure
You will Start Enjoying Whatever You are Doing
You will Be Into The Moment You Have in Hand
That is Happiness All About"
And some inspiration to boot:
"I Take 8 Degrees as Summer Who Cares It is November
From This Monday We Put Our Clock One Hour Behind
I Mean It is Not 10.30 -- It is Now 9.30 am
I Told You We Know How To Play Around
The Weather Try To Get Happiness
From Anywhere "
Absolutely brilliant!
We have been enjoying these dissertations. As these writing further climbs the ladder of excellence, our colleagues find us on our mobile gizmos, pouring our the nuggets of wisdom that you so casually disperse via your folksy tone. Often, we need to go through your blogs, multiple times during the day. This morning, a colleague knowing our fondness for your writing, challenged us to explain to her how these blogs are making our days brighter. All we had to show her your blog in which you challenged the human capacity for physical endurance, demonstrated how to take advantage of bounties which are at the disposal of all and sundry, shared the wisdom and philosophy of bliss, and then put this all together in a simple to use formula. Of course, you packaged it all in your own unique folksy style, which effectively puts a bow on this brilliance! Needless to say, our colleague was seen searching through your past blogs.
ReplyDeleteThank you for making our days brighter
Dave and Linda
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda Dave Boris Keith Batman Literature Fellow Retiree Group Jimmy Brenda mrizvi Kim Tiara Plunker Craig Smile Addict Marg Karen Superwoman Jasmeet N Kyle Newbie Kris Cleo Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone