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My Friend " N "
I will Write For You
Don't You Worry
Father Started Making
Everyone's Life a Hell
Giving Smoke and Beer To Kids
Kris You Have To Control Father
Keep Him Away From Ruining
Other People's Life -- Please
Niklas My Friend
Don't You Stop Going To School and
It is Tuesday 8 Degrees Feels Like 3 Degrees
I am Not Working Today -- in The Morning I was
Not Sure about My Walk as It was Cloudy and Windy
Afterwards Sun Came Out I Think This is
Signal From God For Me To Not To Quit My Walk
I Started Getting Ready To Get Out
I Have To Make Couple Of My Usual Tuesday
Calls I will Do when I will Be Back
It is Windy with Gust 45 km
I Have To Stop For Couple of Seconds To Keep
My Balance Throughout My Walk -- I am Dressed
Up in Layers Even Double Socks
I Think Now I Have To Start Wearing Leg Warmer
Next Time -- I will Keep That in Mind
My Dear Retirees Friends You Ask Me That
What is Behind My Active Living -- It is Not Vitamins
Not Any Supplement It is The Moment I Have
I am Scared Of The Moments I Have in My Hand
are Slipping Away So Just Not Hold It Tight But also
Have To Make Use Of That
I Take My Moments as My Currency -- My Cash Flow
From My Bank Account which I am Go On Losing
Every Minute I Don't Want To Get It Wasted
I Have To Make Some Investment Buy Some Stocks
For My Happiness Project I Think It is a Safe and
Solid Investment
This Way I will Have No Regrets It is Working For Me
For Now -- Who Knows Tomorrow -- Past is Done
Present Moment In Hand is Everything
I am at Tim Horton Students From Dunbarton High School
are All Around No Space Long Line Up -- Luckily I Found
My Favorite Spot But I will Wait To Order My Coffee
It is 12 after Most of The Students are Gone
I am Having My Coffee Writing My Blog
Enjoying My Time With My Readers Family
Will Walk Home -- There is a Total Different Scenario
Now To enjoy -- Colors All Around and Leaves Scattered
Like Pieces Of Ornament -- Of Jewelry
I Have To Walk Very Carefully Not To Crush Any Of
These Under My Feet You Can Have a Very Strong Feel
Of Fall Season -- This Season is Like an Stop Over Between
Summer and Winter -- Beautiful Time To Enjoy
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Some customers were asking me for the recipe blog but I clarified that Smile didn't post one today as she posts them on Thursdays
ReplyDeleteI won the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards. Yippee!!
Fantastic. Enjoy the donut :-)
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome walker! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read your blog every day. I will wait for the blog when you write for me.
I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWN was fantastic. We took the nature trail today. Lots of discussion about Smile's blog
SWS was fun too. We talked about the Smile blog and her kindness to her readers. both young and old. A no. of people talked about her writing. She writes so flowery blogs
Dear Madam Smile, You so good. You write good to. Mr. Supervisor come and say how you. I say I very anger and need go prey. He say what hapen. I say that my Madam need go walk Tim Horton to write blog. It so wind that she would fly away and fall. I anger that her only son no take care her and no drive her to Tim Horton. I need go prey so God help. He say but she want walk. I say yes but it so bad wether in Canada. I saw in TV. It no safe and my Madam no eat lot so no fat. I think he remember joke. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees went for our long walk today. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. We had our lollipop after that
The retirees were very concerned after reading your blog. The retired professional athlete and the retired professional trainer passed a resolution to request that you take care and suspend your walking activities in inclement conditions. They pointed out that even during the tail end of the professional careers they were asked to suspend doing heavy training unless it was before an important international event. Aside from expressing concern, the retirees could not believe that you have been pushing the boundaries of physical endurance so much.
The committee on Healthy Living and Well being has been compiling the list of your regular meals and they mentioned that you probably have a very big breakfast because there is no way that you can survive on such small meals. Can you please clarify
thank you
recent retiree
As we go through the regular readings of your dissertations on a daily basis, we noticed that there are multiple avenues of happiness and business that you choose to have. This includes physical endurance, literary genius, sports and other physical activities, social and community events, family time , personal time, as well as entertainment. These tractates have been educating and tutoring us and our colleagues in the art of living a full life, which is stocked with positivity.
ReplyDeleteWe noticed that often times you do not lecture your readership, like many of your illustrated colleagues tend to do, but instead demonstrate it by living it. This brings a touch of personalization to your writings that is quite unique.
It will be amiss if we do not comment your folksy style. Though some of your other colleagues, Thomas Hardy, Somerset Maugham and James Herriot specially, do have a very accomplished tenor to their writings, yet often times, they either focus too much on the flash and miss the substance. Yet you differ from them that you bring not just style, but also have a moral in each of your blog. In nutshell, in our humble estimation, you are a cut above and we count our lucky stars every day to have come across these blogs.
Thank you for making our days brighter
Dave and Linda
Dear Dave and Linda, how you. Why you say that Dear Thomas Hardy and Dear Somerset Maugham and Dear James Herriot Madam colleague. I check google and they no write now. I think you mad mistake but it ok because we reader family so it no problem. Madam write complicate blog so if you no understand then let me know and I help. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
DeleteDear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the SRC today. The weather was a little breezy today so we could not read it outdoors as some of the senior professors prefer to stay indoors during this time. The faculty of Clinical Psychology was invited to the blog reading today. Prior to coming here, the Dean asked them to read your past 10 blogs and also analyze it. This was done so we can have indepth discussion on the blog as they will be familiar with your writing style and your ideas. The Senior professors were blown away at the amount of insights that you have included in these blogs. They were already somewhat familiar as your blogs are known in the campus, specially after the way you handled the local students situation and also the issues relating to the great friends.
The students are very stressed because of our mid terms. Most of the exams are in the next few days. Though we are very busy that we dont have time to meals and are cutting back on our sleep, but we are still reading these blogs as we are hooked on them. I am sharing with you to let you know as some of our editing may not be that good. We hope you will understand.
thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing Tim Horton's goer. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile
ReplyDeleteFather say you start yell father. Father say he yes mind. Father say what rong if father give award to kid. Father say what rong if father teach kid play futbal. Father say what rong if father hug Niklas. Father say father need enjoy life to. Father say when father Kris, father work all time. Father say father work all time now to. Like he show Niklas how play futbal and take him see see and morning son and show him station and lot thing. Father say father sick to because Hannah no make good food. Father say doctor tell father to eat well. Father say he say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say that father no happy today. Hannah say she give yogurt smoothie because he like it. Hannah say that sometime when father hungry then he get upset so that why she give smoothie to father because she want house atmosfare good. Niklas say Niklas no want go skool and futbal but go because you say. Niklas say grandpapa anger today and come skool with futbal kid and call Niklas baby in front friend. Grandpapa then go futbal and call baby. Coach no let kid talk grandpapa and tell them that bier and smoke no good. Me take father morning son and station . Me take cushion but father say cushion cold but Niklas no there so me no able go as father no want stay alone. Father anger. Hannah tire. Niklas sad. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Well , well, well. My head is starting to hurt now. I have run out of ideas. Same thing every day. I know, I know ....
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Very insightful comment.
CCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmm doooowwwwwwwwwnnnnn ! Just reeeeeeelllllllaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxx. You are right, Smile has asked us to be kind
ReplyDeleteGood job mrizvi. Brilliant comment. I wonder what we will do without you kiddo
Smile writes blog in such a nice style that they look like literary brilliance only but these blogs have so much depth and meaning behind them. Just look at what Smile wrote today
ReplyDelete"I Take My Moments as My Currency -- My Cash Flow
From My Bank Account which I am Go On Losing
Every Minute I Don't Want To Get It Wasted
I Have To Make Some Investment Buy Some Stocks
For My Happiness Project I Think It is a Safe and
Solid Investment
This Way I will Have No Regrets It is Working For Me
For Now -- Who Knows Tomorrow -- Past is Done
Present Moment In Hand is Everything"
It will take some good philosophers to bang their heads together to comprehend this meaning.
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda Dave Boris Keith Literature Fellow Retiree Group mrizvi Batman Plunker Smile Addict Jimmy Brenda N Kyle Newbie Cleo Tiara Kim Craig Marg Kris Jasmeet Karen Superwoman Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone
Father say you forget yell father. Father say you probably take break. Father say he joke please no mind. Father say he yell Niklas lot today because he no tell father time for futbal so father no able go watch match. Father yell Kris lot to because he no take father library. Father yell Hannah because she no family but try act like family. Father yel nabor to because nabor no pay and watch bird tric free. Father no able t see bird and no able see rabit because Hannah no give fresh food. Father no no how you see bird and rabit all time. Father say he no say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say father litle upset today because Hanah no able give fresh food to rabit. Hannah give bird seed and cut fruit for rabit but cut fruit night. Father want cut fruit morning not night. Hannah try keep good house atmosfere. Hannah say you need take ease because you care lot lot pepil. Niklas say Niklas tric grandpapa and say him match cancel today but then he go alone. Niklas play very good game. Father tell me take library but father no part of library so me no no which father do library because he no like read and no rite blog like you. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)