Don't Wait For Empty Nest

Image result for Garden with Birds pictures

Kris My Friend
Please Don't Cut Niklas  Phone or Football

Father Has Not To Interfere
with Niklas Studies
He Has To Mind His Own Business
Watching TV or Whatever

Please Don't Yell at Niklas
His Marks Not Bad
He will Improve
I Trust Him

Ask Father Not To Wake Him 
Before Sunrise and Not To
Throw Ice On His Face Please

It is Friday with One Degree Feels Like  2 Below
Zero Still Bright Sunny Beautiful Morning
No Snow No Rain Enough To Celebrate

Usually I am Working Full Time On Fridays But
Tomorrow On Saturday We are Having Our 
Christmas Bazar 

Today We Have To Set up Everything For Tomorrow
So I am Off Today -- My Grand Kids Have Their
PA Day Today So They are Off Too

I was Busy On My Computer Checking Messages
and Reading Comments On My Blog -- It is 11 am 
My Youngest Just Awake 

He is in Grade 8th So Started Behaving Like Teenager
I Mean Waking Up Late at Night and Sleeping Till
Late in The Morning -- Master Golden Still Sleeping

It is OK Let Them Enjoy Their Childhood Period
After Years It will Be Like Beautiful Golden
Memories For Them To Brighten Their
Days in Years To Come 

I am Thinking about My Friend Niklas Whose Childhood
Period Taken away Not By Any Outsider Any Stranger
It is Done By His Own Grandpa -- How Strange 
Very Painful To Imagine

I will Give Breakfast Of His Choice To My Youngest
after That Start Getting Ready For My Walk To Tim Horton

I Have To Listen To My Mind and Body Otherwise
They wont Listen To Me -- I Think It Works
For Everyone For Any Situation

My Retiree Friends Asking Some Tips For Joint Family Living
I Mentioned in My Earlier Blogs -- This is Not Easy For 
Anyone -- Not For We Seniors

But I Think Our Kids Have To Suffer More
They are Forced To Pitch in More While We Never
Appreciate Or Acknowledge Any Of Their Actions

I am Sorry To Say We Take Everything For Granted
Like It is Their Duty -- Most Of The Time -- We Go on
Complaining -- Grumbling For Things Not Done

We Believe This is Not Enough -- Worst Thing
We Try To Emotionally Blackmail Our Kids
Remember " Father " Plays This Trick 
and always Wins

We Have To be Realistic and Not To Compare More
Than Half a Century Back Circumstances with Today's
Our Kids Have To Face More Competition in
Today's World -- Lots Of Pressure For Them

We Don't Have To Be Demanding We Have To
Put Ourselves in Their Shoes and Life will Be 
Easy For Everyone 

I am at Tim Horton Enjoying My Coffee -- Done with
My Blog Writing Now Ready To walk Home To Enjoy
Nature -- My Grandsons must Be Waiting For Lunch

These are Rare Moments To Enjoy after Couple Of Years
They also will Be Gone Like My Eldest -- Before We will Be
Sitting with Empty Nest Value The Moments in Hand


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are in my shop today to read blog. They come here to read blog from today and also the past week. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside. I am running low on supplies. It has become a tradition that they come here to Smile Corner and then go to the market for their shopping. The councillor is also here today. He is talking to the priest. It is like a festival here.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome philosopher. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I read your blog every day but you dont write for me. Sometimes you only write 2-3 paragraphs for me. I want you to write the whole blog for me. You ask me to give food to bird but they make so much mess


  4. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    1. This good. I no Anglais. French good

    2. This good blog. I read Russia

    3. I enjoy you blog. I no good Anglais but French good

    4. I read blog Poland. It very good. I read with family

  5. It is not only the kids who suffer but I suffer to. My mother in law is always on my case. Why I woke up too late, why I am doing this, that. Does not give me a break! I didnt write earlier because you asked me not to write, but she is going bezerk

    Happy Reader

  6. Yet another new blog today. Smile always creates a new blog every day

    cool Kyle

    1. Yes Smile always serves the readers a new set of ideas every day.


  7. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go job worker with video kid and say her how you. She say I busy and no time talk blog. I say her busy very good. Is video kid bother you She say yes he only plays video game. I say her that very good because he is suppose to play. She say what you mean. I say her that it good that you nest no empty. When he go to school on weekday then nest empty. I think she remember joke. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees did not go for our walk today as it was extremely cold. The temp was almost 15C. Our walk though very long for us, is nothing as compared to the walks that you have. We went straight to the reading of the blog

    The retirees were very appreciative of your blog today. The retirees discussed your blog in detail. There are a no. of retirees who feel strongly that our kids dont take adequate care and we need to do that ourselves. The retirees pointed out that instead of them being sandwiched, it is the retirees living in joint social situations who have to compromise a lot. Our kids take us for granted unless we create some scene. We are wondering how can we make our kids realize that we are doing so much for them

    thank you
    recent retiree

  9. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Research Center today. We agree with your comments that the young people are under a lot of stress and our parents expect a lot from us. As we get to be teenagers, as your other grandson going to grade 8 is, we cannot just wake up too early. It is natural. We dont understand why our parents dont understand this.

    By the way, a no. of our friends do not have access to their phones now as the access has been temporarily taken away by their irate fathers . The fathers took this access away because they did not think that 85% or so is a good mark for a university student. Some of our other friends are dreading what will happen because they have yet to receive their final mid term marks. We hope your grandson is not having that hard a time as we are having

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  10. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing Tim Horton's goer. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing therapist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. Father say you tell father lot lot today. Father say he yes mind. Father say why you say Kriss stress lot. Father say when father Kris he no stress. Father say Kris no problem. Kris able drive. Kris go office and talk friend. Kris go play competer all time. Kris sit sofa do nothing. Father lot stress because father need yell Hannah so she give goog brakfast and father need yell Niklas because Niklas no get good mark and father need yell nabor because he no pay and father need yell Kris. Father say father lot stress. Father say he say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say father little upset. Hannah wake very late morning. Hannah wake 6:45 and father brakfast late. Hannah say she want thank because you rite lot nice thing for Niklas. Hannah say you need please take lot easie because you wory lot al Niklases. Niklas say he no alow read comment because Niklas mark bad. Me do what you say and no bother Niklas now and only take his phone and his tablet but no cut name in futbal but me tel coach that Niklas need miss some game because he bad mark. Coach say 88 good but he no no that it lot dificult get admision uni. He say take ease like you. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  12. Come on! Give me a break. This is getting ridiculous. It makes my blood pressure go really high. I know, I know .....

    Good job mrizvi. You made my day. Thanks

  13. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. Just Calm down. Take it eaasssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Yes we need to be kind

    Great work mrizvi. You guessed it right kiddo

  14. Is Smile a brilliant psychologist or what. This blog posts are always full of nuggets of wisdom like today:

    "I Have To Listen To My Mind and Body Otherwise
    They wont Listen To Me -- I Think It Works
    For Everyone For Any Situation"


  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Batman Linda Dave Literature Fellow Retiree Group Karen Superwoman Keith mrizvi Kim Tiara Craig Marg Smile Addict Brenda Jimmy Plunker Jasmeet Kris N Kyle Newbie Happy Reader and Mother in Law Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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