Take it or Leave it

Kris My Friend
Father gave time to His Niklas
now You have to listen to
Your Niklas
This has to be like that
Parents always take care of
their Kids
But in case of Niklas
His Parents are busy with
Father doesn't like Microwave
Great !! He wants fresh Oatmeal
Hannah You have to get up
35 minutes early before
going to Work
No choice My Dear
Father has to enjoy
Keep in mind
It is cloudy 13 Degrees 70% chances
of Rain Yesterday also was raining during
most of the Day
Our weather in Toronto takes turn from 15 August
and September We need sweater & jackets
this is our Summer take it or leave it
We need light jacket Today as not sunny
cloudy and a bit cold but I am OK
My Friend is picking Me up
It is Monday I am working part time I mean
Darts only I will be back after 12
I am wearing Navy Blue Denim Full sleeves
shirt from My Youngest Daughter she used
to wear it I liked it so She gave it to Me
I have the same size of Shirts - Shoes & Pants
as of My Daughters so I take what they don't like
or not in fashion
This shirt is with Me like a Souvenir
it is a quiet Morning I am walking on
My Driveway it is 9.25
No activity in the apartments over Twin Trees
no Birds around may be busy with House
cleaning as Kids left for schools
My Friend N was feeling low as She has
no Company around Everyone has
Company My Dear
Just go to Your Back Garden spread some
left over bread pieces and put some water
in any pot or Plate
You can do it on your Balcony and watch from
a distance or from behind the Window
so that Birds feel safe to visit your Place
Take any Book to read or any Magazine
to browse have a cup of Tea and enjoy
We are never alone
God always provides us Company
He keeps watching over All of
His Creatures Big or Small
Keep in Mind please
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was great. As usual there was a big group of people today. We went for the nature walk
SWN was fun. There was a lot of discussion about Smile's blog. Participants pointed out that Smile discusses very complex concepts but explain them very nicely
Management also loves Smile's writing Smile. I reviewed the plan for the Smile Workshops with the management today and they specifically asked me to add 1 workshop exclusively for management
Thank you for writing the ideas for me. I will try it today.
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome philosopher! She is an awesome intellectual. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I won the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards. Yippee!!
Fantastic. Enjoy the donut :-)
Dear Madam Smile, You so good. I go fat job worker and say how you. She say I very busy no time for blog. I say but I no come to tell blog because I no allow tell until you no ask. I come to get bread from you. She say I no understand. I say I need give bread to bird but I no have bread. I come to ask you because you fat so you probably have lot bread. She say what you talk. I say I no allow tell because it written in blog. She say I need go but no bread. I go Mr. Supervisor and say him that I need go at lunch to market to get bread for bird and to Navy blue denim full sleeves shirt because I no have it. He say you Madam no say that you need wear it or give bread. I say but how you know, I no show blog you. He say he need go. I think he get head pain to. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees went for our long walk today. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. We had our lollipop after that. The retired physical trainer and the retired professional athlete did not join us for the walk as they have been advised further rest. They however joined us for the reading of the blog.
The retirees appreciated the advice you shared about feeding the birds. The retired ornithologist who led the reading of today's blog appreciated that you are using your global profile to promote ornithology. She requested that we pass the motion to commend your efforts and give you the title of honorary ornithologist. The motion was passed unanimously
The subcommittee on parenting is requesting for some help and guidance from you. If you can please provide your suggestions when you get some time
Thank you
recent retiree
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing author. She is an amazing ornithologist. She is an amazing counselor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is
ReplyDeleteDear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students and the professors read your blog at the SRC today. After reading your blog we decided to go to the Smile garden to do some volunteer work but more importantly, the students put together a bird feeder and the professors bought bread for the bird feeder. The Dean is planning on having a ceremony to inaugurate it. The professors wanted to call it Smile's birdhouse, but the Dean thought it is very boring. We are wondering if you have any suggestions as to what we should call it.
Literature Fellow
Father say you yell father lot every day. Father say he yes mind. Father no spend time with father. Kris go office for long time. Father say when Kris Niklas and Father Kris, then father spend time with Kris because father father no alive. Father say father spend lot time with Niklas like he take him to see rabit, and take him to see flower and yell him if he no watch tele with father and also take him to play futbal. Father say Hannah no no how make good oatmeal in micro that why she need wake early. Father say he say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say that she thank you because you write so nice for her. She say it ok to get up 35 min early. Niklas say grandpapa make him see lot tele. Niklas say he no want see Agatha Kristy but grandpapa say Niklas need see and no let him talk. Me need go office for lot time as lot work but father no happy. Office no happy to. Niklas no happy to. Hannah no happy to. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Will you please stop this!! It is weird.
ReplyDeleteGreat work mrizvi
Just chill Plunker. Remember what Smile said "Dont take life too seriously"
ReplyDeleteNice of you to write a comment mrizvi. You did read it right?
Smile's brilliance in describing simple, commonplace events is uncanny. Just look at this:
ReplyDelete"No activity in the apartments over Twin Trees
no Birds around may be busy with House
cleaning as Kids left for schools"
No wonder her readers throng to these blogs
Thank you Smile
We are continuing to spend time outdoors and making circadian treks to the local internet hotspots to access your blog. Your today's blog provided some very propitious and pragmatic guidance in how to be closer to nature and not be blasé. We tried it today and intend to incorporate this in our quotidian.
ReplyDeleteWe also are following your persistence with Kris's clan. Your desire to succor the young gentleman is very commendable. We wish you success
Thank you for making our lives brighter
Dave and Linda
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda Dave Batman Boris mrizvi Plunker Literature Fellow Jimmy
Tiara Brenda Karen Superwoman Retiree Group Kim Keith Craig Marg Jasmeet
Cleo N Kyle Newbie Happy Reader Sheema Thanks All My Anonymous and
Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone