Drain The Moment in Hand

Niklas My Friend
I Am Happy
Keep It up
Focus On Your School
and Football
It is Thursday Cold Morning with 1 Degree
Cloudy Chances Of Rain in The Afternoon
It was in The News That City Crew is Ready
To Deal with Icy Conditions For Busy
Afternoon Traffic
I am Not Working Today My Son Reminded Me
Not To Go For My Walk He Knows I Walk On
The Days When I am Not Working
News Channels Now Talking about Snow On The Way
I am Not a TV Person But Switch It On To Get Connected
I was On My Computer For a While Going Through
Comments From My Readers Family and Messages
From My Friend and Daughters
My Friend From Sydney Who is Now Back Home Visiting
Her Brother Writes To Me Whenever She
Gets Time -- I Know Most Of Her Family
I Haven't Seen Them For More Than Half a Century
Still We Can Relate When She Talks about
It is So Precious To Have Someone in
Your Life at Our Age at The Last leg Of Our Life
It is Like a Golden Bond When Somebody Talking
With a Trust That The Person at The Other
End Listening
Anyway Watching after Weather Channel I Decided
To Get Ready For My Walk -- I Believe
We Have To Enjoy Our Moment
Past is Done -- Gone You Can Not Turn The Page
Tomorrow is Not Known So Present Moment in
Hand is Everything We Have Try To Value That
Drain That Out
I Am All Dressed Up in Layers Now Have To Take
One Of My Light Winter Coat Out Of Closet
To Put It On
We Canadians Have Categories Of Winter Coats Light
Medium and Heavy -- I Got My Light One For Today
It is Long and Warm
I am at Tim Horton Enjoying My Time -- My Coffee
Writing My Blog -- Now Students From Dunbarton
High School Started Coming -- This is Their
Lunch Break
I am Happy To See These Young Bright Smiling
Faces All Around I Take Them Like Signals Of
Hope and Trust For Years To Come --
They are Our Asset Our Future
May God Their Happiness Their Smile will Never
Be Taken Away Amen --- Please Always Keep
Watching Over Them Thank You
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are in my shop today to read blog. They come here to read blog from today and also the past week. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside as the word has got out that Smile has wrote a blog about the science of happiness and teen issues. They are both important topics here. The priest is making notes about them too. Some customers have stated taking bets on what he will be talking about tomorrow. It is a festival here
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is awesome! She is an awesome walker! She is an awesome volunteer. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
Thank you for being my lifeline. I read this blog every day
I like you blog in China. It very very good. You write topic which important in China like teenkids
ReplyDeleteThis good. I no Anglais. French good
DeleteYou blog good. I read Italy. It tell life in Canada which fun
DeleteI read blog Russia. I read family because it important topic
DeleteThis blog very knowledge and very fun. I read Spanish.
DeleteDear Anonymous readers, it good you read Madam blog in your language. Madam blog very complicate. If you no understand that you ask me. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
DeleteDear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go fat job worker and say you want go walk with me. She say it rain lot outside. I say her I no care. My Madam write that wether no problem and it no big deal. She say but you will get wet. I say. My Madam go when it very very cold so I need go to. I think she get head pain. I do 2 proud job and always read blog.
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees went for our long walk today. Our walk was just under 10 mins, including short breaks. Our walk, though very long for us is nothing compared to the walk you take. After our walk, we had our lollipop at the cafe.
Your blogs have been creating a lot of positive vibes in our retired community. Specially your blogs for the past 2 days have been about things that retirees can use. For example your blog from Wed, Nov 8, 2017 about the science of happiness was outstanding. We read that again today as we could not understand some finer points during our reading yesterday. We realized that we should have cultivated hobbies but some of us are thinking that it is too late for us. I am wondering if you can share some thoughts?
recent retiree
Dear recent retiree, why you no read blog lot time one day before. Madam blog very complicate. She write lot filosofy to. If you no understand then you ask me. I no tell if no ask. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
DeleteDear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog the Smile Garden today. Your blog was a reminder to us how important relationships are in our lives. Though many of us dont understand it at this time but we have been reading about that in our lectures.
Our exams are mostly over but we still have more coming up so we are focused on that. Some of the students plan to go to watch a movie today. Others are dreading that their parents will be calling them to explain why their son/daughter are not being careful with money. They dont understand that we have so much pressure and at times we have to go out and spend on entertainment to destress ourselves.
Prof George requested that we go through your blog from yesterday one more time today as he did not believe how much influence he and other teachers can have on us. After wards, we raised slogans for you.
PS: We sometimes address you as Advisor, we hope that it is ok. We do that at Dean's insistence because he thinks that you are not just an author but also an advisor to him and other professors.
thank you
Literature Fellow
We read your blog daily. You talk about topics which are very important. I specially like your blog from yesterday as it gives some very good advice to parents to take it easy on kids. My wretched daughter in law who reads your blog every day is always yelling at her kids. Yesterday was the first day that she took a little easy on them
ReplyDeleteMother in law of the Happy Reader
Father say why you go when so cold. Father say father also go walk when very cold. Father say he Kris (me) tell father no go but father very independent and very act so always go out when father get chance. Father say like father go out today when it very cold and show futbal kids how play futbal. Father say the coach no there when father go because coach no alow kid to learn from father because he think father tell very complicate trik. Father say after team win father give them bier candy. Father say he no say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say that it very good that you get so many friend and you so act. Hannah say please no go walk when it that cool because you can get sick. Hannah say please take care you. You take lot pressure. Niklas say that grandpapa tell Niklas to wake so grandpapa can walk on driveway. Niklas say Niklas wait 15 min because grandpapa dress lot time and then he tell Niklas to check if there ice on driveway but it 16C so how possible that there is ice. Niklas say grandpapa walk 10 min and then say it very cool. Me take father far away mall but he no come out car because he say it lot busy. Father then tell me to take community place like you. Me then take him there. He tell me wait out. Me then bring father back. Me tell father me need thing to do but he no care. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing. She has an amazing friend. She is an amazing Tim Hortons goer. She is an amazing writer. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!
ReplyDeleteThis is getting ridiculous. It makes my blood pressure go really high. I know, I know .....
ReplyDeleteGood job mrizvi. You made my day. Thanks
Calm down. Take it eaasssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Yes we need to be kind
ReplyDeleteGreat work mrizvi. You guessed it right kiddo
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteBoris Keith Batman Linda Dave Literature Fellow Retiree Group mrizvi Karen Superwoman Jimmy Brenda Plunker N Kyle Newbie Cleo Tiara Kim Craig Marg Smile Addict Jasmeet Kris Happy Reader and Mother in Law Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone